Angel and May

A01-E11 - The Ghost in the Machine

Barry Haworth / David Cannon / Parker Burke / Melanie Blizard / Priya Shah / Robert Gettons / Steven Cameron / Vivien Broadbent / Vivian Braybrook Season 1 Episode 11

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The bad guys find out about Ghost's explosive personality. Everyone knows you shouldn't mix explosives with electricity, but bad guys seem to have low I.Q. Meanwhile, on Earth dark forces are gathering.

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                                 THE GHOST IN THE MACHINE


                         Not another step I said! I won't be
                         threatened by a service-bot.

                         I think you're failing to
                         understand the seriousness of the
                             (*cautiously, unsure*)

                         You festering cock-womble. 

                         One move and this whole place goes
                         up. I suggest you do as I say.

                         I'd do as she says, she's a
                         ruthless bitch at space chess and
                         I'd prefer to stay in one piece

                         Shut it! 
                         Sound of GHOST taking a step
                         Hold it there, tin-woman, you're
                         not going to do a thing. Do you
                         think I'm stupid? Walking in here
                         threatening to blow the lot of us
                         up? You wouldn't risk your precious
                         friend, would you?

                         *Worried, pleading*
                         Yeah GHOST, I'm confused. What's
                         the plan here? That goes off and
                         we're all done for.

                                                        SLIM'S GUNSHOTS
                                                         GETTING CLOSER

                         Doily, you are a terrible hostage.
                         I would suggest you be more
                         trusting in your rescuer. 

                         Sorry GHOST, I just haven't seen
                         you like this before, in a body and
                         all bad-ass. Ouch!

                                                           SOUND OF GUN
                         Easy big fellow.

                                                        SOUND OF ROLLER
                                                             DOOR BEING

                         My explosive threat is merely a
                         preventative measure to ensure he
                         doesn't use that weapon on you
                         Doily. Although I may have
                         miscalculated how finely tuned this
                         body's hospitality functions are. I
                         must press the urgency of the
                         situation as the D23 Immortal may
                         go off prematurely.

                         Hey dogs-pizzle, I bet you'd know
                         all about going off prematurely.

                         Less chatter ladies.


                                                         *THROUGH COMM
                         GHOST I'm pinned down about 20
                         yards from the door that accesses
                         the back rooms, I heard an
                         explosion and movement back there,
                         you got me a status update?

                                                         SOUND OF CHAIR
                                                          BEING DRAGGED


                         I have used your diversion to take
                         matters into my own hands. Doily is
                         OK. Hold your position, there are
                         still 4 hostiles between you and
                         the access doors.


                                                         *THROUGH COMM
                         Jacinta is headed round the back in

                         This party needs a bit more
                         electric energy.

                                                              SOUNDS OF
                                                       MUFFLED SWEARING

                                                            CHAIR STILL
                                                        BEING DRAGGED –
                                                         MARKO HUFFING/

                                                             LOUD PULSE


                         GHOST No!!


                                                         GUNFIRE COMING
                                                          INTO THE ROOM

                         Slim, confirming second breach,
                         DOILY is here, alive. 

                                                            DOORS BEING
                                                              KICKED IN

                         DOILY! Oh girl, what've they done
                         to you?

                         *fighting to maintain
                         SLIM, he took GHOST! Disabled her
                         somehow and took her in the
                         transporter off the loading dock.

                         Don't worry we'll fix it. We need
                         to get you to the cherries triage
                         unit first. We take care of our

                         Let me go

                                                               SOUND OF

                         Shut it.

               INT. RCBS TACTICAL INT.
               (JACINTA, QUARESMA, RUDI)

                         You can't hold me here, I'm Minerva
                         Quaresma, I'm on the board of the
                         market trader's association, I'll
                         have the Retrograde shut down!
                         Where is Gander?

                         Listen lady, you're involved in

                                                             DOOR OPENS

                         UNICEF her.
                         Minerva, apologies for the rough
                         treatment but I'm guessing its not
                         unexpected. What have you got
                         yourself into?

                         RUDI, Oh it's a bloody mess

                         JACINTA, Stand down, at ease.

                                                               SOUND OF

                         Thank you, RUDI. I should go.

                         Not just yet Minerva. I have a
                         pilot in triage with what appears
                         to be a cracked skull after being
                         held at your place of business.

