Angel and May

A01-E06 - Clothes in the Mirror

Barry Haworth / Cecilia Girard / David Cannon / Dayna Ekundayo / Helen Ekundayo / Joanne Oliver / Parker Burke / Melanie Blizard / Priya Shah / Robert Gettons / Steven Cameron / Vivien Broadbent Season 1 Episode 6

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Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most destructive of all. Why Angel and May of course. In this episode Angel and May create havoc in a 'house of illusion', in order to rescue Rudi's son. 

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                                E6 - CLOTHES IN THE MIRROR

               (ALEX, MAURICE, SHARROW)

               Two hour's later, they emerge suitably coiffured.

                         SHAS, please, please, rescue me, I
                         feel like a complete airhead, this
                         cut its all girlie, I look like a
                         prize poodle. I'm a rock chic not a
                         roast chook.

                         Not today or until it grows out
                         gurl, think of it as operational
                         cover, just part of the job. You're
                         a bubble head tourist, thats your
                         new look, so get into the groove
                         gurl. You know I think I can
                         actually see your IQ dropping from
                         here, it's amazing! Can IQ go
                         negative? To be honest I'm actually
                         enjoying the attention, its only
                         been 30 years of zero pampering, We
                         both have a lot of catching up to

                         Ohh your wit is like acid, it just
                         cuts deep.! 

                         Now girls please stop fussing, your
                         hair looks wonderful. Now I think a
                         little pink in there for you Miss
                         Alex. Ohhh! Beautiful! Well it will
                         match the grey of your eyes. I
                         think you might actually be a
                         'light spring'.

                         The only thing that will spring  at
                         the moment is my inner Panther even
                         Lorde agreed with me, he wanted to
                         give me a cat look.

                         Philistines both of you, anyway
                         what do you know, you arrived in
                         jeans and T shirts. Maurice knows
                         best, besides in this operation, I
                         out rank you and GANDER said I have
                         final design decisions, so your
                         going pink.

                         Sharrow, for pities sake help me!

                         Not on your life, besides you're
                         going to look so cute in that pink
                         mini! It will match with that over
                         blown long sexy leatherette coat on
                         the rack.

                         Oh my god!

                         Hush now Maurice knows best.

               Fade to the sound of hair driers and primping.

               (ALEX, JACINTA, RUDI, SHARROW)

               The sound of clip clopping of high heeled shoes.

                         Well, well, quite the
                         transformation, what do we have
                         here. Two bubble head tourists I

                         Now look, don't you start.

                         One more word and I will stab you
                         with my heel.

                         Thats what I like to see, soldiers
                         using field craft and local
                         materials to fashion weapons.

                         Ho, Ho, very funny!

                         Is that you Alex, you look so

                         Ohhh, Not you as well!

                         OK troops enough of the psi-ops,
                         come over to the holo-tank I have
                         set up the projection of the mirror
                         house up and the local area.
                         This shows the surrounds out to 500
                         meters on a side. You see here, we
                         will drop you some way out from the
                         ground zero, don't want to clue up
                         Charlie as to your drop off source.
                         They do have street spies and we
                         don't want any of them to connect
                         you in any way with us. We suspect
                         a couple of the stall vendors but
                         have not intercepted them as that
                         will only raise suspicions.

                         Makes sense.

                         You mean we have to walk at least
                         500meters in these shoes?

                         Yes well, just take it slow. Get
                         some bass in your step. Soooo, you
                         will be coming in from this
                         direction, down Travis Street. Now
                         here and here are hidden
                         operatives, privates Crystal and
                         Method-Pink situated in the coffee
                         shop on this corner with back up in
                         a kitchen back room.

                         Crystal & Method-Pink?

                         Code names. Ah I better explain,
                         when inducted, all regimental
                         members get a code name. Its a
                         right of passage. It also make
                         communication faster.

                         What about the back, if we going to
                         come out it's usually always the
                         back way, at full tilt and always
                         down difficult stairs.

                         Its kinda a tradition with us.

                         Your a little young to have
                         traditions ain't you? Sounds like
                         you have don this sort of thing

                         Well, I mean a family tradition, my
                         Dad was in the CIS.
                         He used to make me do a lot of
                         field games, I think he had great
                         hopes for my military career.

                         Really? So why are you here?

