Angel and May

A01-E05 - Dressed to Kill

Barry Haworth / Cecilia Girard / Chin Wei-Hsin / David Cannon / Helen Ekundayo / Joanne Oliver / Parker Burke / Melanie Blizard / Priya Shah / Robert Gettons / Steven Cameron / Vivien Broadbent / Viv Braybrook Season 1 Episode 5

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Angel and May go exploring but find more than they expect. A Royal and Cherry Blue mission is on the cards!

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                                   E5 - DRESSED TO KILL


                                                             BAR SOUNDS

                         I've been around this town for some
                         time. Its a real rough place,
                         you've got to watch your back.
                         Though everyone needs a turn of a
                         friendly card, well these two have
                         just turned up an ace, but they
                         don't know it yet.


                                                        STAIRS, WALKING
                                                        AND DOOR SOUNDS

                         Jeez, this inn is like a fortress
                         with all these heavy doors, air
                         tight too, I think the Gander is
                         spoiling for a fight. Sharrow, did
                         you sleep?

                         Hmm, not too well really, my head
                         was spinning trying to put together
                         all the pieces. The thing that nags
                         at me about this place is these oxy
                         tabs just ticking away. Were going
                         to need income soon just to top up
                         to breath easy!

                                                          PRESSURE DOOR

                         Agreed, that was bothering me too.
                         We need to parlay a safe base of
                         opps and then get gainful
                         employment. This place has some
                         promise though. Although there is
                         definitely something off, probably
                         dodgy. Hmm, I wonder if I could get
                         a job behind the bar, thats if I
                         can get along with the old GANDER

                                                          PRESSURE DOOR

                         Well if you don't ask you don't
                         get. The bar would be a good place
                         for lots of intel.

                         There's also that RUDI character
                         don't forget, she's definitely a
                         bit weird and probably has more
                         influence with the GANDER than
                         appears. She's prickly too.

                         All in good time my friend, first
                         lets see what passes for food in
                         the place? I feel like I haven't
                         eaten in years.

                         Never a truer word.

                         Where is everyone, we're not too
                         early I hope.

                         My implants have finally synced and
                         they say eight o'clock, so we
                         should be good. Lets hit that bell
                         on the bar, see what happens?

                                                              DESK BELL

                         Jeez, Its funny but, I really hope
                         that doesn't piss the GANDER off?

                         I'll bet that most things piss her
                         off, its just her natural way. 

                                                              DESK BELL

                         Whats up, hold on Gospondin, hold
                         on, hold your horses! Oh it's you
                         girls. Slept in real late I see, I
                         trust it wasn't the effect of those

                         Yah we had a big day yesterday,
                         felt like we had been asleep for
                         thirty years!
                         Those beds seemed very comfortable
                         and I'm sure the effect of a couple
                         of those old mules had something to
                         do with it too. Do you have other
                         customers, its a  little quiet in
                         the bar?

                         Off season, very quiet at this time
                         of the orbit. Most normal folks out
                         and about earning their keep. Seems
                         like you appreciated the small
                         fortune I spent installing sound
                         insulation. Expect you'll be
                         wanting some breakfast, sorry to
                         tell you this but its not included
                         in the room fees. 

                         Ahhh, why am I not surprised!

                         Look, I'm not in the mood for an
                         early morning argument, we are not
                         any old Astro 8 chain. This is
                         bespoke here. As you might be able
                         to appreciate I personally like
                         real food, not glue tubes and Astro
                         tailings, and that takes a little
                         more money I'm afraid. 

                         OK, OK, cut the sales pitch, I'm
                         all in, I can't be bothered to
                         barter on an empty stomach, so what
                         do we have to do.

                         Girls really, I'm actually not
                         being difficult, the food's real
                         good, better than in some of the
                         other caverns actually. I take
                         pride in my little old inn. Stan
                         the man adds a real high end
                         quality and polish to everything he

                         High end quality, what do you think
                         SHAS, shall we risk it?

                         Ain't no risk involved, Gospondin,
                         Stan's a good'n, If you knew what I
                         had to go through to get him, you
                         would jump at the food plate.
                         I stole him from some fancy place
                         up town. Took a few favors,
                         services rendered and all that.

                         Services rendered, sounds
                         interesting. Going to have to brave
                         it sometime, I guess!

                         This morning we are serving in the
                         main bar due to something else
                         going on out back in the breakfast

                         Oh thats real industrious, bit
                         early for a town meeting isn't it.

                         Yeh it is, but it's due to special
                         circumstances. Not any of your
                         concern though!

