Angel and May

A01-E09 - Living on Layby

Barry Haworth / David Cannon / Parker Burke / Melanie Blizard / Priya Shah / Robert Gettons / Steven Cameron / Vivien Broadbent / Vivian Braybrook Season 1 Episode 9

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Things can get weird, surprisingly quickly when you're decanted into an Avatar, with one leg longer than the other. Doily also has a stump of a day. 

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                                S1 E9 - LIVING ON LAY-BUY

               INT. RETROGRADE BAR
               (DOILY, GANDER, SLIM)

                         We've been chatting for some time
                         now, so I've got to feel that I
                         kinda know you all.  As you
                         probably guess, I spend a lot of my
                         time propping up this bar. 
                         Something about it makes me feel at
                         home. Now just parked here, I see
                         folks a coming and a going all day.
                         I Have a nice chat now and again,
                         but in this Asteroid you've got to
                         be real picky about your friends?
                         The genuine friends I mean, those
                         you can open up to and those that
                         you really trust. Like most folks,
                         I count them on a single hand. Not
                         my good hand mind, the one with the
                         missing pinky. They know where to
                         find me. Now old DOILY over there,
                         she's got a solid gold heart and a
                         go get um spirit. Course I've known
                         her for a long time
                             (takes a sip of red
                         Since she were just a dirty little
                         street kid with blazing eyes.
                         Turned into a strong woman now
                         though, makes me proud, brings a
                         tear to this old cowboys eyes. Mind
                         you when she walked into the bar
                         the other day, grubby spacesuit and
                         hair all a-mess like, I had no idea
                         the adventures me and my Lassiter
                         be hav'n.

                                                               SOUND OF
                                                          ENTRANCE INTO
                                                                THE BAR

                         Oh, hey Slim, how you been you old
                         dog? Been simply far too long!

                         Good enough DOILY, real good matter
                         a fact. Good to she ya.  I might
                         just work up enough enthusiasm to
                         say I'm all hot to trot.  Now ask
                         me why!

                             (Reluctant to go through
                              the inevitable question)
                         Sigh, so why are you hot to trot?

                         Glad you asked my that. Just got me
                         a new horse over in the Dirksen on
                         those Hudson levels. 
                             (closes in and whispers
                         She's a right good looker too.
                         Thoroughbred filly, my own black
                         beauty. You'll haves to come meet
                         her sometime.

                         Sorry, hold your horses, oh pardon
                         the pun! Did you say horse. Like a
                         real horse, flesh and all? 

                         Do think I would get any other

                         Well no of course not. Never seen
                         one myself mind, but I sure like
                         to. Seen those auction prices and
                         feedstock quoters, you would need a
                         pretty penny.
                             (starts to get fake cuddly
                              with slim)
                          You old cowboy, you keeping a
                         secret fortune from us SLIM?

                         Now back off you huckster, it'd be
                         safer to sleep with a rattle snake.
                         Hmmmm, on the other hand, I've
                         heard you're not so hard up
                         yourself, now you've made coin on a
                         neat sized salvage. Are these
                         scurrilous back channel rumours

                         Oh there true all right!

                                                          SOUND OF BAR
                                                            STOOL BEING
                                                         DRAGGED ON THE

                         Darn it you two, you're worse than
                         GHOST, you don't let a single thing
                             (*sighs reflectively* )
                         Mind you its kinda reassuring that
                         that this place, always leaks like
                         a rusty pot. 

                         Yep its a rusty piss pot for sure.
                         You know the BC, summer in the ol
                         city an all. We just surviving down
                         here, living in each other's

                         May it never change
                             ( *sighs*)
                         Unfortunately the salvage won't end
                         up as profitable as it could Have

                         Really? Need another to drown your

                         You bet yah!

                                                        ORDERING DRINKS

                         Red'n and a Dead'n GANDER if ya

                         Yeah its a pisser really. So there
                         was an old scow drifting in TRACON
                         area 5, long in on a chaotic low
                         energy path. A real journey to
                         oblivion. It was strange enough to
                         get GHOST's interest.

                         You always did like the outliers
                         and the queazy stuff.

                         You would know, something about you
                         is slightly left field, high
                         potential for queasiness in that my
                         good friend!