                         Rudi, its a long and complicated

                         Hmmmm. So how do you two know each

                         Oh we met at boarding school and we
                         have been friends since then. Ah we
                         decided to see the solar system. 

                         Really? Thats ambitious for two
                         young girls. Look lets see I don't
                         believe you it sounds like a line
                         of cudgel, but we don't have time
                         to get into all that now.

                         Look, lets just say, there is
                         slightly more to tell, however as
                         you say, this thing is big and time
                         critical from the sound of it so
                         lets just focus on that shall we.
                         Oh and bye the way, we will
                         definitely break stuff, we usually
                         do. Alex here is a full blow
                         destructive test machine. 

                         Yes I definitely do destructive
                         well. So looking at this tank the
                         back is slightly boxed in, whats
                         your plan on that side?

                         Your right, that's a difficult one,
                         all blank walls. As usual the
                         GANDER had an some interesting
                         idea's based on her revolutionary


                         The one thing folks never look at
                         is the Sewerage.
                         So we have pre positioned here,
                         just under this man hole. Its a
                         tough gig but Jacinta code name
                         PAPER loves front line She has
                         Fiona Costas with her, code name
                         SCISSORS, you don't know her but
                         competent. So PAPER and SCISSORS
                         are cozied up hiding with tools
                         under the man hole.  

                         Manhole, how is she going to lift

                         Small charge, directional, will
                         kick it up and outa there.

                         Reassuring but smelly! I like it.
                         So thats rock and paper, let me
                         guess some one else is scissors.

                         Hay, your are showing unexpected
                         intelligence for a bubblehead!
                         Scissors is the sarge, he is back
                         in this restaurant in the kitchens,
                         Restaurant owned by one of Chens
                         relatives. Good forward position
                         for force projection. Now, I'll be
                         back here in situation room because
                         it has all the key comms. If it
                         gets smelly I want to reassure you
                         that the full, and I mean full
                         resources of the RCBS are posed
                         ready to act. Is that clear.


                         So lets talk about these houses of

                         I have heard very bad things,
                         rumours, that they are very

                         Well thats true. They give people
                         what they most desire, but they
                         also take away the most precious
                         thing that they have, their link to
                         reality and their sanity.
                         It so poisonous, totally insidious
                         really should have been be banned
                         long ago. The consortia behind the
                         houses contribute to mayoral
                         reelection funds. Thats when we
                         hate the bastards.

                         Ugh, I really am starting to hate
                         them too.

                         Well we are going to poke the
                         hornets nest today, you'll see. So
                         Their modus operandi, is to do full
                         data retrieval as you step in the
                         door. They are already assessing
                         their potential earnings from you.
                         They will try and extract
                         information, assess potential
                         earnings, see how they can get to
                         your bank accounts and addict you
                         as soon as possible

                         Do they have telegenic readers?

                         They do, top of the range stuff,
                         however even with that, they can
                         only crudely divine your thinking
                         though. We can't block with a mesh,
                         as that would alert them. The thing
                         to understand is they can only
                         broadly read pleasure or pain.
                         Sometimes they will hit you with an
                         E-wire, see what it does to your
                         behaviour, so watch out for that.

                         Whats the hells an E-wire?

                         I heard about those, its some sort
                         of remote brain stimulation device
                         I think, really creepy stuff.

                         Yes, its a burst of electromagnetic
                         stimulus, gives you a little jump
                         start, an electronic perk up. They
                         want you happy, makes it easier to
                         turn you.

                         I don't like them looking at my

                         Do you think there is a finders
                         fee? I've been looking for some

                         Ho, ho, Very funny!

                         Its no joke girls, this is deadly
                         serious. You need to assume that
                         every thing you do from the moment
                         you cross that threshold will be
                         monitored and stimulated. Suspect
                         everything, you won't know what is

                         So they deal in ultimate perceptual
                         distortions right?

                         Correct, every surface is covered
                         in holo emitters and the floors are
                         all active, they move in response
                         to your movement. Its the ultimate
                         virtual reality. High def, hell on
                         a stick. The contacts we have
                         supplied will show you the edges of
                         the image projections, but again we
                         can't fully block them.

                         We need to recognise your son. Do
                         you have pictures.

                         Yes I do, but by this time he may
                         have had his appearance changed.
                         After a couple of days in the house
                         even the most hardy start to loose
                         contact with reality. The brain
                         gets dulled, the capacity for life
                         at a really low ebb.