                         *Whispers* GHOST

                         Also, a missing Hospitality Bot
                         with a valuable ship AI?
                         You need to tell us what the hell
                         is going on Minerva. This isn't
                         your style.

                         I.. I.. I can't..

                         Minerva, how long have we known

                         Since I emigrated from Kokkinos.

                         Right, since you came here from the
                         Mars colonies. You're a New London
                         success story, setting up your
                         electronics trading business.
                         You're a businesswoman Minerva, not
                         a criminal. What's gone wrong?

                         *Sigh* I've become compromised.
                         They have eyes on my family back

                         In Kokkinos? Who does?

                         A group from Equatorial City on
                         Mars. They're awful people.

                             (*whispers* )
                         Where is GANDER?

                             (*whisper* )
                         With SLIM and DOILY in the triage
                         unit. She's concerned about DOILY's

                         I'm really sorry about your friend.
                         I told him to let her go. 
                         I told him to let her go.


                         His name is MARKO, he's a
                         sociopath, really sick. He gets off
                         on violence and torture. 

                         So, Marko and his people, they're
                         from Mars and they're watching your
                         family. What do they want? When did
                         this start?

                         Oh god, it makes me sick. A month
                         ago, this man shows up in my lounge
                         room uninvited, and starts showing
                         me videos of my family in Kokkinos.
                         At home, going to work, my dog.
                         They'd mutilated my dog.

                         The sick Bastards , that poor

                         What is it he wants from you?

                         He wanted to use my quantum server
                         banks for Oxy-Credit generation. My
                         system is the only private set-up
                         in the belt. 

                         In a sense. They'd formulated a way
                         to re-write and re-post the entire
                         block-chain without detection.
                         Essentially forging or
                         counterfeiting Ox-Credit's, 100%

                         Shit… OK, but Ox-Credit's have
                         limited value outside the Asteroid
                         Free-States. What would a Martian
                         gang want with that kind of
                         restricted wealth?

                         I don't know RUDI. I don't want to
                         know. I just know that they've got
                         other businesses here in the belt,
                         here in New London.

                         Here? What businesses? Minerva
                         where? We need to find this man; he
                         has our AI and with it access to
                         some sensitive information.

                         I don't understand, why would he
                         take GHOST as he fled? Surely her
                         positioning systems would give her

               INT. TECH BAY INT.
               (CHEN, GANDER, ZED)

                                                       SOUNDS OF TYPING
                                                            ON KEYBOARD

                         Where is she.

                         She's gone dark. Last ping from
                         GHOST is inside QUARESMA Technical.

                         Sensors show a small and focused
                         electro-magnetic pulse before she
                         went dark.

                         An EMP Scrambler? Must be a pinch

                         Has to be. Depending on the
                         settings it could completely
                         disable GHOSTS neural network.

                         What's our exposure with GHOST in
                         the wrong hands?

                         We've shut down any external access
                         the RCBS network as a precaution.
                         Although if they're scrambling her
                         complete neural network very
                         little, all functions and data
                         banks would be inaccessible.

                         Unless, they were able to get her
                         to a location in which there was an
                         external magnetic quarantine?
                         Allowing function but no
                         transmission? GANDER, is DOILY OK?

                         Of course, she's tougher than you
                         know Zed. SLIM is with her. She
                         will recover. What about her data
                         banks CHEN?

                         Yes, she was inducted into the RCBS
                         network and has detailed knowledge
                         of high security data from the
                         regiment, along with historical
                         dark ops campaigns.

                         OK. It's imperative we find her
                         before her encryption is breached.
                         The exposure of this information
                         would put the whole organisation at

                         She's installed with RCBS quantum
                         encryption coding, depending on
                         what they're trying to crack her
                         with it could take them a couple of
                         hours to a few millennia.

                         If they have access to localised
                         EMP scramblers let us assume they
                         are well equipped.

               INT. SECRET BUNKER.
               (GHOST, MARKO)

                                                           ECHO EFFECT,
                                                            SMALL SPACE

                         *on communicator*
                         The project is compromised,
                         security breached and an
                         altercation with the regiment.
                         Yes, the quantum-server is intact,
                         I had to get creative to stop it
                         from being damaged.
                         I'm aware that this affects the
                         supply chain. We will have to delay
                         payment and delivery of the next
                         shipment. I'll inform the FARMER.
                         By chance I may have come across
                         something more valuable than Ox
                         Credit's. Access to the regiments
                         I will need time; this thing is
                         quantum encrypted and rigged to
                         blow. We can't change location
                         again. It can self-destruct so I
                         need to be careful.