                         Thats quite true, young lady, you
                         got me 5 by 5 straight down the

                         Anyway to get to the juicy bits of
                         my creepy story, it just got
                         weirder, when I boarded and
                         inspected the old crapped out
                         hanger deck. There was a couple of
                         old cryo's ticking over on atomic
                         generators. Super cold, real frosty
                         and radioactive. Had to really
                         scrap away the ice 
                             (*Getting Excited* )
                         And get this, inside these cryo's
                         were two chicks, young, early
                         twenties and looking as if they
                         were just having a little afternoon
                         nap. I tell yah, that shit creeped
                         me out! The state of the place, it
                         was old, really old, pock marks on
                         hull, vacuum ablation, a real
                         horror-show. They must Have been
                         out there drifting for 30 years or

                                                        SOUND OF A BEER
                                                         BOTTLE OPENING
                                                       AND BEING PLACED
                                                             ON THE BAR

                         Thanks GANDER. Oh yum Death-Head,
                         my favourite. (Pause) So you been
                         listening to the story!

                         Of course I Have ears like a bat,
                         If you ask me 'Death Head' lager
                         seems entirely appropriate.

                         Uh-Huh, so tell me, when you coming
                         home more often to see me and old
                         GANDER here. We know you like all
                         this adventuring stuff, but we miss

                         Yes we do, we like your adventurous
                         stories they remind me of my youth.

                                                       SOUND OF ALCOHOL
                                                            BEING FREE
                                                          POURED INTO A

                         Oh well I miss you guys two but you
                         know the verse is a calling and the
                         belt is so interesting.

                         Like rid'n me horse across the wide
                         open grasslands!

                         Jeez, next time I'll get the music
                         from 'How the West was Won' and
                         some wild locals. 
                             (Pause to contemplate the
                         So looks like you guys are starting
                         to pick up the nuances of my story.
                         But think about this chicks in
                         those cryos just a drifting through
                         the void. Now thats the sort of
                         weird that equals big bucks. Its
                         either the gangs or the corporates.
                         I'm a little creeped out with
                         either to be honest.

                         Oh we get the nuances all right.
                         Also we love a good story, but what
                         can you do, this belts just full of
                         weird shit. 
                             (Leans in closer and
                         I tell you SLIM, she's too young
                         for you, she'll just wear you out,
                         leave your gun hand all shaky. 
                             (They both laugh)

                         I know, but it don't hurt to dream.
                         Now does it! 

                             (Slightly mock annoyed)
                         Hay, you two old codgers, stop the
                         conspiracy right now. Neither of
                         you could deal with my righteous
                         energy, and SLIM it'd just snap
                         your Johnson right off. Just like
                         an old suit seal. You couldn't deal
                         with me and you know it! Besides...

                             (Slight indignation in
                         No besides about it young lady.
                         I'll Have you know that under this
                         crusty old cowboy exterior, is a
                         panther just waiting to pounce.

                         (To DOILY) If he gives you any
                         trouble with his (Pause) 'animal'
                         tendencies, you let me know. 

                         You'd get all worn out with the
                         interventions GANDER. 

                         Jeez! Its like a rattle-snake pit!

                         You better believe it brother!

                             (Takes a drink and with
                              laughter at the jesting)
                         Sooo lets get back to the
                         interesting stuff and away from
                         this little innuendo standoff.
                         (Pause) So where were we, oh yah,
                         these frozen corpsicals must Have
                         been floating in space for thirty
                         odd years. Thats according to
                         TRACON records. So you tell me how
                         is that possible, and with no sign
                         of radiation damage? They should
                         Have been cooked right through like
                         over done chicken. No chance of
                         survival, but, get this, they
                         looked fine. Fresh even, like a
                         regular space Cinderella.

                         Hmmmm. That sure doesn't add up,
                         it's enough to give you the he-bee

                         I know, right? So get this, as soon
                         as I haul them back here, we were
                         intercepted immediately at gate, by
                         CIS, no sign of press, or drones
                         and they were immediately shunted
                         down to the General Hospital
                         uptown. I was warned off asking any
                         questions. Told to back off and put
                         in a claim through regular
                         channels. Like I was saying it just
                         smells of corporate, with a strong
                         dose of wickedness thrown in. 