               Sound of stifled emotions and some just holding it together.

                         Those bastards I don't know what
                         they will have done to him,
                         particularly as he like to dress in
                         a gender amorphous manner. Could
                         come across as a boy or a girl.

                         Rudi, look, we will get him out of
                         there. I promise.

                         Thank you girls, I really
                         appreciate that you are helping. We
                         will give you some background which
                         we need to pump in via the deictic
                         suite, next door. Gives a hell of a
                         headache but saves hours of study.

                         OK, its good to see solid prep

                         Agreed, we don't want to be sprung
                         as soon as we go in.

                         I need to tell you about how we
                         think you'll get the edge. The
                         first is those false nails, one of
                         them we have sharpened to a point
                         and we will coat it with a hyper
                         stimulant. We think it will counter
                         some of the effect of their drugs.
                         You scratch the skin and a few
                         seconds later they take effect.

                         I was wondering why Lorde took so
                         long over the nails.

                         The second is very devious, was
                         Chens brain wave really. Sooo, how
                         are your cloths, a little stiff

                         Well now you mention it, they do
                         seem rather over-starched.

                         It's not starch.

                         Scratchy as all hell!

                         Its will sure scratch that mirror
                         house, has the detonation power of
                         Amerthol 21-90, with the brisance
                         of  compo! One of my favourite

                         Jeez, what, get me out of these

                         Calm down they are fully inhibited
                         by this stuff. It's a regimental
                         special, thermo inhibition. The
                         initiator is your under arm

                         Ha I wondered why he said we were
                         smelly needing deodorising, I
                         thought he was being bitchy. So
                         thats why he kept the bottle in
                         that warm water bath!

                         The underarm D23, as we call it.
                         It's a full inhibitor at body
                         temperature, but if it cools down,
                         blamo. We know they redress clients
                         once you in the house. They provide
                         fantasy outfits for you. They take
                         your clothes off put them on a
                         rack, some of the D23 has rubbed
                         off on the clothes, then ten
                         minutes later bang! 

                         Well you said the clothes had
                         maximum impact, I can see why! Once
                         dressed always blessed, so to

                         The idea is this explosive input
                         may temporarily distract them,
                         disrupt the power and in that
                         moment you can get out. Like I said
                         its a bake and shake operation. 

                         Well thats certainly a plan. Why do
                         I feel like a want to constantly
                         itch these clothes.

                         Hmmmm, this high fashion makes me
                         nervous, we had better get you on
                         you way.

                         Rudi forgot the goddam explosive,
                         these shoes make me nervous!

               (ALEX, SHARROW)

               Sound of electric car and a door opening and two people
               getting out in the Bencubbin lanes.

                         These shoes are killing me, I swear
                         my feet will never be the same. My
                         moody is not helped by my bloody
                         explosive nickers, and the final
                         indignity is that they are chafing
                         like hell.

                         I'll chafe you, just walk normally,
                         you'll give the game away. Smile
                         and don't worry your pretty little

                         Sharrow I swear I will hit you with
                         these bloody shoes!

                         Its such a nice day! Oh look at
                         those hand bags! (deliberately
                         ignoring Alex)

                         Oh, gurl friend, lets just walk
                         down here further. Oh is the a
                         house of illusion. Shas I have
                         always want to get high in one of

                         Well thats why were here silly, I
                         have made an appointment for 2:30
                         local. Oh thats about now, what a

               Sound of electronic welcome at the threshold of the mirror
               house. Scanning sounds, street sounds die away.

               INT. HOUSE OF MIRRORS

                         Oh did you feel that.

                         (Giggling) I certainly did, look at
                         the door way, that so impressive.

                         Is it moving back as we get closer.

                         I felt something soft just touch my
                         face, thats weird, but I feel so

                         Your blushing!

                         We its just a little hot flush, I
                         feel high already.

               Creaking and opening of a multitude of doors with dad dah

                         Look at the this place its like the
                         palace of Versailles. Where do we
                         go from here I don't see an exit at

                         These large grand mirrors look like
                         they might be door ways. I'll try
                         and push one. Hmmm, its not moving.

                         Try them one by one.

                         Ah this one is made of liquid, I
                         hear music lets go in.

               Sounds of a reception area, harpsichord music is playing in
               the background.

