Angel and May

A01-E08 - Longbone

Barry Haworth / Caitlyn Wilkinson / Cecilia Girard / Helen Ekundayo / Joanne Oliver / Parker Burke / Melanie Blizard / Steven Cameron / Viv Braybrook / Vivien Broadbent Season 1 Episode 8

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Angel and May continue in their investigation of the missing object for Gander.  More clues come to light as they observe the diverse local characters of the Bencubbin Area, leading to some unexpected outcomes for those close to Gander.

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               (SHARROW, ALEX, )

                         How did you go?

                         Contact made. It cost me some
                         cryptos, though. She wanted to play

                         With loaded dice?

                         Of course. You know, playing a game
                         when you know for a fact that the
                         other side is cheating and going to
                         win is no fun at all. I think she
                         usually targets new people or
                         people who are drunk, but I was
                         only pretending.

                         What did you learn?

                         She's definitely seen the sphere or
                         something similar. 

                         Think she still has it?

                         If she has, she'll probably be
                         getting rid of it very soon, and we
                         need to watch her movements.

                         Is it worth trying to befriend her

                         No. She's not the friendly type.

                         Then back to the old-fashioned
                         stalking then.

                         Fun and games.

                         Speaking of fun and games, look at
                         my shoulder.

                         That looks like a nasty bruise,
                         very painful. How did you get it?

                         How do you think, that wretched
                         plant of yours!

                         I told you that it needs to imprint
                         on you.

                         Don't you think that this is
                         imprinting enough?

                         ARAY-3 is a good girl, you just
                         need to make friends with her.
                         Don't you, 3?  Don't you?

                                                              ARAY-3 IS
                                                         PURRING AGAIN.

                         I swear, the first payment we get,
                         we're getting rid of it.


                         It's a man-eating plant!

                         Yes, but that's what makes her so


                                                          CROWD NOISES.

                         Beef kebabs! Finest beef kebabs!


                         It's not beef. It's synthetic
                         tissue grown in Petri dishes and it
                         tastes like synthetic tissue grown
                         in Petri dishes.

                         I don't care, it's got to be better
                         than beetles. Now show me where you
                         saw that table.

                         Just down this alley.

                         Right. Excuse me sir, I just need
                         to cross... this alley stinks like

                         It is piss. People have to pay to
                         use the lavatory here, so a lot of
                         people just go in corners out of
                         the way to save money. Watch your


                         Here it is.

                         Neon yellow, how attractive.

                         You don't want it?

                         No, no... beggars can't be
                         choosers. Give me a hand.

                         Hup. Back into the crowd.

                         Excuse me... excuse me... watch it
                         will you?

                         Get out of the way.

                         Get out of my way. ZED, go that
                         way. Urg, this is heavy. ALEX is
                         the one who does the heavy lifting. 

                         Breath... let me breathe... oxygen
                         credits, please...


                                                        THERE IS A THUD
                                                       AS ZED DROPS THE

                         Here. How are you keeping yourself?

                         Fine, fine... 

               The SUSAN wanders back into the crowd, and ZED picks the
               table back up.

                         It almost landed on my foot. 


                         Why did you drop it like that? 

                         I said I'm sorry.

                         Fine, whatever. We're almost there.

               (ZED, SHARROW, ALEX)

                                                       ARAY-3 SNAPPING.

                         Down, ARAY-3! Down.

                                                       THUD AS THEY SET
                                                        THE TABLE DOWN.
                                                           THE SNAPPING
                                                             DIES AWAY.

                         You need to imprint on it properly.

                         Screw that! I'm not going anywhere
                         near that monstrosity! 

                         It's up to you.

                         Push the table over here. Set the
                         computer on it. Let me go into the
                         backroom, see if I can find a box
                         to sit on. ZED, I need to start
                         making a list of everyone in the
                         ROYAL CHERRY BLUES and the
                         RETROGRADE INN staff that have
                         contact with a baby.

                         A baby? Why a baby?

                         It's for a case. 

                         None of us in the CHERRY BLUES have
                         kids. Most of us are kids. 

                         But there'd be members who've left,
                         started families of their own.
                         Would they keep in contact?

                         I guess.

                         Do you remember anyone?