                                                               SOUND OF
                                                          GLUGGING BEER
                                                          BOTTLE, DOILY

                         Hmmmm, So two young women you say?
                         Could you describe them?

                         Well not really, they were laying
                         semi wrapped and the iced up window
                         made viewing limited. I did hear
                         that as well as CIS the uptown cops
                         were swarming and that a D-Notice
                         had been issued. I'm telling ya,
                         its fishy.
                             (Takes a contemplative sip
                              of drink)
                         You'd think that someone pipe up 
                         to claim the ship. It's s worth a
                         couple of hundred thou, even as

                         Mighty strange thing is this void,
                         darkness in the outer belt. (Pause)
                         Mind you, the lack of owners,
                         leaves you with a solid wedge.

                         Yep, small comforts and little
                         things, although I think CIS Have
                         already stripped it of those cryo's
                         and the tomics, and I can't help
                         but feel this one is going to Have
                         some further twists down the road.

                         These corpiscles were they young?
                         Perhaps in their twenties,
                         Caucasian, maybe one of them
                         slightly feline?

                         Sorry GANDER, I couldn't tell you.
                         It was dark in there the small
                         windows were frosted up. I had only
                         one thought and that was to get
                         out. CIS intercepted us as soon as
                         we landed. So why the curiosity?
                         Have you got some interest in them?

                         No no. Just curious, you know how I
                         like the little details, its the
                         small things that bight.

                             (Mood changing as the
                              story details pass )
                         Line up a couple of the old
                         deaden's for me and SLIM if you
                         please  stick it on my account,
                         thanks GANDER.

                         Thanks DOILY. So what are you
                         planning for your, newly semi
                         wealthy existence? 

                                                        SOUND OF A BEER
                                                         BOTTLE OPENING
                                                       AND BEING PLACED
                                                             ON THE BAR

                         Ohh, so I think my first priority
                         is repaying the money I owe. I know
                         that those pilot accreditation
                         didactics cosy you a pretty penny
                         SLIM, so you be getting that back.
                         That will eat up a chunk of the
                         change. Other than that, GHOST, my
                         old ship AI is needing some love, 
                             (Pause and a contemplative
                         She really needs her first skin.
                         She's been on at me for ages to get
                         out and about. She says that the
                         old rusty jacket of the ship is
                         cramping her style. Once she's got
                         a bee in her robotic head to try on
                         some new threads she just won't let
                         go. Its driving me batty! 
                             (Takes a sip of her drink)
                         Say either of you two know where I
                         could go for a cheap skin job? Need
                         to be something for a limit purse?

                         Hmmmm, let me think, not a common
                         request nowadays, those avatar's
                         are a little out of vogue after
                         that incident on Selene Base One.
                         Folks are a little twitchy. So a
                         mech Avatar you say.
                         Well obviously the place to go is
                         Electric City, but where exactly.
                         Most decent places only Have the
                         new models, Cyber Organic Skins,
                         there mostly from Hadronic

                         They sound well out of my price

                         Oh they are, so there no good.

                         Yep I know it, I think this is
                         going to be almost impossible. Be
                         nice to get her into an full
                         organic, but this time around its a
                         fixer upper.

                         So let me think. None of the
                         secondhand military androids are
                         available, even the shell's as they
                         get shredded on decommissioning and
                         get reclaimed. Hmmm.
                             (Gander walks back along
                              the bar thinking)

                         Let's say I was looking for an
                         empty, plus parts. I could then re
                         assemble? Something humanoid but
                         basic. That would save a fair few

                         Yes, yes, but humanoid. I don't
                         think GHOST would want to be
                         decanted into a dust-bin with

                                                       SOUND OF DISTANT
                                                        BEEPING, LIKE A
                                                         DISGRUNTLED R2
                                                          UNIT REACTING
                                                        OFFENDED TO THE

                         Oh the language in this bar! Your
                         cleaning bots need there mouths
                         washing out with oil.
                             (Takes another sip)
                         Any ideas guys? Do you Have
                         'Contacts' from your…… (whispers)

                         Well I know there is a lot of old
                         junk down at the Electric Souk, Old
                         QUARESMA down there collects all
                         sorts of decommissioned stuff, she
                         may let you Have a poke around, to
                         be honest you Have nothing to lose.