                                   MIRROR RECEPTIONIST
                         Welcome ladies to this pleasure
                         palace. We aim to make your day
                         special. Please take a seat here
                         and here. Now before we get started
                         I need to ask some 'benchmarking'

                         Yes of course, no problem, ask

                                   MIRROR RECEPTIONIST
                         Are your names Shaben Corraza and
                         Alica Shaffen

                         Yes miss they are.

                                   MIRROR RECEPTIONIST
                         Could you restrict your answers to
                         yes or no please, it makes it
                         easier for the record keepers.

                         So are we being monitored and

                                   MIRROR RECEPTIONIST
                         Of course dear, this is a reputable
                         house of illusion we need to keep
                         good records.

                         Oh, it just makes me nervous.

                                   MIRROR RECEPTIONIST
                         Don't worry dear, its just normal
                         procedure. We only have to go
                         through this once.

                         Well I get money from Daddies trust
                         fund, its about 120 kilo credits
                         per year.

                         Yes I have about the same from my

                                   MIRROR RECEPTIONIST
                         Oh thats very generous of them, its
                         so good to have generous parents,
                         now let me check their names. Oh,
                         thats interesting. If you would
                         just wait one second please.

                         Is there a problem?

                                   MIRROR RECEPTIONIST
                         We see you are from important
                         families. We like persons of
                         influence as we find they make far
                         more 'reliable' guests. I think we
                         will have a long and mutually
                         beneficial relationship. Through
                         this door please.

               Sounds of a door opening and walking into a large hall like
               space. There is a bleep and a thump as Alex deliberately
               walks through and illusion and hits the wall. 

                         Oh, dear me!

                                   WOMAN ATTENDANT
                         You must pardon us miss but since
                         this is you first visit I suspect
                         you may not understand the
                         protocols in our house.

                         Oh yes I'm so very sorry, I got
                         slightly overwhelmed by the
                         magnificence of it all.

                                   WOMAN ATTENDANT
                         Yes thats easily done, now if you
                         would like to follow me.

                         Sorry about my friend she does
                         sometime get carried away.

                                   WOMAN ATTENDANT
                         Its no problem miss, now could you
                         please change your clothes, and
                         pick from these fabulous costumes.
                         We have read your measurements and
                         have preselected.

                         Oh these clothes are so wonderful I
                         can't wait to try them on.

                                   WOMAN ATTENDANT
                         We like to set our clients at ease
                         and assist with their engagement,
                         by dressing them accordingly. Once
                         you have changed please go through
                         the door to the viewing room. You
                         will find a choice of partners,
                         please select and indicate to the
                         attendant and follow instructions.

               Sounds of swirling fantastical music distant in reverb dark
               hall, tinkling of glass shards, distant cloud synth

                         Oh this is so exciting, theres so
                         much choice, now miss I like boys,
                         but my friend here likes girls.

                         Well yes boys are a little scary
                         but I'm really not sure. 

                                   WOMAN ATTENDANT
                         Thats no problem we cater for all
                         tastes. I might have someone who
                         would be a little of both, would
                         that suit?

                         Oh I like this one here, what's
                         your name?

                                   WOMAN ATTENDANT
                         This is David, he will attend you
                         every need. Please go through the
                         golden door over there.

                         So this person who is a little ying
                         and yang?

                                   WOMAN ATTENDANT
                         Well, wait one second please I need
                         to check the availability. 

               Sounds of old fashioned telephone being dialled and picked

                                   WOMAN ATTENDANT
                         Our guest has Gabriel, is the new
                         inductee available? Oh yes OK,
                         thank you. 

                         If its not too much trouble?

                                   WOMAN ATTENDANT
                         No trouble miss however he/she is
                         rather new and perhaps somewhat
                         inexperienced, if you are prepared
                         to accept that then perhaps we can

                         Yes that sounds very interesting
                         thank you I will take a look

                                   WOMAN ATTENDANT
                         If you could go though the
                         iridescent door to you left please.

                         Yes I think that is acceptable, no
                         if you please I would like my time
                         to start immediately.

                                   WOMAN ATTENDANT
                         Of course madam, please call if you
                         have any issues.


                         Oh who are you. I'm sorry I am very
                         confused and rather scared, please
                         don't hurt me.

                         Just sit on the bed for a minute, I
                         just need to do something.

                         Oh, you scratched my arm, what are
                         you trying to do?