                         Ok then, (slightly difficult pause)
                         Alex guess it's a bar breakfast for
                         us, do we just sit anywhere?

                         Any table. Do you want the papers? 

                         Papers? We need permission for

                         Newspapers, you know made of paper,
                         with the fake news! Don't take too
                         much notice though, it's all cheap
                         film actresses and politics, of
                         course, they don't have any real
                         idea whats going down there, but
                         then not many really do around
                         these parts.

                         I don't think I have ever seen a
                         physical paper, sounds like fun!

                         Don't get too excited it's e-paper,
                         nicer than a hard screen though.
                         I'll just send someone through with
                         the menu's.
                             (GANDER goes out to get
                              menus and to get the

                                                        RESTUARANT DOOR

                         I don't normally like to pry on
                         folks, but I would love to be a fly
                         on the wall in that back room!

                         Well I just want breakfast, can't
                         be dealing with all this drama on
                         an empty stomach!

                         What are you looking at in those

                                                          RUSTLING OF E

                         I'm just scanning the classifieds,
                         it's good way to figure the measure
                         of a place. Hmm. Lots of working

                         Well it is a spaceport and those
                         miners need something to do in the
                         evening, what did you expect!

                         Yep, that figures. Say, what do
                         think she is trying to distract us
                         from, she looks kinda skittish this

                         Probably just her natural brisk
                         manner I guess.

                                                        RESTUARANT DOOR

                         Oh! Hi my name is Sophie, I'll be
                         your hostess this morning. Let me
                         just get the table all nicely set
                         for you! 

                                                       TABLE BEING LAID
                         Welcome to the Retrograde Inn,
                         GANDER asked me to take your
                         breakfast order. Can I get you a
                         coffee to start?

                         I'll have a short black please.

                         That's mighty kind of you, I'll
                         have a flat white. 

                         So Can you run through the menu for
                         us. What's good?

                                                        POURING OF ICED

                         Well it's all really good since the
                         new chef. GANDER had to replace
                         last one, something about gambling
                         debts and food poisoning! Well, she
                         pulled a favour and got one last
                         minute, he's a real chef like out
                         of the top end of town, something
                         about family connections.

                         So she was saying. How did she get
                         a top cook to come down town?

                         Well there were 'mitigating'
                         circumstances. Debts owned and all
                         that I believe, anyway he cooks
                         proper posh.

                         I'll bet.

                         So what about the eggs, are they
                         from real, I trust they are not
                         that horrible powdered stuff?

                         Oh very real yes, lied by real
                         chickens, we have loads of good
                         eggs. The chef's very particular
                         about finding fresh ingredients. He
                         gets upset when the market traders
                         try and pull a fast one. Last week
                         he threw a meat cleaver! 

                         Sounds passionate and slightly kung

                         Oh he is very passionate, he tried
                         to kiss me the other week when I
                         brought in some spring onions from
                         our family plot. 

                         Ah, young love, such a tender
                         thing. Brings a tear to your eye.
                         Or maybe that's just the onions.

                         So I recommend the Benedict, but
                         todays special is an omelette, with
                         Asteroidal Spam.

                         Asteroidal Spam! Hum I'll pass on
                         that, bad memories from my school
                         days, might repeat on me! What's on
                         the Benedict, not spam as well I

                         Oh no, that's thinly sliced smoked
                         Salmon, its really good, comes out
                         of the Dirkson lanes every morning.
                         Speciality of the house really.

                         OK then, I'll go for the Benedict
                         with Salmon.

                         Make that two, sounds good. So
                         Sophie, what's the big fuss about
                         this morning?

                         Well, I shouldn't say really, Rudi
                         would probably get upset, but
                         someone didn't come home last
                         night. All the staff are really

                         Anything we can do?

                         Don't think so, it's regimental
                         business really, might blow over

                         Regimental business, why don't they
                         call the cops?

                         Cops! Oh now we wouldn't want to do
                         that, we don't want those chumps
                         down here, they just mess
                         everything up and wind up the

                         Well who keeps order then in the

                         The Royal and Cherry Blues of
                         course. How long have you been in
                         the BC? Which ship did you say you
                         came off you guys off?

                         Ah, we didn't say, so these Royal
                         and Cherry Blues? Are they like a
                         police force in this cavern? Like,
                         why don't the real cops come in?

                         The last time the cops from uptown
                         came to the BC was in the race
                         riots, after that we just don't see
                         them. Guess there are no promotions
                         or kick backs for sorting out this
                         place. Plus folks hate them, they
                         have to patrol in pairs and full
                         armed. They just mess the place up.