                         I remember NANAO meeting that
                         electrical engineer and eloping
                         with him. But she left the asteroid
                         and hasn't been back. MICHAEL moved
                         out of the barracks and in with
                         this black-haired chick. MACY
                         hooked up with a man called GREY.
                         Hum. I'm going to have to look at
                         the database. 

                         So you'll need to go back to the
                         barracks for that? How long do you
                         think you'll be there?

                         I don't need to go anywhere. All I
                         need is this computer.

                         You'll hack into your own database?

                         Why not?

                         Strikes me as unorthodox.

                         It's my database and I'll hack into
                         it if I want to.

                         Okay then.

                                                       CLICK OF KEYS AS
                                                            ZED HAPPILY
                                                            TYPES AWAY.

                         What screen is that you've got up?

                         Would you please not look over my
                         shoulder? It's very distracting.

                         Fine, fine. 

                                                         PAUSE. TAPPING
                                                               OF KEYS.

                         Do you know that strange beggar
                         girl? The deformed one?


                         I wonder what her story is. She
                         looks so strange.

                         She's royalty.


                         Yes. She's the PRINCESS of Europa.

                         Europa? Jupiter's moon?


                         If she's royalty, how did she end
                         up here?

                         It was Jupiter's gravity. That's
                         what it all comes down to. Europa
                         was the first of Jupiter's moons to
                         be colonised. What they didn't
                         expect were the effects of
                         Jupiter's gravity. It lengthened
                         bones and twisted them. It twisted
                         all their equipment. It went into
                         their skulls and affected their
                         brains. The PRINCESS' father went
                         mad, proclaimed himself the king of
                         Jupiter, and his daughters
                         princesses of Europa. 

                         That's... interesting. How did she
                         end up here, and a beggar?

                         Jupiter's gravity again. The
                         PRINCESS had taken a sled away from
                         the main colony. She turned back in
                         time to see a massive crack across
                         the ice. It slipped open underneath
                         the colony and swallowed it, whole,
                         and slammed shut again. And that
                         was that. No more colony. She was
                         all alone in the dark and ice, with
                         Jupiter falling in the sky above
                         her. Someone did eventually come,
                         but by then she'd been in the dark
                         so long that she'd gone mad
                         herself. And eventually, she ended
                         up here on the asteroid. She's the
                         loneliest PRINCESS in the entire
                         solar system.

                         That's a bizarre story. But very

                         Yes, it is. Here we are. In.

                         What is this?

                         I wish you wouldn't lean over my

                         Learn to cope. Okay. And the sum
                         total of ROYAL CHERRY BLUE ex
                         member offspring newborns is...
                         The youngest is a three-year-old
                         who's off world. Great. How about
                         members with young relatives?

                         Again, none.

                         Well, that's a brick wall.

                                                       DOOR OPENS. ALEX
                                                              COMES IN.

                         Hi honey, I'm home.

                         How was your day, dear?

                         I found a couple of chairs!

                         My god, they're hideous.

                         They'll go well with this table. I
                         think it might be uglier than the

                         I did find some boxes in the

                         What's in them?

                         The one I opened? Wigs.


                         Wigs. All different colours.

                         Give us a look. Wow. There's so
                         many of them. I wonder what's in
                         the other boxes? 

                         I'm almost too frightened to look.

                                                            BOX OPENING

                         Shoes! Platforms and high heels and
                         sandals, oh my.

                         They're huge. They have to be men's

                         SHARROW, I think we're in an ex
                         drag shop.

                         I think you're right. Well, it
                         could be worse. We could be in an
                         ex sex shop and looking at boxes of

                         The wigs might come in handy. Look
                         at this.


                         Do I make a good blonde?

                         Very attractive.

                         This is good. The POPPETHEAD BAR
                         was dim, so MISSY JACK didn't see
                         my face clearly. I should be able
                         to follow her without her
                         recognising me.

                         Excellent. I think we're finally
                         getting somewhere. ZED? ZED? 


                         Could you please start the
                         diagnostic on the storage room's

                         Will do. Nice hair, ALEX.

                         I know.

                         ALEX, right now MISSY JACK isn't
                         our best lead, she's our only lead.
                         There are no Cherry Blues with
                         access to newborns, as far as we
                         can determine. They've all been
                         orphaned or abandoned by people
                         passing through the general area,
                         one way or another. 

                         How many people on the asteroid
                         have babies?