                         I'm so sorry, things will be
                         clearer in a minute, but lets get

                         Oh, my heads spinning, oh wow thats
                         a rush, whoa!

                         Come to me! 

                         Oh I feel dizzy.

                         Here hold my hand.

                         Oh, I'm not sure.

                         You need to do what I say, its
                         house rules OK.

                         Oh, yes of course, they'll hurt me
                         again if I don't.

                         Hi don't worry, my name is Alex,
                         your mother sent me, my partner and
                         I are here to get you out, but for
                         now you need to play along Ok?

                         I'm not sure are you actually real,
                         they keep playing tricks on me?

                         Real as an explosive welcome baby.
                         Any minute now there will be a big
                         bang as soon as the dust settles
                         follow me and don't slow down!

                         How do I know you are real?

                         You don't but lets say this is
                         actually real and you find yourself
                         out of this mind maze, then it will
                         be worth it, right. I expect to get

               Sounds of multiple muffled explosions followed by the sound
               of static and crashing. Then there are ripping noises as Alex
               rips some of the flouncy material, from her ball gown get up.

                         This bloody costume and shoes they
                         are not good for running. OK lets

               Sounds of effort and doors being wrenched open, shouting and
               general confusion.

                         Over here, I managed to disable the
                         security guard with a chair to the
                         back of the head. He found out that
                         it was actually a real prop!

                         Good work, do you want to swap!

                         Yes your better with a gun, I'll
                         take JUDE

               Alex squeezes off a couple of rounds

                         Hi, this drug you given me makes me
                         so very high!

                         Its a legal high kid and it comes
                         from your mum, it's every teenagers
                         dream. Just hold on to my hand and
                         what every you do, don't let go.
                         This is not going to be a joy ride,
                         well it might be for you being off
                         your head in all, but for me, not
                         so much.

                         OK, I guess.

                         Lets get out and go right towards
                         the back, at least I think its the
                         back, this bloody active floor
                         really screws with the directions.

                         Wait a second we've been down here
                         before, that scratch on the door,
                         we passed it twice, they may have
                         us in a deictic trap. Looks like a
                         repeating infinite loop. 

                         Shit, OK put you hands down from
                         you feet and feel for the tile
                         edge. Once you have it jump off,
                         then we'll now were on the real
                         floor, forget your eyes, trust your
                         fingers. OK are we all off the
                         active tile, right now keep going
                         lets see if we can get past the
                         holo emitters. Head for a real
                         wall. Ignore your eyes. OK.

                         This is all so confusing.

                         Thats the way it was designed kid.
                         Trust you fingers, hold on to
                         SHARROWS hand. Ah, you!

                         Can't see a bloody thing except
                         images of myself, you there Alex?

                         Over here about then meters over to
                         your left I think, you off your
                         tile line yet?

                         Yep I'm off the tile line, can you

                                   MIRROR HOUSE GUARD
                         Got you! Argh! Ohh Shit!

                         Ahh, Alex just kicked a guard in
                         the nuts, got his gun.

                         Go Gurl, I'm proud of you, those
                         interpersonal combat classes must
                         have done something then!
                         Keep moving towards my voice, I'll, 
                         hold on I have to get ride of this
                         bloody long dress. 

                                                       SOUND OF RIPPING

                         Thats better, I can move now.

                         I think its was nice on you! I like
                         wearing nice clothes.

                         Sure you do kid, have you meet
                         Maurice, I just no the two of you
                         will get along.

                         Oh I know Maurice, he dresses me
                         for the Wednesday night drag shows.
                         I really like the singing.

                         Well I bet you look and sound
                         great. Lets just focus on getting
                         out of here OK.

                         I can feel a door to my left, It
                         must be at the same wall your at.
                         The door its metal, like a security

                         Take it, probably go to a less
                         secured area.

               Sounds of metallic heavy door and then outside sounds

                         Thank goodness we're out.

                         Were not out, I can't smell the
                         streets and I can see the shimmer
                         of the holo field. Its a trap, we
                         are still inside. Reverse get back.

               Sounds of a scuffle, then struggle and a grunt.

                         I got him, a guard tried to inject
                         me. I turned the needle on him.

                         Lets go to the left I can feel a
                         breeze, the explosion may have
                         breached the perimeter.

                         Starting to feel sleepy.

               Sounds of a face slap.