                         Hmm, I like the sound of that. We
                         like it free and easy, don't we

                         We certainly do, we don't like
                         those kinds of official folk
                         either, of any kind.

                         Ohh that sounds scary, what you
                         guys done. 
                             (Giggle. )
                         The GANDER will love you, she just
                         loves renegades! I'm a renegade
                         too, but its just a band, those
                         boys are so hot, I also follow the
                         "Bitch Queens" they playing here
                         next week.
                         You get to see them if your still
                         here. Its so cool that you guys are
                         on the run!

                         Well not on the run as such just
                         really just want to stay low, off
                         the RADAR so to speak. Hang loose,
                         and chill. We've not committed any

                         Oh well, still I get it, your
                         secrets safe with me. Well let me
                         know if you want to hang, I know
                         this place real well, could show
                         you around. Anyway I better put in
                         your order else kitchen will close
                         up, its quite late for breakfast.
                             ( (Change of voice to
                              waitress mode)
                         So should I put in the orders and
                         get your coffees? 

                         Yes please Sophie we are really

                                                        RESTUARANT DOOR

                         She's nice. Very young though.

                         Hay so are we now, remember that, I
                         still don't think like a young post
                         teenager. Your right though, she is
                         really lovely. First person here,
                         not to give us crap. So full of
                         beans, I like her, lets go to that
                         concert, it will give us more
                         context and we need friends Sophie.
                         Besides we might actually like the

                                                         INTERVAL SOUND
                             (Fade and then fade up to
                              Sounds of breakfast being
                              eaten, cutlery being

                         That my friend was fantastic, this
                         inn continues to surprise me, this
                         Chef's the main man.

                         My stomach agrees with you, even as
                         my head reels. I feel energized by
                         the lack of Asteroidal Spam.

                         Oh here we go again!

                                                       DOOR AND RUDI IN
                                                          DISCUSSION ON

                         So we cover the usual areas, do a
                         low key bake and shake, plus
                         surveillance, the usual. What gets
                         me worried that her telemetry is
                         not pinging that implies shielding
                         or removal, and removal means s....
                         Oh! You still here? Looking for the
                         GANDER? Have you seen her?

                         She gave us the newspapers but that
                         was at least half an hour ago, not
                         seen her since. Whats going on,
                         sound serious?


                         Everything alright?

                         No, but its need to now and all
                         that. Not something you should be
                         mixed up in, it's regimental

                                                           INN EXTERNAL

                                                       BENCUBBIN STRRET

                                                        SOUND OF ONE OF
                                                               THE RCBS
                                                       SHOUTING BACK TO

                         Sir, transport ready to leave,

                         Very good Sargent. Well, duty
                         calls, I'll take my leave.
                         My advice is that you take a walk
                         around, check out the place, see
                         the local colour and all that.

                         You know, I think we might well do

                         Don't stray too far though, oh, and
                         watch your pockets! We try to run
                         patrols but there's just too many
                         street kids to deal with.

                         Thanks, we'll keep that in mind.

                                                       INN DOOR CLOSING

                         Jeez thats all very formal, very
                         military. This RCBS lot sounds like
                         a cult, its a bit creepy if you ask
                         me. Must really be organised like a
                         real army, I guess, I thought it
                         was just boys scouts. Looked a
                         little stressed, though. I think we
                         need context and thats means for a
                         reconnoiter of the local area. You
                         ready for a stroll?

                         Yep let's get outa here and check
                         out this Bencubbin.

               (ALEX, ARANEO, GABA, SHARROW)

                                                        DOOR, BENCUBBIN
                                                         STREET MARKET,

                         Oxy tabs for the needy, miss?

                         Wow, we just arrived, don't have
                         much to spare ourselves.

                         Young missies like yourselves must
                         have credits to spare.

                         Look here is a fiver, it's all I
                         can spare.

                         Alex, come on, your so squidgy
                         inside, you'll exhaust our funds
                         before we can earn anything. Beside
                         we need a change of clothes badly.

                         I might be squidgy on the inside
                         but I feel their need SHAS. I was a
                         homeless once.

                         Yes I get you Alex, that why I hang
                         with you, crusty on the outside but
                         all soft centre. 

                         I vote for those mysterious dark
                         alleys over there, get some more of
                         that local colour.

                         Who dares wins and all that, but
                         that's how we roll. You know he was
                         probably scamming you, ALEX?