                                                       SOUND OF GHOST'S
                                                       SYSTEM REBOOTING
                                                                – GHOST
                                                         TOURETTES LIKE

                         Sensors damaged. Communications
                         disabled; external electro-magnetic
                         pulse detected. Location unknown.
                         System damage detected. DOILY?
                         CHEN? Where am I? *shit-shit*

                         You're with friends. We're going to
                         get you fixed up.

                         Voice recognition: unknown human
                         male. *cock-womble*
                         Friends? I am suffering system
                         damage and you are unrecognised.
                         *arse-monkey* What is the reason
                         for EMP quarantine? *shit-shit*

                         Because you're filled with
                         explosive material. Until you're
                         disarmed, we have to keep you in
                         this Graphene lined room with an
                         external EMP Scrambler to prevent
                         external signals from detonating

                         *cock-womble* Understood.

                         Please update the status of your
                         internal cooling functions? Is it
                         safe to enter and connect the

                         *shit-shit* My internal hospitality
                         functions are online and not
                         effected by system damage. *他妈的
                         Tā mā de*

               INT. STANK OFFICE – EARTH
               SHERBET, STANK)

                                                            PHONE RINGS

                                   PERSONAL ASSISTANT
                         Office of Milieu Stank how can I
                         I'm afraid Mr. Stank isn't taking
                         calls right now, can I take a
                         Yes sir, I will let him know.

                                                          SOUND OF NEWS

                         Welcome back to Sol Media News,
                         today the Mars colony of Kokkinos
                         prepares for its first ever Pride
                         march after years of debate and
                         public back-lash. Counter protests
                         are expected to be carried out in
                         each of the three Mars colonies.
                         Here is Mars-One security
                         spokesperson Frank SHERBET speaking
                         earlier today
                         We look forward to this historic
                         event and encourage a peaceful
                         celebration of the colony's
                         diversity in Kokkinos. We are aware
                         of a number of planned counter
                         demonstrations, which have been
                         legally registered in each colony.
                         Security will be present at each
                         rally as a precaution.

                         Equality activists are calling on
                         the MARS-One Corporation to mark
                         the event by issuing a formal
                         apology to the Pride community.

                                   EQUALITY ACTIVIST
                         Since day one of Martian settlement
                         there has been systematic
                         discrimination and persecution of
                         our community. The 'Breeder-Only'
                         policies of early settlement were
                         later watered down to unfair and
                         unequal taxation of our
                         communities. The inherent prejudice
                         in the system fostered a society in
                         which 'inverts' as they call us,
                         still today feel unwelcome, forcing
                         thousands of second-generation
                         Martians to flee what is supposed
                         to be an inclusive utopia in the
                         We demand that Milieu Stank and the
                         Mars-One Corporation formally
                         apologise for their history of
                         discriminatory policies.


                         Milieu Stank has been unavailable
                         for comment.

                                                        GRUNT, SOUND OF
                                                       CIGAR BEING LIT.
                                                            PHONE BEING
                                                             PICKED UP.

                         Frank, just watched your statement.

                         I got the message across. I had to
                         mention the counter-protests,
                         they're already public knowledge.

                         I get it. There will be violence
                         though? From both sides? We can't
                         have either side coming out with
                         the moral high ground.

                         Yes absolutely, we have plants in
                         the Pride march who will kick off
                         violently at the very sight of the
                         counter protest. The counter
                         protesters are naturally an
                         explosive bunch but we've been
                         recruiting and grooming through
                         Francis and the manufacturing
                         unions. What about the apology?

                         After the funerals, I'll make a
                         statement then with a heartfelt
                         apology and a call for peace.

                         Ever the smiling assassin Mr.

                         You just keep stoking the fires
                         division and we'll have another
                         good few years of divisive
                         distraction for the people of Mars.

                                                         PHONE HANGS UP

                         Mr. Stank, one Francis CULM left
                         you a message, he needs to speak to
                         you urgently.

                         That Slavic pig wrangler is getting
                         on my tits. 

               INT. RCBS TACTICAL UNIT
               (GANDER, JACINTA, RUDI)

                         GANDER, JACINTA this plot is
                         thickening the more we know.

                         Where is Quaresma. What is this
                         woman mixed up in.