                         Several thousand, but not many live
                         in Bencubbin. They're mainly in the
                         higher-class levels. You have to be
                         able to afford a license to have
                         children here, although there's
                         nothing stopping you from having
                         them somewhere else and bringing
                         them here, and then dumping them.
                         And if you can afford a child
                         bearing license, surely you can
                         afford a place to sleep, instead of
                         breaking into a high security
                         storage area and making a nest out
                         of boxes.

                         So back to stalking.

                         Afraid so.

                         These wigs are definitely going to
                         come in handy, then.

                         Playing dress up is always fun.

               INT. POPPETHEAD BAR
               (ALEX, SHARROW)

                                                            BAR NOISES.
                                                          GLASS SMASHES
                                                            AND A DOZEN
                                                         DRUNKEN VOICES
                                                              SING OUT,

                         SHARROW, can you hear me?

                         Loud and clear.

                         I'm in the bar now. I see MISSY
                         JACK; she's playing dice with some
                         poor tourist.

                         Has she seen you?

                         I don't think so. I'm a distance
                         away and the lights are dim. Plus,
                         I'm looking rather glamorous as a

                         Indeed you are.

                         I'm going to nurse a drink and wait
                         for JACK to finish. Sorry, I want
                         to be alone right now.

                         I'm sorry?

                         I just got propositioned by the
                         ghost of Freddie Mercury. Fashions
                         in this place are an eyesore.

                         Oh, some of it isn't too bad.
                         Besides, if you spend your life in
                         mining overalls, I can understand
                         the urge to dress up when you're
                         off duty.

                         There's no excuse for sequins if
                         you're not under the age of

                         I like sequins.

                         You just never know about some
                         people. Ah, JACK's on the move.
                         Hold tight.

                                                       THE NOISE OF THE
                                                         BAR PEAKS, AND
                                                          THEN THERE IS
                                                       THE SOUND OF THE
                                                        DOOR. THE NOISE
                                                                 OF THE
                                                         POPPETHEAD BAR
                                                         IS REPLACED BY
                                                       THE NOISE OF THE


                         Grasshopper! Grasshopper stew made
                         fresh daily! Scarab kebabs!
                         Tarantula burgers, the best in the
                         ASTEROID! Grasshopper stew, made
                         from the finest of ingredients!

                         Discount oxygen credits! Discount
                         oxygen credits! Oh hell, it's you.
                         Look, just go away will you. I'm
                         not giving you free credits, I'm
                         not a charity!

                         Please, please, I need them.

                         A job is what you need.

                         It's rather crowded, it's a bit
                         difficult to follow.

                         ALEX, she's our only lead, you have
                         to stay on her trail.

                         I know. Excuse me, please.

                         Finest garments on sale today,
                         miss, have a look see. Wouldn't you
                         look just smashing in this dress!

                         One, it's a dress, two, it's pink,
                         and three, I'm headed somewhere.

                         A quick look won't cost you any
                         time at all, miss.

                         Get out of my way! 

                                                        JONES GRUNTS AS
                                                         ALEX SHOULDERS
                                                             HIM ASIDE.

                         Hell, where is she- there!

                                                        ALEX DIVES INTO
                                                       THE CROWD. CROWD
                                                            NOISES WITH
                                                        VENDOURS CRYING
                                                       OUT THEIR WARES.

                         Excuse me. Excuse me.

                         Do you still have her in sight?

                         Yes. She's wearing this
                         unbelievably tacky orange coat,
                         it's making things a lot easier for

                                                           CROWD NOISES
                                                          BEGIN TO THIN

                         We're moving into the higher end,
                         to the shops.

                         Okay. I'm going silent until you
                         say you're done.

                         She's heading to an... antique
                         store? Huh. Wouldn't have pegged
                         her as someone who likes the
                         classics. I'm going in.

                                                            DOOR NOISE.

               (ALEX, SINJIN, MISSY JACK)

               In contrast to the MARKETPLACE, the ANTIQUE STORE is quiet,
               with the ticking of several different clocks.

                         I'm in the store. JACK has gone
                         straight to the counter. The guy
                         there is almost twice her height,
                         he's huge, he's close to seven feet
                         high, barrel chest, bright red
                         beard halfway down his chest. He's
                         let her behind the counter, and
                         he's bent down to kiss her. God,
                         these two really need to get a
                         room, they're all over each other.
                         (Louder and enthusiastically) Wow,
                         paper books, I haven't seen these
                         in ages! (whispers)I wish I had a
                         bucket of water to throw on them.
                         I'm going to raise the com's
                         sensitivity so you can hear them.

