Angel and May

A01-E02 - Where Offerings Fell

July 13, 2019 Barry Haworth / Cecilia Girard / Gabriel King / Helen Ekundayo / Jamie Meecham / Lillian Dowdell / Parker Burke / Melanie Blizard / Priya Shah / Robert Gettons / Steven Cameron Season 1 Episode 2

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Our detectives have a very stinky time in a dumpster, things can only get better, right?

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                             EPISODE 2 - WHERE OFFERINGS FELL

               INT. DUMPSTER
               (SHARROW, ALEX, KRIS, SLIM)


                         Fun and Games.

                         Screw That!

                                                           HISSING ACID

                         Ahhh, remind me not to put that
                         stuff on my fish and chips!

                                                           ACID HISSING

                         Do not touch those edges, they have
                         molecular acid on them, eat your
                         hands right off.

                         Guys' can I help?

                         You, got a welding touch?

                         I've got a nail file!

                         Here Kris hold this, how come your
                         carrying all that stuff?

                         It's standard in my escape pack
                         along with other useful stuff

                                                            RUSTLING OF
                                                             WASTE BAGS

                         Such as?

                         Guns, explosives, you know all the
                         stuff an action gurl like me needs
                         for day to day. Oh I might have
                         some lipstick in their somewhere at
                         the bottom! Oh, Ahh

                                                         METALLIC CRASH

               Sounds of Alex exerting herself to bend metal

                         Jeese, Alex, So this lipstick will
                         let me fix my lips and blow us up.


                         Hay, are you sure your super-size
                         gun package will actually fit
                         through the hole?

                                                         METALLIC CRASH

                         What these little old pop guns! Fit
                         through most spaces I can get

                         Oh, let me see, (switch to mocking
                         voice) the latest for bad girls
                         this year is wait, a matching
                         flechette combined with the new
                         black fully automatic, goes well
                         with knife shoes, a good divorce
                         lawyer and a fast car!

                                                             WASTE BAGS

                         (Switch to mocking voice), Its all
                         the rage in Paris, you know!

                                                         DUMPSTER CRASH


                         Well... Think it's gone well so
                         far, we wouldn't be in this
                         dumpster if I didn't have it.


                         Yep there is that, can't be denied.
                         Ohhh! Any perfume in that bag of

                         Ahhh, Ohhhh!

                         What's this Ohhh, It's not
                         explosive, is it?



                                                           BAG RUSTLING

                         Geese don't think so, let me see,
                         pepper spray, some thermite,
                         starter caps, some a couple of
                         flares, one thunder flash and oh
                         what this, oh I forgot my super
                         glue. Look Sharrow we may really
                         stink but, Ahhh, at least were not
                         full of lead!

                                                          LONG GROAN OF
                                                            METAL BEING

                         Yah, theres that, now lets get out
                         of this rat trap.

                         Alex use your boot.

               EXT. BASEMENT
               GUNMAN 4)

                                                         METALLIC CRASH

                         Ha, that works!

                                                          TENSION MUSIC

                         I hope we got most of those
                         bastards, otherwise it going to get

                         Mah, whats new!

                         Lets follow the walls, that way I
                         can shoot out the lights and we can
                         still go around. Stay low, behind
                         the pillars, not the cars OK so
                         I've got what I need what tools did
                         you guys pick up? 

                         Ah, let me see, I got the VP7s and
                         some ammo, Kris have you got

                         I grabbed that old gun in the safe.
                         Looks kinda of scary, got a nice
                         look about it. Yeah I know! Look I
                         had a boyfriend who used to shoot.
                         He showed me a few things. This for

                                                           PISTOL BEING
                                                             LOADED AND

                         PA of many talents! A don't
                         remember seeing that on your
                         resume. Kris, this isn't your
                         fight, get away while you can.

                         Like hell its not my fight! I've
                         been with you guys all along.

                         Were all a bit light on ammo, and
                         the flechette has only got one more
                         in her. So well only get one

                         Yeah, one chance is all we need,
                         with that gun we can kick their

                         Stay low I will give you guys some

                                                       RUNNING FEET MEN

                                   GUNMAN 1
                         Guys there over there!

                                   GUNMAN 2
                         Julius, their on the left

                                   GUNMAN 3
                         OK Boss! I'll give you cover!

                         There's one on the left over by the

                                                          DOUBLE PISTOL

                         Shit they got me in the leg!

                         Alex get down, I'll try and get to
                         you and take a look at it!

                                                           LASER PISTOL
                                                         MULTIPLE SHOTS

                         Sharrow do not move, they have you, 
                         I will deal with it.

                                                           LASER PSITOL

                         Kris, Go now, get out while you can
                         Use the door behind the lift, it
                         leads to the road. 

                                                            MACHINE GUN

                                                           LASER PSITOL


                         Sharrow, not having much luck with
                         this wound. I'll get over behind
                         that pillar. Cover me!

                                                         MULTIPLE SHOTS

                         Guys, you can't win, there are too
                         many of them.  Get out!