                         I've let her retire home, we've
                         questioned her thoroughly and I
                         believe we now know as much as she
                         does. I've told her not to leave
                         her apartment and I've put an armed
                         escort on her for protection and

                         RUDI what is going on, where is

                         That we don't know GANDER, but in a
                         way more concerning is who has her.
                         Quaresma claims she is being
                         manipulated by an organised group
                         of criminals from the Mars
                         colonies. Her contact being a MARKO
                         Pavlovic. Oxy-Tabs generation,
                         likely for payment of something
                         here in New London or elsewhere in
                         the Asteroid Free-States.

                         Ox-Credit's have little value
                         elsewhere so we have to assume this
                         is the case.

                         They must have business here in New
                         London and on other Asteroids. Its
                         starting to sound a little familiar

                         Pavlovic? Hmmm, all too familiar,
                         perhaps our old enemies are looking
                         to New London again.

                         Old enemies?

                         The Bencubbin wasn't always under
                         martial control of the Royal and
                         Cherry Blues. We had to fight to
                         take back control of these

                         They were your father's businesses
                         weren't they GANDER?

                         They were yes, but he was murdered
                         in the Seinfeld incident, his
                         assets were…


                         Possessed by his enemies before I
                         arrived here. Our enemies. 

                         So, you think that this new crew
                         are actually this old mob trying to
                         take back the Bencubbin?

                         It fits the narrative. We know that
                         the organisation was never
                         disbanded, retreated to the Mars
                         Colonies where they have control of
                         the labour market for gas-barge
                         construction, particularly in
                         Equatorial City.

                         If these are the same people, we
                         can expect a real gritty fight. It
                         took RUDI, GARY and I years to
                         clear them from this place.

                         JACINTA that is a story for another
                         day. The issue at hand, GHOST's
                         abduction. What risk does this pose
                         to the regiment?

                         While you were questioning Quaresma
                         I assessed our exposure with CHEN.
                         We have blocked any potential up
                         link to the RCBS server-banks.
                         GHOST is fitted with Quantum
                         Encryption on her hardware,
                         although she would be in possession
                         of a great level of detail on our

                         Including the smuggling missions
                         that DOILY has been conducting for
                         us. That information alone would be
                         hugely valuable to potential

                         Yes, that would be a guaranteed
                         business plan for them to take over
                         the black-market here and

                         How long do we have to locate her
                         before we are at risk of exposure?

                         Z… CHEN estimated worst case
                         scenario to be 3 hours. We have to
                         assume that they have the
                         technology at hand for Quantum

                         Quaresma identified her contact and
                         the abductor as MARKO Pavlovic. A
                         killer. Somewhere on this rock he
                         has GHOST captive. Any word on
                         DOILY's condition?

               INT. RCBS TRIAGE ROOM
               (DOILY, NURSE, SLIM)

                         DOILY my girl.

                             (*waking* )
                         Eh, SLIM. Where am I?

                         Easy girl, lay down. You're in
                         Triage. You've sustained a few
                         bumps and whatnot.

                         GHOST? The last thing I remember is
                         her new sleeve malfunctioning.

                         Don't worry about her, you need to
                         rest, heal up. The Cherries will
                         find her.

                         Ugh. I feel like hell. My head
                         feels like it has a Frenchman
                         living in it.

                         You're awake. Miss I'm going to
                         have to ask you to lay back down.
                         You've suffered a fractured skull
                         and there is some swelling around
                         your brain.

                         That goon threw me down a flight of
                         stairs. I bit him good though, took
                         a piece of him with me.

                         That would explain your broken
                         clavicle and some of your bruising.
                         Your face, do you know how you
                         sustained the cuts to your face?

                         My face! What's happened to my

                         Still pretty as a picture my girl,
                         perhaps just a little character
                         once you heal.

                         It's ok Miss, most of the scarring
                         will be treatable.

                         He must have had something in his
                         hand when he was hitting me.

                         Something with sharp edges by the
                         look of it. Now I don't want to
                         rush you m'girl, but is there
                         anything you remember? Why did
                         GHOST go rogue and get herself

                         She was trying to free me. D23
                         Underarm. She's filled with it.
                         That Marko creep would have shot me
                         if she hadn't shown up.

                         Mexican standoff. She must have
                         predicted that I wouldn't have
                         gotten back there in time, before
                         he decided to 
                         cut his losses. But how has this
                         guy got away with an explosive
                         laden GHOST? Why?