                                                       SOUND OF BRITTLE
                                                            PAPER PAGES
                                                        BEING TURNED AS
                                                       ALEX PRETENDS TO
                                                           BROWSE WHILE
                                                       SINJIN AND MISSY
                                                           JACK WHISPER

                         How did you do?

                                   MISSY JACK
                         A double handful of cryptos and
                         some water credits.

                         Chicken feed.

                                   MISSY JACK
                         I don't see you doing any better.

                         Excuse me miss, would you like some

                         I haven't seen paper books in so
                         long! Don't mind me, I'm happy.

                         Just be careful, some of them are
                         very fragile.

                         Yes, I'll be careful.

                                   MISSY JACK
                         This is a small-time scam. It'll
                         never bring anything but chicken

                         Fine, fine. I just think you could
                         do better.

                                   MISSY JACK
                         Not like this I can't.

                         Ooh, this stone is so pretty! 

                         We need more. A lot more.

                                   MISSY JACK
                         It's your own fault that you bet
                         the shop on a chess game,
                         especially given how badly you

                         It was just bad luck that I lost.

                                   MISSY JACK
                         Yeah, well, luck or not, now you
                         have to come up with the money to
                         buy out the guy who won, or you
                         lose the shop. How's the auction
                         planning going?

                         Is this a real grandfather clock?
                         Here? In this asteroid? That's

                         If you would only sell your ship.

                                   MISSY JACK
                         Never ever happening.

                         It'd raise more than enough.

                                   MISSY JACK
                         No. I'm not going to do it. I'll do
                         whatever else you want, but I'm not
                         going to do that.

                         (sighs and speaks to Alex) Here
                         miss, let me help you. Is there
                         anything in particular you're

                         Everything here is wonderful. Paper
                         books and grandfather clocks, it's
                         so unexpected.

                         You're new here?

                         Yes, this is only my second week.

                         So you'll be staying long?

                         Yes, I moved here. 

                         Decorating your new home, then.


                         That's wonderful! Tell you what,
                         I'll give you a special onetime
                         discount. Twenty percent off this
                         clock here.

                         Ooh, that's wonderful! But to be
                         truthful, I want to go for a more
                         art house kind of theme. Abstracts
                         and so forth.

                         I have to admit that I don't have
                         much abstract stock on the floor
                         right now, but you may be
                         interested in a special auction we
                         have coming up. Here's a catalogue.

                         This is lovely, this is.

                         Maybe we'll see you there?

                         I think so! But can I see some of
                         these pieces now?

                         Sorry, but no. They're being
                         organised for display.

                         That's a shame.

                         Anticipation makes the pleasure
                         more intense.

                         True, true. Okay, well, if you
                         don't mind, can I keep the

                         Of course. You may take extra for
                         your friends if you like!

                         Thank you so much! I have to head
                         home now, but I'll definitely be

                         It was pleasure, truly a pleasure.
                         Please hurry back soon!

                         Will do!

               (ALEX, SHARROW, ZED)

                         Well, the sphere isn't in the
                         catalogue. That buggers that idea.

                         Maybe JOHN doesn't have it.

                         Yes, but MISSY JACK knew exactly
                         what I was talking about in the
                         POPPETHEAD BAR.

                         Would she keep the sphere for

                         Yes. No. Maybe. There's just no way
                         of knowing. I'd have to stalk MISSY
                         JACK for days to get that sort of a
                         feel for her, but in a place this
                         small, she'd catch me fairly

                         The catalogue does say, "plus some
                         surprise items" after it lists
                         everything else.
                         That sounds to me like he's still
                         trying to scrounge up things to

                         Yeah, it sounds like that to me.

                         ZED, is there any way you could get
                         access to SINJIN's computer

                         Easy peasy.

                         How much longer have you got to go
                         on that diagnostic of the storage
                         room security?

                         That's running now. I'll have to
                         leave it overnight.

                         If you could start that now it
                         would be great.

                         Not right now. It's night, I have
                         to sleep sometime.


                         Yes, night. See?

                         There's no sun to give us the time.
                         I had no idea what time it is.