                         Charisma you say?

                         No, no, QUARESMA, with a Q. There
                         is no charisma anywhere near that
                         Electric Souk I promise you that.
                         This QUARESMA, she is a striking
                         woman though. Very beautiful.

               EXT. ELECTRIC SOUK

                                                              SOUNDS OF

                                   SPRUIK-A-MATIC A
                         Finest jewellery at lowest prices.
                         Rare gems at bargain prices. Sir,
                         come sir best quality please look.

                                   SPRUIK-A-MATIC B
                         (Fading out) Communicator credits
                         sold here, Earth calling cards,
                         Mars Colony Calling cards.

                         Come in, come in my friends, finest
                         silk, best quality, beautiful
                         colours. Please sit, I'll bring you
                         tea my friend. 

                                                       SOUND OF HANGERS
                                                       CLICKING ON RAIL

                             (*slightly miffed and
                         No, no, No thanks. No tea for me,
                         (Pause) friend.

                         Oh Miss, don't be like that, this
                         silk for you, beautiful colour for
                         a beautiful miss.

                         Look, No thanks, again. Besides
                         silk is too hot in a ship-suit. If
                         I'm not in a Vac-U-Metic spacesuit
                         I'm in a light cotton overall.

                         Oh. Smart miss, very smart, those
                         hots suits must be very
                         uncomfortable for long duration.
                         You must be a local. 

                         Well spotted my friend. I grew up
                         in the Bencubbin not more than two
                         block away. They may be hot, but
                         you get used to the full vac suits,
                         besides its better than chowing on


                         I'll take these ones away. Miss
                         doesn't need silks, hot and sweaty
                         like you say. Silk is for the
                         tourists! For miss I Have lovely
                         light cotton ship suits, nice black
                         colour, best price. Come, come,
                         front of shop is silks and colours
                         for the tourists. Come, the back of
                         the shop is where you locals want
                         to be, best prices.

                         Oh, Ok let's take a look shall we.
                         What's your name sir? Was that

                                                       SOUND OF CURTAIN
                                                           BEING PULLED
                                                       BACK. FOOTSTEPS.

                         Have I got that correct? 

                         My name miss, is FAKHOURI See, it
                         is the name of my shop. What is
                         your name beautiful miss?

                         Oh sorry, I misheard you. Call me

                         Beautiful name Miss DOILY. Would
                         you like Coffee? Please sit Miss

                                                         SOUND OF SMALL
                                                            STOOL BEING
                                                       DRAGGED SLIGHTLY

                         Actually FAKHOURI, yes to that
                         coffee. Thank you.

                         First Miss DOILY, look at the
                         quality of these. Wicking cotton
                         fabric for sweaty space travel.

                                                        SOUND OF A PILE
                                                            OF CLOTHING
                                                       BEING DROPPED ON
                                                              A TABLE. 

                                                       SOUND OF HISSING
                                                             AND LIQUID
                                                           POURING FROM
                                                         COFFEE MACHINE

                         Wow, is that the price? Not the
                         best price you promised FAKHOURI

                                                        SOUND OF COFFEE
                                                             CUPS BEING
                                                          PLACED ON THE

                         This is best quality wicking cotton
                         but for you a special price Miss
                         Doily. I do you special price.

                         Ahh. This coffee is fantastic

                         Thank you, it's the fresh ground
                         beans, from earth, my home planet.
                         I stopped in New London as a
                         travelling merchant but I liked it
                         and met my wife here. 25 years in
                         the Bencubbin.

                         It is certainly a great place.
                         People from all over and mostly
                         getting along. I grew up a few
                         blocks spin-wards, near the Retro
                         Grade Inn. Do you know it?

                         Oh, I hear stories Miss DOILY but
                         my faith and my wife prevent me
                         from ever visiting such a place.
                         Plenty of stories from that place

                             (*Laughing* )
                         They'll all be true most likely,
                         it's a busy place and there is
                         always plenty of excitement. It
                         really is my home when I'm back
                         here, I kind of grew up there. I
                         was born in the BC my mother was a
                         single parent, my father ran off to
                         another asteroid when I was too
                         young to remember. 
                         (Pause slightly emotional)
                         There was an 'organisation' that
                         helped mum out from time to time.
                         The inn was involved. I kind of
                         feel, that I owe them. They really
                         looked out for me growing up. You
                         could say they got me off the
                         streets, well, mostly.