                         The last thing I saw before that
                         last explosion was GHOST's new
                         avatar having critical malfunction.

                         DOILY m'girl, I'm gonna have to
                         leave you for a moment to rest. I
                         need to speak with RUDI and the
                         team. I'll be back.

                         Don't worry about me SLIM, you do
                         what you've gotta do. I'll be,

                                                        FOOTSTEPS AWAY.

                         Miss! Lay back down. You're need to
                         rest your head.

                             (*yelling after SLIM* )
                         You have to find her SLIM. She's
                         not just an AI, she's my friend.
                             (*to herself* )
                         She's my family.

               INT. SECRET BUNKER.
               (DIAGNOSTIC, GHOST, MARKO)

                             (*via communicator*)
                         We have to assume that the regiment
                         will still be coming at me. I have
                         something of theirs.
                         All you need to know is that
                         payment has been delayed, the Ox
                         Credit's won't be generated and
                         distributed as expected.
                         Deliver the stock as per our
                         arrangement, you will receive
                         payment prior to completion at
                         finishing school.
                         I suggest that would be severely
                         unwise. I warn you not to lose
                         perspective. Payment will be made
                         later; you will deliver on-time as
                             (*End of communications*)
                         Bloody farmers.

                                                         SOUND OF HARD
                                                         DRIVE GRINDING
                         Progress Report

                         Quantum Decryption protocols are in
                         progress. Subject Status is
                         functional; minor neuro-processing
                         damage. Data-banks are unaffected.
                         Core temperature stable.

                         *他妈的 Tā mā de* I am detecting
                         attempts to access my data-bank
                         *shit-shit* what purpose does a
                         diagnostic require access to my *da

                         Easy my metallic friend. We're just
                         conducting standard diagnostics.
                         Your sensors are being paranoid.

                         I'm afraid I *canno-canno-cannot*
                         allow access to my main-data-banks.
                         Section 17b of Royal and Cherry
                         Blue Storm induction agree-ee-ee
                         ment *shit-shit*.

                         Seems someone actually reads the
                         terms and conditions before they
                         sign up.

                         Subject Core temperature reading:
                         312 degrees and dropping.

                         Update in Celsius.

                         Subject Core Temperature Reading:
                         38.8 degrees Celsius and dropping.

                         Advise critical point of D23

                         Be advised that D23 peak
                         instability is found at Triple
                         Point not critical point.

                         Why are you cooling? DIAGNOSTIC,
                         commandeer thermostat controls.

                         Access Denied.

                         DIAGNOSTIC control, bypass internal
                         thermostat controls.

                         Access Denied. *static* 

                         Come on now, you're not going to
                         blow yourself up.

                         I think you ought to know I am
                         feeling very depressed. *他妈的 Tā
                         mā de*

               INT. STANK OFFICE – EARTH
               (CULM, RECEPTIONIST, STANK)

                         Go through Mr. CULM, Mr. Stank is
                         ready for you.

                                                            OFFICE DOOR
                                                                OPENS –
                                                       FOOTSTEPS – DOOR

                         Francis CULM! To what do I owe the

                         I've been trying to see you for
                         days Mr. STANK. It seems
                         interplanetary colonisation and
                         resource hegemony are keeping you

                         Yes indeed. We could never have
                         foreseen quite how profitable the
                         harvesting of methane from Titan
                         would be.

                         Or the manufacturing of the gas
                         barges for transportation? A
                         proudly Martian product.

                         Mars-One thanks you for your
                         commitment to the colony's economic
                         growth. What is it you want CULM?
                         You're surely not here to discuss
                         our manufacturing agreements?

                         May I?

                         Help yourself.

                                                         SOUND OF CIGAR
                                                              BEING LIT
                         Let me know what you think. Martian
                         tobacco, produced in Brountzos.

                         Brountzos Cigars? I thought it was
                         all soy, grains and vineyards?

                         Finest wine in the solar-system
                         I'll have you know. Another
                         unexpected surprise. Low gravity
                         and filtered radiation, bloody good
                         find that.

                         Thank DOG for serendipity. Luckily
                         there were ample winemakers
                         available after earth's climate
                         collapse. I've never been actually.

                         Brountzos? I'm not surprised. Farms
                         and Tourism would be of little
                         interest to a man of industry like

                         I'm no stranger to farms Mr. STANK
                         you know that well enough.