                         Yeah I know, but he just looked
                         hungry. I might be a sucker but I
                         couldn't pass by.

                         So we step out of the inn and
                         immediately get scammed. Great.
                         Good start.

                                                           BUSKER MUSIC

                         Looks like it's all antique stores.

                         We need clothes. This jumpsuit is
                         so dirty it could almost stand up
                         by itself. We've died and been born
                         in these things- literally!

                         Aw, don't you like the grey and
                         brown splurges? Grey sets off my

                         If these suits were supposed to be
                         anything but white, it'd be one
                         thing! We're clothes shopping. Now.
                         No arguments. 

                         But I want a gun.

                         We're buying clothes.

                         What about just a little gun?

                         ALEX, we reek. We're buying
                         clothes, there's a cloud of flies
                         following us, no arguments!

                         Ahh, no fair.

                         Here's some clothes racks. We can
                         start here.

               (ALEX, GABA, SHARROW)

                                                              DOOR WITH
                                                           RINGER, JAZZ
                                                          MUZAK, WOODEN

                         May I help yo- oh.

                         Hi, we're both just browsing.

                         Just off the ship, girls?

                         Something like that. 

                         Well, can I recommend this one to
                         you ladies? It's the latest style.

                         That's pretty.

                         That's pink. Not even a sharp hot
                         pink, it's wimpy pastel. SHAS, buy
                         that and I'm disowning you.

                         ALEX, where's your sense of

                         Not in that. 

                         Either way, we can't afford it.
                         Maybe something in our budget?

                         You can try our sales rack over

                         That's just an empty rack.

                         Yes, yes it is. I think another
                         store would be better able to cater
                         to you. If I might make a
                         suggestion, the Ching Hung across
                         the road, might be more within
                         your... budget.


                         Yes indeed. You'll know it when you
                         see it. You'll fit right in.

                                                              DOOR EXIT

                                                              DOOR WITH
                                                         WINDCHIMES AND

               INT. CHING HUNG PRE LOVED

                         Wow, this smells like, old,
                         secondhand, might pick up some

                         Hmmm, if you say so. Kinda dark in

                         Oh look an old utility belt, might
                         be useful, ahh, wait, look at that.
                         Its an old IDU combat vest, oh and
                         look at this it even has the gun
                         clips attachment.

                         Is it pink?

                         Only if covered in blood!

                         Its scummy, besides we have got to
                         fit in around here, gun belts and
                         IDU webs might be slightly
                         conspicuous. Remember we are now 20
                         something years old and innocent.
                         Lets dress for our age.

                         Well I want to go punk at some
                         stage, this Mary and Jane stuff is
                         pissing me off, just warning you.

                                                           CLOTHES RACK
                                                           BEING SORTED

                         Lets just get some normal rags and
                         get outa here.

                         OK, jeans and a T shirts then.

                         Oh look heres an old 'deadhead' T
                         shirt must be a hundred years old!

                         Its a reproduction, you hippy girl.

                         I just love those guys, best jam
                         band you know.

                         Sigh, yes I know. Hay we are 20
                         years old, wouldn't we like what
                         ever is the local cool shit, not
                         some archeological band from the
                         distant past.

                         Damh it your right! Ok I will go

                                                          OLD FASHIONED
                                                          ELECTRIC TILL

                         So girls that will be 30 credits
                         for two pairs of jeans and two T
                         shirts. Nice selection too.

                         Thanks. You've got a real mix bag
                         of stuff in here?

                         Yes, well a lot of folks pass
                         through and if they hit pay dirt
                         then they upgrade, means theres a
                         good secondhand market.

                         Look a hate to ask but, were on a
                         real tight budget, being
                         ahh,backpackers, is there any
                         chance of a discount.

                         Hmmmm, well Ok, how about 25 then,
                         you seem like nice girls, same age
                         as my niece.

                         Well thank you, thats very kind.
                         The man across the street was a
                         real dick, so your a nice contrast.

                         You mean over at Gerbatz's, yes
                         well he is having tough times,
                         thinks he is still a fine tailor
                         but the Bencubbin thinks otherwise.
                         Sorry about that, other folks
                         around here can be real nice
                         though, so don't take that as
                         typical. Where you staying?

                         At the retrograde Inn

                         Oh thats a good start, The GANDER
                         is a good egg, does a lot of good
                         around here. You could do a lot

                         Thanks Marge, nice to meet you,
                         lets get back Alex I need to get

                                                       TRANSITION SOUND

               (ALEX, SHARROW)

                         What do you think Alex, do these
                         look good?