                         Come to think of it, I'm tired and
                         I'm hungry.

                         I'm going now.

                         Okay, good night.


                                                            DOOR NOISE.

                         Time for us to get going too.

                         ALEX, no. Please sit down. We need
                         to talk.

                         What's the matter?

                         I asked ZED if he could find her
                         for you. If he could find MARIA for

                         That's... that's okay. I know that
                         she's dead. 

                         That's not it, ALEX. We couldn't
                         find her.

                         Can't find her?

                         ZED couldn't find her anywhere. She
                         isn't in the obituaries, she isn't
                         in the funeral notices.

                         Is she still alive?

                         There's no way of telling. She's
                         not in any of the nursery homes,
                         she doesn't rent or own property.
                         She's just vanished. All the
                         records follow her to about two
                         years after we were… taken, and
                         then she disappears.

                         I see.

                         I'm sorry. I wish I had more for

                         It's okay. Really it is.

                         I'm so sorry.

                         I thought that she would move on
                         and forget about me, that she got
                         old and died. But this strange
                         absence, it makes no sense. Did
                         something terrible happen to her?
                         Was she murdered? Was she
                         kidnapped? Did she die of cancer?

                         Oh, ALEX, I'm so sorry. You deserve

                         I have to find her. I have to know.

               (ZED, MINER, ALEX)

                                                          A NOISY CROWD
                                                            CHEERS ON A

                         Come on, you bastard. Come on if
                         you think you're tough enough.

                         Are you stupid, boy? I'll turn you
                         into a red smear on the ground.

                         Fine, let's go. Let's do it.

                         Your freak girlfriend has
                         disappeared. You come to her rescue
                         and now she's gone. She's not
                         staying around to watch you defend
                         her honour?  

                         She's not a freak!

                         Freak boy with a freaky girlfriend.

                         You piece of shit!

                         All right, okay, let's call it at

                         It's none of your business.

                         Fuck off lady.

                         I'm making it my business. Come on,
                         he's half your size. He's just a

                         If he's old enough to pick a fight
                         then he's old enough to be in one.

                         You bastard. You pushed her. You
                         pushed her so hard she fell.

                         Pushed who?

                         The PRINCESS.

                         A PRINCESS? He calls that thing a
                         PRINCESS? Hah!

                         Right, ZED, that's enough. You're
                         coming with me.

                         I can take him.

                         ZED, he'll eat you alive and use
                         your bones to pick his teeth. We're
                         leaving, now.

                         That's it boy, run away.

                         Oh for the love of-

                                                       SOUND OF SOMEONE
                                                          BEING PUNCHED
                                                       VERY HARD IN THE
                                                          FACE AND THEN
                                                         FALLING TO THE

                         There, that will keep you. You
                         shouldn't pick fights with kids.
                         You want a challenge, you come and
                         see me.

                                                       THE MINER MOANS.

                         ZED, we're going. Right now.

               (ZED, ALEX, SHARROW)

                         You shouldn't have interfered. It
                         wasn't your business.

                         While you're here with us, you are
                         our business. And boy, all that
                         MINER would have needed to do was
                         hit you once and you would have
                         been out like a light. Brutes like
                         that hit hard as they can, hard
                         enough to break you, and are happy
                         to do it.

                         What's going on?

                         ZED decided to defend the SUSAN'S
                         honour from a man twice his size.

                         I could have taken him.

                         No, you couldn't have. Where are
                         you going?

                         I have to see her. I have to make
                         sure she's okay.

                         It's probably best that you lay low
                         right now. I'll go see if I can
                         find her.

                         Please, I just need to know that
                         she's okay.

                         Okay, back soon.

                                                         THE DOOR OPENS
                                                             AND SHUTS.

                         What? Why are you looking at me
                         like that?

                         You're a decent lad, aren't you?

                         Decent? Not likely.

                         If you say so. If you could start
                         in on trying to get into SINJIN'S
                         database now, that would be great.


               (SUSAN, SHARROW)

                                                          CROWD NOISES.

                         Breath of life… breathing… air in
                         your lungs…

                         Well, you seem like your usual
                         self. No bruises. Are you hungry?

                         All I need is the air that I

                         Here, let me buy you a protein

                         Only oxygen sustains me.

                         But you're starving.

                         Oxygen credits, oxygen credits… I
                         need oxygen to live and breathe…

               The SUSAN wanders away into the crowd.