                                                        MULTIPLE SHOTS,
                                                       HEAVY DUTY LASER

                         Kris go to Maria mothers place get
                         MARIE and take the emergency bag I
                         left with her, there is money and
                         new passports. We'll sort this!


                         Shit! OK.

                         Don't wait up! Sharrow I'm ready to
                         move, I need that cover now! 

                         OK go!

                                                          SINGLE PSITOL

                         Alex, I'm out, running on air!

                         OK I'm screwed! Need to deal with
                         these bastards.

                                                       FLECHETTE AIMING

                         Mildreds coming out to play!

                                                          HUGE MULTIPLE
                                                       EXPLOSIONS, WITH

                                   GUNMAN 1

                                                         AUTOMATIC FIRE

                         What's argh!

                                   GUNMAN 3

                         Shit, Alex! I think you cleared
                         them out.

                         Ohhh, Tear my shirt and stuff it in
                         here and here try and slow the
                         bleeding, I'm feeling really faint.

                                                          RIPPING CLOTH

                         OK I its as tight as I want to make
                         it, we need to get you to a
                         hospital immediately.

                         Sharrow don't think I can hang on
                         much longer.

                                                           STRING BUILD

                         Shut up of course you can!

                         Sharrow, get outa here!

                         Sorry, no way, I'm leaving you.
                         Think we good now, can't see any

                                   GUNMAN 4
                         Oh Shit, take that you bitches

                                                         AUTOMATIC FIRE
                                                              AND BLAST

                         Alex I'm sorry, so sorry.

                         Sharrow, we had a good run it has
                         to end sometime. I'm going to miss

                                                         STRING FADE TO

                                                         RESOLVING INTO
                                                          LOW LEVEL BAR

               INT. LABORATORY.
               (O'BRIAN, CHADWELL)

                                                              LAB SUCKY

                         Did the board agree to 'INDIGO
                         BLUE', we really need to be moving
                         to the next protocol stage. Time is
                         short on this, you understand.

                         Well I explained the extensive
                         cross referencing we have been
                         doing, and also used the threat of
                         the Chinese teams efforts, but they
                         still appear reluctant to make a
                         positive decision.

                         These constant delays are
                         insufferable, do you understand
                         that the sponsor is getting
                         restless. Do you realize the risks
                         for both of us?

                         Look it's not easy the protocols,
                         they have checks and balances, I
                         can't simply wander in and
                         circumvent all the procedures. We
                         simply cannot take such a leap.
                         What if 'INDIGO BLUE' does not
                         behave as planned, it could start
                         an epidemic, this nano technology
                         is very powerful and with that
                         power comes responsibilities.

                         You don't think I fully understand
                         the consequences of impetuous
                         action. I can reassure you that all
                         safety protocols will be followed.
                         I must say I'm getting tired of you
                         constant wining. Look we have a
                         level 4 lab, the best tech, the,
                         best operatives, and a very rich
                         sponsor. Do you think I would be
                         risking my career on an off chance.
                         Worst case if this does not work
                         we'll freeze them, ship the
                         'corpsicles' to deep space. Problem
                         solved. We laylow, publish a couple
                         of papers on a different subject.

                         Hum I don't know, I have to think
                         about this I don't like this
                         informational genetic hack, live
                         viruses, add in the nano tech and
                         it just gives me the creeps. You of
                         all persons know how it could
                         replicate and spread, attenuation
                         is not going to be effective in
                         this case. Hell, shooting them
                         wouldn't be good enough, you would
                         have to disassemble. I cannot
                         authorize this, mice yes, monkey's
                         maybe, but human test subject at
                         this early stage? Its too much. 

                         I see Chadwell, given my sponsor, I
                         will have to reconsider all

               O'Brian looks menacingly at Chadwick and exits the room.

                                                        TRANSITION HOOK

               INT. COFFEE SHOP.
               (WHITLOW, O'BRIAN, SLIM)

               Two men enter and sit at table that is isolated from other

                         Look you know I don't like physical
                         meetings, its risky, this had
                         better be good O'Brian.

                         I wouldn't be here unless it was
                         absolutely necessary. 

                         So what's the issue?

                         Chadwell has raised ethical issues
                         with the project board he is now
                         blocking human trails. We have no
                         option than to go 'off piste' and
                         that comes with costs and benefits.


                         We can be more ambitious after all
                         we have nothing to loose now.
                         We can move into serum tests on say
                         the recently traumatized if we get
                         to them no more than two hours
                         after the trauma. The protocol
                         should be able to repair damage and
                         then instigate cell level genetic
                         repair. It will be very solid test
                         of the full capabilities of the

                         Medical records, bodies and
                         relatives not withstanding?

                         We get them marked as deceased and
                         move to disposal after the tests.
                         We just substitute dummies for
                         cremation. We keep the bodies in
                         case we need to referenced and for
                         long term analysis. My thought is
                         the best place is flick them out to
                         the belt in a black boat. No one's
                         going to be looking there. We can
                         short-cut the procedure by years. 

                         Hmmm, downsides?