                         They must be kind people Miss
                         DOILY, and you Have grown up
                         beautiful, strong and kind. Would
                         you like a top-up?

                         Absolutely FAKHOURI, that's
                         fantastic stuff. I don't think I'll
                         need to sleep tonight at all, it's
                         that potent.

                                                          SOUND OF CUPS
                                                         BEING REFILLED

                         Ahhh, thats real good. So may I ask
                         a question?

                         Of course miss, ask away.

                         I'm actually in the area looking
                         for a (Pause), QUARESMA. Do you
                         know her?

                         Oh yes Miss, I do. She is quite
                         influential in these parts and on
                         the board of the Market Traders
                         Association so I'll Have to be
                         careful what I say. Suffice to say,
                         be careful in your dealings with
                         her as I've heard of the many
                         comings and goings of people around
                         her facility, strangers, there
                         definitely not locals. She is quite
                         a beautiful woman, very serious.
                         Not one to be trifled with. I've
                         never had issues myself but one
                         does hear things.

                         Thanks FAKHOURI, duly noted. I'm
                         looking for some technical gear and
                         I've been told she is the one to
                         speak to so I guess I'll Have to
                         take my chances. 

                         Yes of course Miss so you again
                         soon I hope.

                         Thanks for the coffee my friend,
                         I'll drop back in for some ship
                         suits on my way back. Soooo, Can
                         you point me in the direction of
                         this QUARESMA operation?

                         My pleasure Miss, I look forward to
                         seeing you. QUARESMA technical is
                         left and through the Souk stalls, a
                         big place at the end, big blue

               (BEIN-BOT, DOILY, SELLO-BOT)

                                                               SOUND OF
                                                          PRESSURE DOOR
                                                        AND TINKLE OF A

                         Jeez, isn't this a real Aladdin's

                         Welcome to QUARESMA TECHNICAL miss.
                         How may we be of assistance today?

                         Oh, Hello, I am in the market for a
                         second-hand Avatar, humanoid, non
                         military grade.

                         Cybernetics is third sub-level on
                         the right-hand side. Thank you for
                         your patronage.

                                                               SOUND OF
                                                          WALKING, LIFT

                         Madam, I understand you are looking

                                                           RECORDING OF
                                                          DOILY'S VOICE
                                                        DESCRIBING WHAT
                                                       SHE NEEDS TO THE
                                                       BEIN-BOT – TINNY

                         Oh, well yes, that's worryingly…
                         efficient of you.

                         Can I further ask about you're
                         required functionality and
                         prospective budget for this new
                         item? Will you be needing a local
                         AI decant?

                         Oh no thank you, I will decant
                         myself. I already Have a ship AI
                         with more attitude than I can
                         handle, dealing with another is
                         just asking for trouble! I just
                         want a humanoid sheath avatar,
                         empty with no occupant.

                         Confirmed. Humanoid Androids this
                         way. Cybernetic Organics, worker
                         androids and pleasure-bots. Base
                         models starting at 150,000 credits
                         ranging to half a million for the
                         top models.

                         Oh, wow, very flash. But total out
                         of my budget. I've about twenty
                         thousand credits to spend. Do you
                         Have something in that range?

                             (*Sounding annoyed* )

                         Items within your budget will be
                         this way.

                         Oh dear, is that what I think it

                         It is not within my parameters to
                         speculate. I can only describe.
                         These are genitalia for our latest
                         pleasure-bot model BRO-CEL 320b.
                         Detachable and dish-washer safe for
                         best hygiene practice. Manufactured
                         on Hygiea.

                         Eww. Remind me to never visit

                         That is a correct supposition. My
                         programming indicates suboptimal
                         outcomes for female morphic types.
                         Two probabilities are indicated,
                         either you would be unwelcome
                         there, or conversely extremely
                         welcome. The Colony is flagged
                         refuge status for male genotype
                         identifying as "Involuntarily
                         Celibate". My circuits can only
                         presume their taste for 'pleasure'
                         bots is driven by some biologic

                         Oh double yuck with a dose of
                         creepy, thanks for fro that. Lets
                         move on shall we.