                         She is mad. Completely bonkers.
                         Well, while I'm here I may as well
                         duck into the RETROGRADE INN and
                         check in with the GANDER.

               INT. RETROGRADE INN
               (GANDER, SHARROW)

                                                            BAR NOISES.

                         Here's trouble.

                         I am not. I'm always thoroughly
                         well behaved and ladylike. You're
                         thinking of ALEX.

                         I think you're both nothing but

                         You're one to talk. 


                         I'm just here to check in and let
                         you know what we're up to. The hair
                         that we found was very fine like
                         baby hair, it wasn't normal adult
                         hair at all. We asked ZED and if
                         any of the ROYAL BLUES had babies
                         and he said no.

                         As a general rule, we don't take
                         children younger than eight. That's
                         not to say that none are dumped
                         here. We usually foster them out to
                         the DIRKSON LANES crew.

                         DIRKSON LANES? You mean the organic
                         produce sector?

                         That's right.

                         We haven't visited there yet.

                         You should. It's very pretty.

                         And they take children?

                         There's a couple who own a shelf
                         They love children, they take all
                         our fosters and complain when we
                         want them back. REMY and ANNA. They
                         say that a house isn't a home
                         without children.

                         They sound like good people.

                         They're better than this wretched
                         world deserves. They're the
                         disgusting type that make you feel
                         guilty about being a misanthrope. 

                         Back to the subject at hand. Baby
                         hair; can you think of any sources
                         of it?

                         None. No one in the RETROGRADE has
                         babies, and there are none in the
                         CHERRY BLUES. 

                         So, the hair is definitely
                         important. Well, we may know who
                         has the sphere, but still no idea
                         of how they got their hands on it.
                         MISSY JACK and an antiques trader
                         called SINJIN.

                         SINJIN! MISSY JACK I'm not
                         surprised, she's a scam artist and
                         thief, but SINJIN I'd definitely
                         think better of.

                         You know him?

                         He runs an antique store and is
                         renowned for being an enthusiastic
                         and abysmal chess player. He's not
                         exactly on the straight and narrow,
                         but I wouldn't have thought he'd
                         associate with the likes of MISSY

                         More than associate; ALEX was in
                         the shop and saw them making out.

                         Well, I guess you never know with
                         some people. Did ALEX see the

                         No. ALEX was undercover pretending
                         to be a naïve newcomer to the
                         asteroid, and saw MISSY JACK
                         recognise the sphere when ALEX
                         described it. And get this: JOHN
                         made a bad bet on a chess game and
                         lost. Now he has to either raise a
                         large amount of cash or hand over
                         ownership of his shop. He's holding
                         a grand auction.

                         Do you think he'll try to sell the
                         sphere then?

                         It's possible. The sphere wasn't in
                         the auction catalogue that I saw,
                         but that doesn't mean it won't be

                         So where does that leave me?

                         Well, we've got several options.
                         One, ALEX and I can try to steal
                         the sphere back. Two, we can
                         confront JACK and JOHN directly.
                         Three, we could to the auction
                         ourselves and either buy it back or
                         block the sale of it to anyone

                         One sounds fun.

                         Problem is, ALEX and I are still a
                         ways away from a good understanding
                         of the security systems here on the
                         asteroid. We can try, but I don't
                         like our chances.


                         And if we confront them, our only
                         proof would be ALEX'S word on MISSY
                         JACK'S changing facial expression
                         in a darkened pub. 

                         Leaving us with option three,
                         attending the auction.

                         I'm afraid so.

                         What did ZED say about the broken
                         security system in the storage

                         He said that there were no
                         indications that the security
                         system has been interfered with in
                         any way.

                         That is not right.

                         This is what he told us.

                         Of course the security system has
                         been tampered with! There was
                         someone sleeping in there for
                         fuck's sake!

                         Maybe a second opinion?

                         Definitely. I'll have the ROYAL
                         BLUE'S head computer engineer look
                         at it.

                         Sounds like a good idea. And the
                         auction? What is our next step?

                         I want you and ALEX to go.

                         Will do. I have to get back to the
                         office now. See you soon.

               (ZED, SHARROW, ALEX)

                         How was she? Is she okay?

                         She's fine. Not a bruise in sight.
                         I offered her some food and she
                         ignored it. 