                         Cost, but I was led to believe that
                         was not an issue in this case.
                         Think of the personal benefits. The
                         cancer whilst in check will come
                         back eventually. This offers you a
                         way out. Once we confirm on the
                         'test subjects' I can move to your
                         treatment within months.

                             (he pauses and then comes
                              to a decision). )
                         OK I proceed O'Brian, but if
                         anything happens, and I mean
                         anything, the merest hint of
                         trouble, cutoffs will be enacted.
                         Do you understand.

                         Yes I think I do.

                         Well then Doctor on that basis,
                         until we next meet, good day to 

                         You got another rocket bar keep,
                         ahh thanks. Now I like bad guys
                         because I've got to shoot at
                         something reptilian occasionally
                         else I wouldn't be a cowboy now
                         would I. Let me introduce you to
                         one of the biggest reptiles in LA

                                                        TRANSITION HOOK

               INT. BAR

                         You, ever seen a body, well its
                         kinda peaceful, how bout two of um,
                         all cut up a bloodied, woh! That'll
                         stop ya in ya tracks I tell ya.
                         Mind you trauma makes me kinda
                         thirsty like and need'n for some
                         hard liqueur. One thing though,
                         (pause) don't ever look at the
                         eyes, they'll freeze your soul to
                         the cold bone! Now you know those
                         pharmaceutical dudes, they will
                         definitely need some corpsicals to
                         play with, its just in there

                                                        TRANSITION HOOK

               INT. MORTUARY
               (BYERS, O'BRIAN)

                                                          MORTUARY DOOR

                         Next of kin for both 'candidates'
                         is stated as a Miss Kris Finch of
                         Flat 5, 20 Renwick Avenue,
                         apparently the deceased are listed
                         as owning a small private
                         investigation agency. I looked up
                         their accounts, both distressed,
                         the agency is also debt heavy so I
                         don't see a large and influential 
                         client base being an issue. There
                         is also a registered court action
                         for unpaid rent on a small office.

                         Yes thank you Byers they look like
                         good candidates. What is their
                         current biological age?

                         This one a Miss May is fifty five
                         and the other one is fifty seven, I
                         hope they are not too old?

                         No, that is ideal for the serum,
                         mid range for the tests. Can you
                         please expedite removal from this
                         facility, time is definitely of the
                         essence? Please charge any cost to
                         my account Dr Byers. Is it too much
                         to ask that the records can be
                         altered to show that they were
                         cremated? Given that they are

                         Well that is highly irregular Dr.

                         Yes, my friend, highly irregular
                         but potentially profitable.

                         Hmm, how profitable?

                         A good holiday profitable my
                         friend, you and your lovely wife,
                         you look tired, you could do with a
                         long holiday, off world perhaps.
                         The lower gravity would do you a
                         world of good.

                         Ok but lets get it done quickly, I
                         will move them out overnight can
                         you ensure that you are ready to
                         receive the bodies?

                         Oh yes Dr Byers I can definitely
                         give them a warm reception.

                                                       TRANSITION HOOK 

               INT. LABORATORY
               (O'BRIAN, SANDFORD)


                         Bring them in here please and can
                         you please remove the body bags and
                         prepare them for surgery by placing
                         them in the auto docs.

                                                         SOUNDS OF BODY
                                                             BAGS BEING

                         Ok I am now preparing 5ml of nanite
                         solution. OK first repair protocol
                         has started.

                         Doctor how long will stage one

                         Well, from my previous charts and
                         as you could see, they have
                         significant trauma across large
                         parts of their bodies, there are
                         two bullet wounds on cadaver 1 and
                         3 on cadaver 2. My estimate that
                         the cellular repair will take at
                         least a week.

                         How will you keep the exiting cells

                         Good question, that is an issue but
                         its a combination of keeping the
                         metabolic rates very low, like
                         those frogs that can survive
                         freezing and more significantly the
                         nano machines will transport
                         oxygen, they receive their energy
                         from the fluid that you can see
                         traveling through the chambers now.

                         Ohhh, So what about the neural

                         Hmmm, well we will record the
                         current state but, the nano probes
                         will repair damaged connections by
                         inference, they should wake up with
                         better memory functions than
                         before. The processors attached to
                         the auto docs plus the server farm
                         will direct their actions via
                         signaling back channels.
                         Can you hand me the micro resonance

                                                          SCANNER NOISE

                         What will be the error rate

                         Low I hope, this is why we are
                         running human trials. The second
                         stage is also very interesting. If
                         not slightly more radical and

                         Second stage?

                         So as you can see on the scanner,
                         we have cellar level control once
                         the basic cell stitching and
                         replacement is done, we set the
                         nano probes to repair back to a
                         clean state, we also remove any
                         senescent cells. This could be

                         What happens after they awake up.

                         Well, thats not going to happen.


                         I have arranged for deep
                         cryogenics, and a long journey out
                         of the system, you see we haven't
                         found a way to remove the Nanites
                         after the procedure. So they have
                         the potential to contaminate the

                                                          LOST IN SPACE
                         We cannot release them, and we
                         might want to study long duration
                         space flight on these experimental
                         subjects. Their going on a long,
                         long trip to nowhere.


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