                         Ow, why did you do that.

                         Had to be done kid, had to be done!

                         You sound like my mum. How Come
                         you're only twenty, you can't boss
                         me around.

                         Oh my goodness, this is
                         complicated. Stop arguing. Come on
                         guys get moving.

               Sound of running several doors being thrown open, then
               finally street noises.

                         No not this one.

                         Try this.

                         No, oh OK yes this is it.


                         Get moving, they are right behind

                                   MIRROR HOUSE GUARD
                         Stop, or I will shoot! Ugh.

               There is a metallic bang of a blown out manhole cover, sounds
               of several shots, military commands, then military radio
               sounds and running.

                                                         METALLIC CLANG

                         Roger that pickup confirmed, the
                         geese have flown, heading to point
                         two. Come on guys get your arse in
                         gear. We have you covered but that
                         does mean you can't take a hit.

                         Thanks PAPER or is it SCISSORS,
                         anyway glad to see you, that
                         chicken coup gave me the creeps.
                         Any chance of rescue for the other
                         people trapped in there.

                         No chance I'm afraid they have been
                         in too long, they would never be
                         able to come off the drugs. OK
                         guys, right then left, turn left

               Sound of booted running feet, and doors behind opened and

                         Sergeant status report please.

                         No casualties sir, no equipment
                         loss, totally successful operation. 

                         Thank you sergeant, well done.

               Radio comms noise, talking to Rudi

                         Colonel, code green, recommend
                         general pull back to base alpha
                         effective immediate, get fire teams

                         Great, Thats good news Major get my
                         son back here I want a full
                         debrief, but use the back route.

                         Roger that, forming cover force now
                         will leave safe house Alpha 2 in
                         ten minutes after we have assessed
                         exterior situation.

               Radio clicks off.

                         Sergeant, get every one into
                         civvies we don't want to stand out.
                         We will exfiltrate via the alley
                         route 3. Alex and Sharrow, well
                         done, took some balls to go in that
                         place. Respect to you.

                         Thank you sir, we respect your
                         operations very effective.

                         Thanks, not back yet and we need to
                         watch for retaliations over the
                         next few days, but it is a good as
                         it can get. Ok, Lets change and get
                         out of here. Sargent as soon as the
                         men are ready move out casual but
                         icy close formation. Concealed hand
                         guns only we don't want to cause to
                         many stares.

                         Very good sir, you heard the Major
                         get moving.

               Sounds of people changing, clicking as weapons safe.

                         Alex, do you need a weapon?

                         Yes please I don't trust this rusty
                         piece of shit I grabbed from the
                         house guard. Have you got a H&K UCP
                         of some sort.

                         Hmmm. You sure know a lot about
                         guns for a twenty year old.

                         Oh thats because my dad liked to
                         shoot. He was in the CIS, we used
                         to go down the gun club together so
                         I picked up a few things.

                         Oh, OK Sure! Lets see, OK, try this
                         one, please try hard not to use it,
                         its last resort OK. We want to be
                         fast and quiet. Sharrow you need
                         anything? Hows Jude holding up.

                         I'm OK guns ain't really my thing.
                         Jude, don't think he is great, that
                         upper or whatever you gave him is
                         reacting with whatever those
                         bastards pumped into him.
                         Might need to give some physical
                         assistance on the way back. Might
                         be an idea to get medical prepped
                         back at base.

                         I think Rudi will have done that,
                         medical is usually fully prepped in
                         any op. I'll get Flambé over she's
                         a big girl, strong too, worked the
                         lanes for a while. Know how to
                         carry after a heavy night. 

                         Roger that.

               Radio noises.

                         Ok we are ready head out in random
                         groups but always no less than two,
                         make like you've been out on the
                         town. ALEX, SHARROW, JUDE - FLAMBE,
                         get in between my team.

               (ALEX, RUDI, SHARROW)

                         Well, the operation is concluded
                         and all things being considered, it
                         went very well.

                         How is you son, and long term

                         The doctor thinks he will be a
                         little fragile for the next few
                         months but will eventually get over
                         the trauma. You know he is a gentle
                         soul, not really cut out for combat

                         Yes, we figured, he was telling us
                         about his Drag shows on Wednesday.