                         Hay at 20 anything would look good
                         on you gurl, you look fabulous!

                         Well, thank you kindly miss Angel,
                         you look fab too. So lets go down
                         stairs and parade our fabulousness
                         and get a lemonade!

                         Sounds like a plan, lets see if we
                         can poke around a little and
                         explore, did you see those small
                         stair at the other end of the

                         Its a spiral staircase, very beju!

                         Very strange this place, you know I
                         get the impression that behind the
                         shop fronts it extends over the
                         whole of this block.

                         You know we have to go down don't

                         Oh very yes. Lets Just be discrete.

                         It leads to a another corridor
                         running behind the shops. Can you
                         here those muffled voices at the
                         far end.

               Sound of a door opening and increased loudness of voices and

               (ALEX, RUDI, SHARROW)

                         Quick in here.

               Sound of door opening change in ambience.

                         Wow, this is a well appointed
                         conference room. 
                         Sensor surround headsets, mil spec
                         by the look. This stuff is top spec
                         and very expensive. This place gets
                         stranger by the minute. 

                         Yes it does. You know if I was the
                         GANDER the first thing I would do
                         is put motion sensors in all the
                         rooms and corridors. 

               Sound of intercom 

                         As much as I would like to let you
                         sneak around locking doors and
                         generally playing cat and mouse, I
                         just don't have time. Can you girls
                         please come to the room at the end
                         of the corridor I would like to
                         have a chat.

                         Told you!

                         Why do you always say that!

               (ALEX, RUDI, SHARROW)

               The girls enter a room that is off the corridor leading out
               from the spiral stair. The interior is covered with copper
               mesh and has double door entry with substantial locks. There
               is a large table and various communications and computer
               gear. Ambient sounds of comms gear.

                         I'm going to be straight with you
                         as we don't have time for
                         subterfuge. I'll introduce you to
                         my colleagues later, but first we
                         need to chat.

                         So why the sudden interest in us
                         apart from our natural curiosity,
                         you've been a little stand offish
                         since we arrived? Could be
                         construed as a little off putting.

                         Yes indeed I have, I don't like
                         strangers and did not see any real
                         reason to get you involved, until
                         the GANDER made a suggestion.
                         I have also been a little
                         distracted, so I apologise, did not
                         mean to be unfriendly. I do need to
                         throw something big your way
                         though. Its a big ask and your very
                         new around these parts, but it has
                         the potential to be a win, win for
                         both of us. So without being overly
                         forward, the GANDER was saying you
                         might be a little strapped for
                         cash. If thats right I may have a
                         little job that could assist you.

                         Really, why is my stomach telling
                         me this may not be all upside!

                         Well, nothing in life is all
                         upside, but here me out, its your
                         choice, you will not be forced into
                         something you don't want to do. I
                         will be open and honest about the

                         So why us, we are rubes around
                         these parts, we have only been here
                         for two days.



                         Thats exactly the point. No one
                         knows you and you can genuinely
                         pose as 'tourists' 

                         Why is it I don't like the sound of
                         this. Whats these risks you

                         Ok, basically we need someone to
                         get into a well guarded place, that
                         will only let in person not
                         associated with the RCBS. All of
                         the Royal and Cherry Blues are
                         excluded by them, as are most of
                         Gooses associates, they maintain
                         very thorough records.
                         Thats where you guys come in, my
                         hunch is that they don't know of
                         you, which means we can build a
                         convincing back story. This
                         operation is a one shot, using
                         unknowns i.e. You girls. Sweet
                         innocents, who look like tourists
                         and act like tourists.

                         You mean victims who are meat
                         chumps, maybe?

                         Well, yes and no!

                         Yes and No? Whats in it for us?

                         Credits and credibility. We are not
                         entirely without resources, the
                         RCBS will give strong support,
                         covertly, we just can't enter a
                         certain location.

                         I thought you guys were all over
                         the Bencubbin? Perhaps I was mis
                         informed. How would doing this
                         'favour' bring credibility and with 
                         whom exactly?

                         Me, thats who would owe you. You
                         probably don't know this but the
                         RCBS Regiment, myself and the
                         GANDER actually count for something
                         around these parts. You'll find out
                         that thats worth more to you than
                         money. Now I know you guys are on
                         the run from something, I can smell
                         it, somethings not right about you
                         too, I have a sixth sense,
                         otherwise why would you be here. We
                         can protect you. Thats worth more
                         than gold. You'll find out.

                         Do we have a choice, sounds kinda
                         of a done deal?