                         So BIN 23 onwards, are, seconds,
                         damaged goods and reclaimed parts.
                         Please peruse at your leisure.
                         There may be something here that
                         meets your, ah hum 

                                                            NOISE, THEN
                         Budgetary restrictions.

                         Yes, thank you, well Have you got
                         anything close to a whole unit. I'm
                         not going to pull together
                         thousands of parts from your bins.
                         You need to do better than that if
                         you want a sale!

                         Oh, well then, right-hand side at
                         the end. You will note the
                         decommissioned hospitality units
                         mainly from the uptown hotels and

                         Oh this is bad, poor thing. This
                         one's totally crushed. Is that a
                         torso. Ohhh, oh yuck, it's sticky.
                         Whats this. Feminine genotype. Oh,
                         shit, it's missing a leg.

                         Yes, unfortunately these units were
                         involved in an intra robotic
                         altercation. Hospitality units
                         double as with a secondary function
                         as security staff. I believe it was
                         in the course of this security
                         action, that they were damaged. 

                         Yeah, yeah, tell me something
                         useful, I can't use a bot with one
                         leg. How the hell would it get

                         It is possible for it to hop on a
                         single appendage, although I would
                         suggest that you peruse the
                         reclaimed parts bin you see on your
                         right if you require faster
                         ambulation. There are a number of
                         working appendages, sensory arrays,
                         processors and batteries
                         interchangeable with

                                                         BLEEP FOR DATA
                         the Cactus B32-21 Hospitality Unit
                         in question. We can connect the
                         unit and run a test sequence to
                         assess the repair requirements.

                                                         MUSIC DENOTING
                                                       PASSAGE OF TIME.
                                                       SOUND OF SORTING
                                                          THROUGH METAL

                         Ugh, here we are. Spherical visual
                         sensors and processing array,
                         frequency span from deci hertz to
                         yotta hertz region, by gotta lotta
                         yotta inc. Sounds dodgy to me, but
                         what the heck.

                         Yotta enterprises is an integration
                         shop, they Have a solid reputation
                         miss. In human terms this will
                         allow the unit to see Gamma, X-Ray,
                         Colour, Infra-red and Ultra-violet
                         light. It will also allow reception
                         of a broad range of microwave
                         frequencies and background
                         radiations. They are good sensors.

                         Ok if you say so. Sooo I think
                         that's it. Let me see, left leg,
                         working visual sensors and a spare
                         battery pack. The haptics on the
                         lower extremities were working at
                         acceptable capacity. 

               INT. RETROGRADE INN
               (GANDER, SLIM)

                         GANDER are you looking for DOILY?

                         Yes, yes, she should be back by

                         No panic, she came in half an hour
                         ago, followed by a utility hauler,
                         they went straight down to bay
                         Alpha One. DOILY was looking for
                         CHEN the last I heard.

                         That's a little forward of her, I
                         think I need to remind her who is
                         boss around here.

                         Oh simmer down now, your getting
                         cranky in your old age!

                         You've no idea what cranky looks

                         Oh I think I might Have an inkling.
                         Just go easy on her GANDER, she was
                         really excited I think she has got
                         the avatar for GHOST. Lets both go
                         down and see what the hell is


                                                          DOOR CLOSING,
                                                         THEN CHANGE TO
                                                           AMBIENCE AND


               (GOON #1, MARKO, QUARESMA)

                         MARKO the crypto-generators are
                         prepared and ready for the Genesis
                         Blocks and to begin their forging
                         of Oxygen Credits.

                         Good, this volume of genesis blocks
                         is significant, how long until
                         rewriting of the blockchain?

                         Assuming no outages of power and
                         optimal processor cooling these
                         should be available for
                         distribution in 30 hours.

                                   GOON #1
                             (*Very Dumb*)
                         Just like like printing money.

                         Oh please spare me!