                         Yes he really loves to sign, that
                         boy, and has some good pipes to. He
                         is really creative with the
                         costumes as well. He has quite a
                         following in the gay community
                         round these parts. Kinda become the
                         regimental mascot with the girls.
                         Some of them think of him as there
                         Kabuki girl!

                         Wow, lots going on behind the
                         scenes at the inn then.

                         Oh very yes, the inn is really a a
                         continual swaree of this part of
                         the BC.

                         The BC. Is that what locals call
                         the Bencubbin?

                         Yes it is, if your calling it the
                         BC. Then you belong here. Best part
                         of New London really. Most real.

                         Well I hope we are starting to
                         belong, I fed up of not having a

                         Well, you have certainly gained a
                         few friends today. I want to thank
                         you both from my heart, for you key
                         part in the recovery operation and
                         the GANDER and I would really like
                         to thank you. So as we agreed, we
                         will sort out you oxy credits and
                         accommodation. We will also
                         transfer the  funds agreed into
                         whatever credit account you wish.

                         Great, ahh, but we will have to set
                         something up, their may be a few
                         issues to resolve on that front. We
                         may need some advice.

                         We need, for various reasons, I
                         don't want to go into now, we need
                         to keep a very low profile.
                         Registering for bank accounts is
                         not something we want to jump into
                         at this moment. Is there any chance
                         of having cash?

                         Oh, cash, thats a little difficult,
                         not much cash used nowadays, even
                         on street carts.
                         Anytime cash is offered it just
                         screams illegal in most places,
                         bells start ringing. There a lot of
                         places that just don't accept it
                         anymore. We could perhaps advance a
                         line of credit against one of the
                         regimental accounts and issue you a
                         card, but we would have to induct
                         you into the organisation and swear
                         you in. Its in the constitution.
                         That way the cards would have what
                         ever we wanted on them.

                         Oh that might work, but I'm a
                         little in the dark on the
                         regimental thing, you would have to
                         give us more of what might be

                         OK How about I get you a couple of
                         the inductee handbooks and get
                         Jacinta to have a chat with you.
                         She will be able to explain all the
                         in's and outs, We would give you
                         external consultant status. We were
                         going to invite you guys along to
                         the celebration in the officers
                         mess tonight anyway. Now the GANDER
                         want to see you I think she has a
                         little surprise for you.

                         Oh, not sure if I should be worried
                         or not

                         I think you will like it.


                         So, all things work out well, dah.
                         Thank you I don't get to say this
                         very often, but I am very happy. So
                         I have a little something to show
                         you. Follow me. Through here, this
                         is the internal door you can lock
                         it from inside. Very secure dah!

               Sound of substantial door being opened.

               (ALEX, GANDER, SHARROW)

                         Wow, this is very rococo! 

                         Its a little dusty not been used
                         for some time, it needs a good
                         cleaning and lots of dusting, some
                         of the light fixtures are not
                         great. There are two small bedrooms
                         a small reception room, plus this
                         anti chamber entrance space. To the
                         left is the small kitchen, to the
                         right a single bathroom, which also
                         may need a good clean. I don't
                         think this has been used for five
                         years, we used to have an important
                         guest stay occasionally, but
                         unfortunately he passed on. So
                         security is tight, as is the case
                         throughout the inn, all doors have
                         double e locks. We like to sleep at

                         Wow GANDER this is fab, how long
                         can we stay. Well you can have it
                         unless I need it in an emergency. 

                         So how much will it cost, it looks
                         much more expensive than our room.

                         Well its a special very low
                         regimental rate, which will be
                         deducted directly out of your


                         Yes I understand that you are to be
                         inductees, as consultants, that
                         comes with a small retainer for you
                         availability for services to be
                         rendered. That will more than cover
                         all your expenses at the inn. It
                         will also cover Oxy Tab
                         replenishment. If you check you

                         Oh yes the number has gone up.

                         Great I can breath more easily,

                         Thank you GANDER, we would be
                         delighted to accept your generous

                         So, see you two down in the main
                         bar at seven for the start of the
                         regimental dinner. I will take you
                         through as we wont have time for
                         the security implants tonight. I
                         have ask MAURICE to pop up at six
                         to help you get dressed.

                         Oh hell!

                         Yes well regimental dinners have to
                         be formal, its all part of the
                         discipline and you young girls need
                         to have their dress gowns
                         obviously. I believe he has already
                         picked something out for you, in
                         pink I believe Alex.