                         Yes of course you have choice, we
                         are not pirates, well we might be
                         kinda fluffy about that, but we do
                         have standards, so I'm asking.
                         Volunteer basis, first come best
                         dressed, well maybe NOT best
                         dressed, but you know what I mean.
                         We wont put you under unnecessary
                         risk, wouldn't risk our own, nor
                         will we do it to strangers. Its not
                         my style and its not the regiments

                         OK understand all that but what is
                         the point of all of this, we heard
                         rumours of a missing person and is
                         the risk potentially life

                         Well, if our operation runs
                         smoothly, there will be minimal
                         risk. Easy in, easy out. We
                         essentially need you to penetrate a
                         house of mirrors, or house of
                         illusions as they are known. I
                         don't know if you know about these

                         Easy in, easy out, hmmm. I've heard
                         of these mirror houses. They were
                         banned in LA, caused too much
                         damage. They don't sound like a
                         soft target. I heard they use drug
                         suppression and holographic
                         projectors to run what are
                         effectively slaves. Horrible!

                         Look guys, they have my son.

                         Shit RUDI, this is massive.

                         OK Rudi were not the bad guys on
                         the run from the cops OK, but we
                         are trying to stay off grid. This
                         might raise our profile higher than
                         we might be comfortable with.

                         OK, understand that. You will be
                         running a cover ident. Look my son
                         went missing 20 hours ago. He was
                         tagged and tracked, all members of
                         the RCBS are, but they killed
                         telemetry, we don't know if he is
                         Or if he is now a slave, but the
                         longer he is in there, the more
                         difficult the extraction. Another
                         day he won't even want to leave. 

                         Hell that sounds bad.

                         The mirror houses will try and turn
                         victims quickly. There will
                         significant protection around the
                         target house, and in NL they are
                         all owned by the most powerful
                         combine on the rock. We, and I mean
                         the Royal and Cherries have always
                         had some 'operational friction'
                         with these guys and I guess they
                         thought it was time to turn up the
                         screws and see what comes at them.
                         They will not suspect two newbies
                         with money, so we should have a
                         good chance. Obviously we have
                         kicked the mirror hornets nest
                         several times to many.

                         So lets focus back on the 'house',
                         when you say significant

                         Protection is solid, from outside,
                         force shield, magnetics, anything
                         short a class 5 rail gun. Oh sorry
                         you guys don't know about weapons
                         classes, anyway, its a tough nut to
                         crack with force. You know its
                         strange when I talk to you guys, I
                         get the feeling you understand all
                         this stuff.

                         Oh, yes well, ahem, my Dad was

                         Yes, she over-played with guns and
                         stuff when she was smaller, had to
                         give her a  doll, and make up kit,
                         but the found her up a tree, with
                         the dolls in armed captivity. Her
                         father then pulled ranked and payed
                         the ransom.She Came down from the
                         trees, but she has issues.

                         Oh, really, issues? OK, lets move
                         on. Anyway, as I was saying, from
                         our analysis mirror houses have a
                         single venerability.

                         Whats that?

                         They have to let clients in! So we
                         use that as our in, we need you to
                         present as clients and once inside
                         attempt to locate and extract my
                         son. We need to get past the front
                         door and get information. You would
                         pose as women seeking 'interesting
                         pleasures' after a long journey.

                         OK, sounds straightforward but were
                         not classy enough to pose a rich

                         Oh we have that end covered.

                         Say something goes pear shaped?

                         If they catch you, they could take
                         you to the nearest airlock and
                         invite you to leave, without a
                         suit, we would of course disagree
                         with that, violently. Worse they
                         inject you, condition with holo
                         nematics and make you into one of
                         their slaves. It depends on how
                         they see the cash side of you
                         value. Not going to happen though,
                         because if that happens we will
                         bring up the big guns at the cost
                         of a big noise and political
                         blowback. Personally I think
                         initial detection is unlikely, we
                         have a solid cover ident which
                         shows you as women having a wealthy
                         and dangerous father. Might give
                         them pause. 

                         Hmmm, Alex what do you think?

                         So what protection can you offer to

                         Not much really inside the target.
                         To be honest within the shield
                         screen of the property actually
                         nothing. Once outside we can offer
                         considerable protective asset
                         utilisation. Oh sorry, we can kick
                         ass big time.  You will have a full
                         regimental protection. We might
                         have a couple of sneaky tricks
                         inside which I think will give you
                         a creative diversion at some point.
                         If you say yes, I'll go through the
                         plan with the team and we will
                         flesh this all out.