                         She never eats.

                         She certainly doesn't look like she
                         does. Where's ALEX?


                         ALEX aaaaah!

                                                         ARAY-3'S TRAPS
                                                          ARE SNAPPING.
                                                        ALEX ENTERS THE

                         What's the matter? I heard screams.

                         It keeps trying to eat me!

                         I told you that you have to imprint
                         on it. 

                         I'm not going to touch that thing.
                         Not now, not ever.

                         All you need to do it touch it,
                         just once.

                         I've already bled for it. I draw
                         the line at touching it.

                         Why are you being so stubborn?

                         Because it's a man-eating

                         It's a miracle of genetic
                         engineering, and it's our security

                         Just hold it off until I can pass

                         Fine, fine.

                                                         ARAY-3'S TRAPS
                                                          SNAP OPEN AND

                         Have you opened anymore of those

                         A couple. One was full of false

                         An entire boxful of false

                         Don't believe me, come and see.

                                                             DOOR SHUTS
                                                           BEHIND THEM.

                         I went and saw the GANDER and told
                         her what was going on.

                         You told her that ZED found nothing
                         wrong with the security in the
                         storage room?

                         She said that she'd put the head
                         engineer on it.

                         And the auction?

                         GANDER wants us to go.

                         Then we must prepare to attend. 


                         Check out this box; it's full of

                         It's like we got some ready-made
                         props along with the office.

                         For once, something is going our
                         way. Even if it's just some wigs
                         and scarves.

               INT. GABBETT AUCTIONS
               (SHARROW, ALEX, SINJIN)

                                                        LOW MURMUR OF A
                                                         GENTILE CROWD.

                         That is a lovely gown you're

                         I hate dresses. I hate skirts.

                         Well, that one actually suits you.
                         And it's understated and elegant.

                         There's no place to put my gun.

                         You don't have a gun. We still
                         can't afford them, remember?

                         Don't remind me.

                         At least the wine's good.

                         I don't like wine.

                         But you're drinking it anyway.

                         It's free alcohol and I'm taking

                         You always were the pragmatic one.

                         Ladies, ladies… so wonderful to see
                         you both. 

                         Thank you for inviting us. 

                         It's a pleasure to have you. Is
                         there anything in particular you've
                         got your eye on?

                         Oh, it's all so lovely, it's so
                         hard to choose.

                         There's something for everyone, I

                         Maybe something abstract, and in

                         I do believe we can cater. We have
                         several lovely canvases and
                         sculptures in purple. If you'd care
                         to approach the display table up

                         How nice!


                         Please let me know if you have any
                         questions. In the meantime, if
                         you'll excuse me, I must mingle.

                         Found it. A metallic purple sphere,
                         shot through with lights like
                         stars. Just as described and the
                         perfect match to the columns.

                         Time for us to leave and tell


                         Unless what?

                         We go ahead and try to steal it. If
                         we get caught we'll be turned over
                         to the CHERRY BLUES, who'll take
                         the sphere anyway.

                         SHARROW, sometimes I love the way
                         you think.

                         I know.

                         Look at that! People are picking
                         things up off the display table and
                         passing them around. 

                         We need to wait for someone to pick
                         up the sphere and then we can
                         intercept it. If we take it
                         directly from the display table we
                         might be noticed.

                         Let's drift to the table and fondle
                         something to blend in.

                         What a lovely painting! It'll look
                         perfect over the lounge. 

                         I'm not sure I like it. How about
                         this one? 

                         No, no, the colours will clash.
                         Look, the sphere is on the move!

                         Keep looking at the table, I'm
                         going to hover over there and make
                         a grab for it!

                         Works for me.

                         Oh, excuse me miss, I didn't mean
                         to bump into you... why that's a
                         lovely little piece! May I see it?

                         And there the sphere goes, into her
                         evening bag. Smooth.

                         Got it.

                         Excellent. Let's wait a few minutes
                         and leave separately. Meet you at
                         the RETROGRADE INN!

               (GANDER, SHARROW, ALEX, RUDI)

                         Yes, this is it. Pretty little
                         thing and as far as anyone can
                         tell, completely useless.

                         A great man once said, "All art is
                         quite useless".

                         I'd debate that, but anyway.

                         It was strange how we were able to
                         walk straight out with it.