                                                          GUNSHOT, BODY
                                                         FALLING TO THE

                         Waste of a good bullet. Anybody

                                                            FURTHER TWO

                         Enough, this macho posturing just
                         harms the operation. He's dead and
                         worse he is on my floor.Now I Have
                         to waste time disposing of the
                             (*Barking Orders*)
                         Crosscheck all power sources and
                         cooling systems and start the
                             (*To MARKO*)
                         You do understand that if the
                         government gets wind of this
                         there'll be more heat on us than a
                         pack of invert breeders heading to
                         a whore house. It would finish both
                         of us.

                         Look woman, forget the flowery
                         language and get with the program
                         fast. Do you think that STANK cares
                         for any delays. I want guards on
                         all the entrances.

                                                         SOUND OF LARGE
                                                               BANKS OF
                                                              WORKING -
                                                          DIGITAL SOUND

               (CHEN, DOILY, GANDER, SLIM)

                                                        SOUNDS OF TOOLS
                                                       AND SERVO MOTORS
                                                         AND SWARING IN

                         Back off the servo feedback loop by
                         5 percent using this digital input
                         here. I think we need to supply a
                         temporary clock signal on this
                         port. Have you got the digital
                         tracer linked in on the diagnostic
                         port DOILY.

                         Yes, of course, and I Have also got
                         a scope on the test pin, I'm
                         looking for any negative pulse.

                                                            DOOR OPENS.

                         So what are you miscreants up to
                         down here.

                         Oh I hi you two, before you start
                         on GANDER, I made a contribution to
                         RCBS funds for you usage of your
                         space. I'm not taking undue

                         Yes well! 
                             (slightly amused and non
                              plussed )
                         Oh well then, thank you. So what
                         Have you hauled into my house. That
                         looks a bit battered, its in little
                         bits and pieces dah! So CHEN I see
                         you decided to try and put this
                         jigsaw puzzle together. This is a
                         bit left field for you?

                         Oh no GANDER you are wrong on this.
                         I do Have a little experience on
                         haptics. Remember I did time in my
                         FBI years. I'm not so good on
                         servos though, we're struggling.

                                                       MANIC SERVO WHIN
                                                       THEN THUD AS ARM
                                                          FLICKS AROUND
                                                          AND HITS CHEN
                                                            WITH A THUD

                         Ohhh, uggh, (swearing in Mandarin)
                         Oh shit, that arm packs a punch.
                         Did you back off those servos

                         Backed off all the way to Earth my

                         Well, I'm fresh out of idea's on
                         this one. We looked at the
                         feedback, and the fine servo
                         control. We're goin g to need some

                         Well folks I think we all know were
                         thats going to come from. The best
                         man for the servo's is sitting
                         above us in those detectives
                         office, but he seems to be about as
                         popular as a Skunk in a perfume
                         factory. DOILY your going to Have
                         to go to him.

                         Your joking, I'm not moving this
                         lot upstairs and lugging out of the
                         inn. Mind you that does explain
                         where the dark Zed had gone . What
                         the hell has he done this time to
                         piss RUDI off. I thought he was out
                         on some job for the Cherries.

                         He has been sent to stew in his
                         juices for a few weeks. So his
                         bunked out as a tech monkey for two
                         strange chicks who arrived the
                         other day, something about starting
                         a detective agency. They did a big
                         favour for RUDI and myself, on the
                         Mirror House job. I think she'll
                         come around eventually but at the
                         moment the wounds still fresh. Any
                         shenanigans will Have to be
                         strictly off the record. Mind you
                         this monkey not see, this monkey
                         not worried at all. If I'm not
                         around you might unofficially sneak
                         Zed in for a moonlight run, but
                         don't let me or RUDI catch him. As
                         I say she's still raw. I would Have
                         to slap down the rule book real
                         hard this time. Come-on SLIM lets
                         let these youngsters play with
                         their new toys, so show me some of
                         those pictures of your horse!

               INT. ANGEL AND MAY'S OFFICE
               (DOILY, ZED)

                         Hello, hello, anyone in, arghhh,
                         what the f.... Is that ghastly

                                                       A-RAY-3 AGITATED

                         Oh hello DOILY, its the biological
                         security system. Just let me get
                         between it and you. Its not had its
                         feed today and its a little antsy.
                         Arn't you DOILY, GANDERS space tug

                         Spot on my friend. I need you
                         expertise on a technical problem
                         and there might be a few dollars in
                         it for you.