                         Sounds slightly passive inside,
                         what happens if it gets messy?

                         Messy as in?

                         Messy, physical!

                         You won't have weapons. Terra Hertz
                         scanners at the entrance, no guns
                         plastic or metal will get through. 

                         Hmmm, I don't like it. How would we
                         call for back up?

                         You can't, no interior back-up, the
                         whole place is a double faraday
                         cage. Kill comms and stop salacious
                         videos. All we can do is watch all
                         exits and entrances with snatch
                         squads to get you out, but you have
                         to make any running inside and find
                         your exit.

                         Sounds like all downside to me,
                         whats the upside?

                         GANDER and I will put you up free
                         of charge for six months at the inn
                         and pay your oxygen taxes. Oh and
                         you will receive RCBS membership.

                         Jeez thats just not enough RUDI.
                         You want us to put our lives on the
                         line, for a stay at this inn and a
                         membership of this RCBS
                         organisation, which to be honest
                         sounds slightly creepy. We don't
                         know this place or you guys really,
                         I think we need more than that to
                         go all in.

                         Yeah I don't like this either,
                         sounds like it could easily go
                         sideways in a bad direction.

                         Rudi can you give us a minute

                         Sure, of course.

               Sounds of door closing

                         Sharrow, you know this is nuts
                         don't you, we're flying completely
                         blind, if its not enough that we
                         are hiding from who knows on Earth,
                         we now going to get involved
                         against an unknown adversary and
                         align ourselves with this
                         'Regiment' of children. We don't
                         really know whom is doing what to

                         Yes of course I get all of that.
                         Were in an off world Chinatown, we
                         haven't got a clue basically.
                         However I trust my gut and it says
                         that these guys are OK all be it
                         slightly strange. However if, and
                         its a big if, we pull this off,
                         they will owe us big time. 

                         Hmmm, I have feeling we only get
                         one chance with these guys. Look at
                         this room for instance this would
                         cost serious cash to set up.

               They open up the door.

                         Rudi, are you there?

                         Look girls I understand where your
                         at, not sure I would do it if its
                         wasn't for my son?

                         At the moment its a no because of
                         upside. We want one year, with a
                         retainer, full oxygen credits and
                         5000 spending. Oh and you give us a
                         guide to this place for a few
                         weeks, otherwise no deal.

                         Let me ask you another way, I'm
                         asking you to consider this, I'll
                         make sure you are set up OK, what
                         ever it takes, understand.

                         Dead right, look we have to play
                         hard to get, its not personal. Now
                         lets get to this, sounds like time
                         is important here.

                         Rudi we are in lets get going.

               (ALEX, RUDI, SHARROW)

               Sounds of doors and corridors

                         This place is like a maze, lots of
                         hidden spaces and its bigger than
                         it looks. There is a whole suite
                         back here.

                         The inn has a long history and many
                         secrets. What people forget it was
                         one of the original structures in
                         this cavern, it even extends into
                         the outside shell below street
                         level. There is another three
                         levels below this one. The
                         regimental base is on level 2, this
                         is level 3 operations and interface
                         the Regimental base, busy place.

                         I'll bet, Ive seen the
                         entertainment posters, something
                         happening most every night, quite a
                         continuous party.

                         You got it! Wide (cough)
                         demographic covering all sorts of
                         entertainment, military and non
                         military, quite the place you
                         understand. OK left through here.


               Door with gas seal and more control room sounds

                         Let me introduce you to key folks.

                             (In a low voice to
                         Sharrow did you see the tech stacks
                         as we came in, expensive,
                         militarily expensive.

                         Sargent Major Boy Williamson. He
                         will be on point outside the house
                         during the operation.

                         Please to meet you.

                         Please to meet you ,thank you for
                         your support.

                         Do we salute?

                         No need, not protocol for civvies,
                         you're not sworn in or a regimental
                         member. You are both consultants to
                         the regiment for this operation. 

                         I see, sounds quite formal.

                         This is Sargent Chen, code name
                         'Sky Tree' he is informational
                         consultant on this operation. 

                         OK Commander, Sargent, we have
                         infiltrated all the local video
                         feeds and also supplemented with
                         our own L.I.D.A.R.
                         Transmitter units, so we have full
                         3d exterior coverage. Tried to hake
                         into the house systems, but the are
                         very well protected, I even got a
                         couple of my best hacker-net
                         contacts for a back channel attack
                         and they could not penetrate. They
                         really have solid security and very
                         expensive cutouts, unfortunately.