                         Usually at these things the objects
                         are coated with a membrane that
                         triggers an alarm system if they
                         leave a defined space. I wonder if
                         the membrane didn't take for some

                         About our fee...

                         You've worked off a quarter of the
                         cost of your office space.

                         I guess we can't argue with that.
                         Hello, RUDI.


                         I'm just on my way out. I need to
                         talk to ZED.

                         The last of the loose ends. We'll
                         join you

               (RUDI, ZED, SHARROW, ALEX)

                                                           ARAY-3 SNAPS

                         ZED, it's time we talked.

                         What's wrong?

                         We know it was you who messed with
                         the security systems in the storage

                         That's bullshit. It wasn't me.

                         It had to be you. No one else could
                         have done it. If we hadn't asked
                         the head computer engineer look
                         over your work and just trusted
                         your word on it, we'd have never

                         Prove it.

                         Here's a readout. This is where you
                         switched off the cameras and put
                         the detector systems on a loop. And
                         this is where you didn't log off
                         properly and started surfing the
                         internet while you were still
                         patched into the security program.

                         Yeah, okay, it was me. What's the

                         You've broken our trust in you. 

                         So what? You never give me any
                         credit for what I do. The head
                         engineer pats me on the head
                         whenever I give him an idea, and
                         sends me away. I'm a better
                         programmer than all the ROYAL BLUES
                         combined and I still get treated
                         like some jumped up script kiddie.
                         I'm good at what I do!

                         And you still got caught. Because
                         you were careless and didn't finish
                         your work properly.

                         I think your heart is in the right
                         place, ZED. It's not like you did
                         it for fun. You did it for her.
                         Your SUSAN needed somewhere to
                         sleep, didn't she? And the storage
                         room is clean and safe and dry and
                         you can make a comfortable bed with
                         what you find in there.

                         SUSAN? Who's that?

                         The beggar girl. The twisted one.

                         That strange girl who's always
                         begging for oxygen credits? We
                         offered our help and she turned it

                         It's because you wanted to fix her.


                         She turned you down because you
                         wanted to fix her, like there is
                         something wrong with her. You would
                         have made her change her clothes
                         and eat, and take chemicals to mess
                         up her brain so she's normal enough
                         to be good enough for you. She
                         wants to be free. She wants to be
                         herself. She wants to forage and
                         find her own food.

                         She never eats, even when it's
                         offered to her, and that makes her
                         anorexic. And people who are
                         anorexic will grow lanugo; fine,
                         soft hair all over their bodies.
                         The metal sail she used as a
                         blanket caught some lanugo in the
                         folds, and that's what we found. We
                         were chasing our tails because we
                         thought it was hair from a baby.

                         There's nothing wrong with her.
                         She's the way she's supposed to be.

                         Why did she take the sphere?

                         It was pretty.

                         That's it? She wasn't planning to
                         sell it or exchange it?

                         She took it because it was pretty
                         and wanted to keep it.

                         Then how did MISSY JACK get her
                         hands on it?

                         MISSY JACK saw the PRINCESS with
                         the sphere and wanted it, so she
                         took it.

                         So first the PRINCESS stole it and
                         then it was stolen from her.

                         ZED, we can't overlook this. We
                         can't overlook you messing with the
                         security systems. We can't overlook
                         you facilitating theft. We can't
                         overlook any of this.

                         What now, then?

                         Your membership with the ROYAL
                         CHERRY BLUES is suspended. You are
                         no longer allowed in the Barracks.
                         You must collect your things and

                         Things? What things? I have nothing
                         but what you've given me, and
                         you've given me fuck all. My
                         blankets and mess plate and cup.

                         We've given you an education and a
                         place to sleep.

                         And I worked for it. I worked for

                         And if you hadn't, you would have
                         been homeless.

                         Where am I supposed to go?

                         That's up to you. 

                         We may be able to help. We have a
                         spare room in our office, and a
                         need for a really good tech person.

                         Will you pay me?

                         We can pay for your food.

                         That's next to nothing.

                         But it's better than nothing at
                         all. What other options do you
                         have, other than to join your SUSAN
                         on the street?

                         Yeah. Yeah, fine. I'll take you up
                         on your offer.

                         And if you don't work hard, we'll
                         feed you to ARAY-3.


                         But look at it this way: you can
                         have as many pairs of false
                         eyelashes and drag shoes as you


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