                         Hmmm, that definitely sounds
                         interesting. I suppose I could
                         spare a few minutes. By nice to get
                         out of this office. Whats the

                         Well its an avatar body for an A.I.
                         I'm trying to put it together and
                         the servo's are just all over the
                         place and we can't seem to calm
                         them down. CHEN's being poking
                         around and now sport a fine black
                         eye, but you know what hes like,
                         it's not really his thing.

                         Yep setting up those servos is real
                         tricky. Usually needs some stuff
                         thats not in the manual. I used to
                         tune up a few of the battle-bots
                         for the RCBS.You Do know I need to
                         keep a very low profile.

                         Yep I heard. Your terrible Zed! You
                         sure you want to risk it.

                         I need some cash, to be honest 
                         things are tough at the moment. I
                         do Have a mitigation idea though.

                                                            RUSTLING OF

                         Oh jeez, my how fetching, do you
                         want some lipstick?

                         Back off I not going in drag. Its a
                         wig to get past the camera's, there
                         are boxes of them back here.

                                                            RUSTLING OF

                         Well, I'll be thrown out of the
                         airlock, your right.

                         OK lead on, I'll follow on behind,
                         with my face down to avoid get
                         caught. I know the spy eyes are as
                         I installed most of them.

               (CHEN, DOILY, GANDER, ZED)

                                                           SERVO NOISES

                         Oh my God DOILY, this is a real
                         piece of work. How much did you pay

                         Too much from the sound of it.

                         Actually don't feel bad, its not
                         too rubbish really, just looks
                         horrible. Not too much wear on the
                         baring surfaces. I'm going to wash
                         it down with cleaner its real
                         sticky. I'll also give it a blow
                         out with compressed air, then we
                         can assess the viability of the

                         Oh! So is this an apparition I see
                         before me, its wig turned towards
                         my hand. Here's the cleaner you
                         asked for.

                         Thanks GANDER, much appreciated.
                         You know at you age, the eyes start
                         to play trick on you.

                         Less of the old my friend. Well OK
                         then. Now you two, just brush that
                         wig out when your done, right. I
                         can't bare untidiness!


                                                         MONTAGE OF AIR
                                                          GUN, WELDING,

                         Can you get it working?

                         Well it's possible, just be
                         patient. Here DOILY hold this arm
                         in this position please. CHEN, can
                         you do me a favour?

                         Yes, miss Tuesday Well, with the
                         deep voice, how can I help?

                         Super models don't fix robots, so
                         lay off the disparaging remarks you
                         two. DOILY, can you reach across
                         and get the diagnostic trolley
                         over, with two of the diagnostic
                         probes. Thanks.

                         Its not going to punch me is it?

                         If I could set it to do so, I
                         would, but no, its not going to
                         this time.

                                                         WHIRRING SOUND
                                                            OF BACK AND
                                                        FORTH MOVEMENT.
                                                           ZED GRUNTING

                         Got it, look there was some dirt on
                         the tracks, it was causing too much
                         positive feedback.

                         Oh, your good, Zed.

                         Yeah I know. So its the driven
                         grounds you see, on these older
                         models, they ain't great, they get
                         unstable. The next model up they
                         used opticals. The good news is,
                         the visual sensor array is fully
                         operational. Diagnostics showing it
                         is accurately sensing the full
                         spectrum excluding (laughs)

                         Octarine? Speak English. Oh, look
                         at this ZED. This leg we've
                         installed, does anything look funny
                         to you?

                         Hmm not you mention it, it looks
                         short. Hang on, I'll get the
                         measure. Oh shit, it's 50mm short.
                         Its the year, should Have got the
                         55 model, they changed the leg
                         length in 56. Same top end
                         interface though so its easy to get
                         the wrong one, same bezels and
                         numbering except for the Alpha at
                         the end. Here look at the pack
                         line, see how it lines up. It'll
                         work, but we will Have to glue a 
                         riser on the heel. Otherwise this
                         here sheath of yours will Have one
                         hell of a limp.


People on this episode