                         Thank you Sargent. Girls, let me
                         introduce you to Sargent Jacinta
                         Stoner, she will also be on point
                         leading the sewer squad. 

                         Thank you Commander. Yep just my
                         luck to get the high olfactory
                         posting. Thank you both of you,
                         much appreciated by all the
                         regiment, Jude is very popular
                         junior private not to mention a
                         great sign on Wednesday at the DRAG

                         Wow, this place sure has local
                         colour. Jacinta, Alex Lucy Angel,
                         please to meet you.

                         Sharrow May. Quite a set up you
                         have here Rudi. Is that a mil spec
                         holo tank. Oh I've seen those in
                         the movies.

                         Its a American Cyber Systems 21-70,
                         with full solid rendering and fast
                         refresh, fed from our field of peta
                         byte servers next door. Its how we
                         stay ahead of the competition.
                         Can't run a combat situation
                         without one.

                         So who are the competition?

                         Well, that would be anyone who
                         seeks to do mischief in the
                         Bencubbin, we like to hold the line
                         in this cavern, I like it! Looks
                         very, ah professional. This is
                         control room 1 we have another
                         annex thats controlling team 2
                         That room is usually used for day
                         to day ops. This is for special
                         circumstances. However this is
                         going to be tricky so we have got
                         both looking at this operation

                         Makes sense.

                         They will be staged at a division
                         house, which is about 800 meters
                         from ground zero. We don't
                         anticipate or really want the
                         reserves being used as it would
                         create too much attention and a lot
                         of collateral damage. However
                         please understand, they will be
                         used if we need to go hard extract
                         and bring out the big guns.

                         Ah, lets just trust that we don't
                         have to do that, as you say its
                         just a reconnoiter and easy out,
                         bake and shake.

                         Well that introductions over with,
                         we will need to get you ready for
                         the field with your 'combat'
                         outfits! Then back here for final
                         briefing. The outfits have been
                         chosen by Maurice to significant

               Sound of chuckles.

                         Combat outfits, who's Maurice?

                         Why is my gut saying, I'm not going
                         to like this?

               (, ALEX, GANDER, MAURICE, SHARROW)

                         So I see that Rudi has introduced
                         you to her senior members of this

                         Yes, GANDER just how big is this

                         Well it changes over time currently
                         over 200 hundred members. Now we
                         need to prepare you for combat
                         operations. Maurice are you ready?

                         Thought we needed to blend in?

                         Oh you do. Let me introduce you,
                         this is Maurice. One of a kind does
                         the costumes for the DRAG shows on

               Sounds of a cloths rack being wheeled in.

                         GANDER how lovely you look this

                         Maurice let me introduce you to our
                         point force.

                         Oh good morning ladies, oooh you do
                         have lovely figures!

                         Now Maurice we need classy but
                         bubble head, tourist like,
                         understand, lots of designer, lots
                         of make up, expensive shoes and
                         bags, but keep it real understand,
                         this is not a DRAG show.

                         GANDER you of all people should
                         know that all of life is one big
                         DRAG show darling! Now ladies, ohh,
                         yes, yes. A little bit here and
                         there. Oh dear me, your hair
                         dressers should be tried for crimes
                         against humanity! 

               Looking at the state of Sharrow's and Alex's hair whilst
               fluffing it.

                         What have you done to your hair,
                         its so lifeless, terrible. Looks
                         like you haven't touched it for
                         ages. Oh dear me!

                         If you knew the truth. Maurice is
                         that a Louis Cambridge?

                         Naughty, no touching its mine!
                         Maurice will decide your looks! Now
                         first its off to Stacey for a
                         touchup on the hair! Then 'Lorde'
                         will apply your faces and finally I
                         will put some bass in your step by
                         the time I have finished you will
                         look the quite pair.

                         Oh hell in high heels, what a day
                         this is turning out to be!

                         Relax, its about time someone
                         sorted that stuff on top of your
                         head, remember your age! Besides
                         military doctrine states that the
                         most important strategic element is
                         one of surprise.

                         Yer, nothing more surprising than a
                         couple of over dressed drag queens
                         who are actually chicks baring down
                         upon ya!

                         Ladies, ladies please, relax, enjoy
                         the 'me' time, fall into the loving
                         embrace of Maurice, you will be
                         primped and powdered. Follow me
                         Stacey is quite excited, she
                         usually has to sort out a lot of
                         bitchy queens, this is light

                         Unto the breach dear Sharrow, unto
                         the breach!


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