                         Oh heaven help me!


               Sounds of chinking glasses and food, talking. Then a ringing
               of a hand bell.

                         Wow Rudi, this is like a real
                         military mess.

                         I will ignore that comment and put
                         it down to your ignorance, we are
                         the real military. Look we have
                         based this regiment on some called
                         the Foreign Legion from the 18th
                         century. We are a registered purely
                         private military organisation. We
                         have worked for government or
                         branches of the same, so large
                         corporates and private asteroids
                         and other combines. We are
                         recognised as a small but effective
                         fighting force. We have some of the
                         best fighters and most tenacious
                         fighters you'll ever see.
                         Good weapons too, thanks to
                         generous support from various folk
                         and past successful campaigns.

                         So were do the troops come from?

                         The lost and dispossessed, mainly
                         of the Asteroid belt, kids usually
                         we take them in, feed, clothe and
                         educate them and ultimate give them
                         hope and a new family. 

                         Sounds a little like a cult and to
                         be honest a little creepy.

                         Well I suppose from the outside it
                         may appear like that, but for these
                         kids its usually their only hope.
                         The next steps if they didn't come
                         with us, would probably be prison
                         or indentured service, then well
                         death. We always make sure that
                         they have another profession other
                         than purely military, things such
                         as electronics or accountancy for
                         example. They can leave at any
                         time. They can take sabbaticals to
                         go out into the world, have
                         families, but they always support
                         us if we asked. Very few completely
                         sever all ties. The training is
                         tough, but there are rewards. Hey
                         Sergeant Major, how many of your
                         bunch used to be street jacks?

                                   SERGENT MAJOR CALVIN
                         Well at least 80% including me.

                         So what is the mood of the troops?

                                   SERGENT MAJOR CALVIN
                         Very good marm, high actually, they
                         like action and its been a while
                         since the last campaign.

                         Yes it has Sergent, well you better
                         get back to them, I think they want
                         you to lead the signing. Where are
                         the pipes?

                                   SERGENT MAJOR CALVIN
                         They are coming marm, warming up in
                         the eight forward room I believe.

                         Pipes, what are they?

                         You'll see.

                         Wow, that strange but actually I
                         think I am warming to the concept.
                         How are you organised?

                         Well as in all military, using the
                         basic concepts from the days of the
                         Romans. At the tip, operatives are
                         organised into maniples, groups of
                         five, with sufficient material to
                         service most situations. This
                         builds in low level resilience and
                         allows the splitting of essential
                         supplies into difficult to
                         eradicate elements.

                         Hay Alex come over here and look at
                         this campaign cabinet, its way

                         Yes lots of interesting
                         memorabilia, brings back some
                         memories. You may also want to look
                         at the wall of the fallen next
                         door. However we have a little
                         ceremony to start the proceedings.
                         Sergeant, please call the toasts.

                                   SERGENT MAJOR CALVIN
                         Marm, I regret to inform you that,
                         contrary to the rules of this mess,
                         the ladies, have not been announced
                         and a drink was brought to this
                         table unannounced!

                         What have you to say in defence of
                         this heinous crime?

                         I, oh, well, I don't .


                         Well it was a single malt.

                         Unconscionable, conduct, both of
                         you, report to the grog bucket.

                                   SERGENT MAJOR CALVIN

                         Yes Marm!

               Sounds of stomping and marching feet.

                                   SERGENT MAJOR CALVIN
                         Both of you follow me and play
                         along (whispered). Private the
                         radioactive tongs please

                         Sir, and the handling cloves.

                                   SERGENT MAJOR CALVIN
                         To our guests, to the mess
                         president and to the Royal and
                         Cherry Blue Storms.

               The mess erupts in cheering.

                         Sir, the guest tongs please.

                                   SERGENT MAJOR CALVIN
                         To our guests of honour, what were
                         you drinking?

                         It was a good drink sir

                                   SERGENT MAJOR CALVIN
                         Well then you are excused, please
                         take you seats.

                         Sir I have a toast (whispers to
                         Calvin) I'll do the Maratsuba.

                                   SERGENT MAJOR CALVIN
                         Great, perfect for the occasion

                         All stand for the Maratsuba Toast

                         They say the skies are the limit,
                         but they are just the beginning!

               Huge cheer from the mess and then the sound of bagpipes
               coming in through the door and more stomping of feet and


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