                         No need to lower your voice in here
                         Francis. You're amongst friends.

                         That is the reason for my visit
                         actually. To inform you there may
                         be a slight break in supply chain.

                         Slight break. What does that mean

                         No issues with the next crop,
                         they're in finishing school on
                         schedule and will no doubt make
                         your next delivery. Just some
                         trouble at the source, New London,
                         could affect the next crop or two.

                         New London? The Free-State? If I
                         knew your product to be of those
                         grubby little vagrants, I would pay

                         You have no complaints with the
                         finished product, our selection
                         process is highly scientific.

                         So, what you're saying is I need to
                         go on a diet.

                         I would think that your diet would
                         be safe although I would advise
                         that you limit your banqueting
                         until we have this, ironed out.

                         If that's everything? Oh, Frank
                         SHERBET has your crews well
                         instructed I take it?
                         Yes sir, we have everything ready
                         for the counter demonstrations.

                         Just keep the damage to public
                         property to a minimum will you, I
                         have to pay for that.

                         I'll pass that on Mr. STANK.

               INT. RCBS TECH BAY INT
               (CHEN, JACINTA, ZED)

                         We can't track the transporters
                         journey due to the EMP Scrambler
                         interfering with the traffic
                         tracking system.

                         Can't we use that interference
                         itself to track its journey?
                         Instead of looking for the
                         transporter we look for where there
                         has been electro-magnetic

                                                           KEYBOARD AND
                                                        COMPUTER NOISES

                         Have we received any pings from
                         GHOST after the final one from the
                         Quaresma location?

                         No, nothing yet. Which means that
                         GHOST is still under an electro
                         magnetic quarantine. That should be
                         detectable if we have a rough area
                         to look at.

                         Tracking potential transporter
                         route should give us a fair
                         estimate of the final location.

                         You nerds are in your element,
                         aren't you? I bet you dream of days
                         like this?

                         I would be lying if I said I wasn't
                         enjoying myself.

                         I'll admit I'm liking being part of
                         the action. Just don't tell RUDI
                         I'm here.

                         Nice hair by the way. Very sexy.
                         Will we see you on stage at the
                         Retrograde sometime soon?

                         Very funny. Not in this lifetime.

                         Looks like they headed spin-ward,
                         toward suburbia. South-West
                         Seinfeld Sector.

                         That's close enough. I'm on up
                         link, holler once you isolate the
                         specific location.

                                                          BOOTS RUNNING
                                                           DOWN HALLWAY

                         Good Luck


               INT. RCBS TACTICAL UNIT
               (GANDER, JACINTA, RUDI, SLIM)

                                                          BOOTS RUNNING
                                                         DOWN HALLWAY –
                                                          BURSTING INTO
                                                               THE ROOM

                         We've got a rough location! They
                         should have it pinpointed by the
                         time we get there.

                         SLIM, tell her what you've just
                         told us.

                         DOILY tells me that GHOST is
                         packing a decent charge of D23
                         Immortal. She used it to leverage
                         DOILY's life in the standoff. She
                         said there may be an issue with her
                         internal thermostat also.

                         What does this mean for an
                         extraction operation? RUDI?

                         It means that the extraction team
                         will have to play it by ear. They
                         could be arriving to a hole in the
                         ground. The primary objective is to
                         ensure data-security. If that means
                         that GHOST has to be sacrificed
                         well so be it.
                         Secondary objective it to capture
                         this MARKO character and any
                         affiliates for questioning. 

                         I promised DOILY that I'd be
                         bringing GHOST home, so that's
                         what's gonna happen. What about
                         this MARKO? How many pieces do we
                         want him in?

                         One! This is bigger than just what
                         he's done to DOILY and GHOST. We
                         need him alive; we need to question
                         him. I really want him to face the
                         hot needle of enquiry!

                         Dag-nab-it! Well as long as I can
                         help with the questioning. I have
                         some techniques I learned back in

                         It wouldn't involve a funnel and
                         some razor wire would it SLIM.

                         One of them does m'lady. Certified
                         and guaranteed to make a man

                         That's enough of your torture
                         fantasies. We need MARKO in one
                         piece. If not a little bloody.

                         Affirmative. We have four maniples
                         ready for deployment.

                         Won't need em. The Lassiter should
                         be enough.

                         Four patrols for an extraction in
                         the suburbs? This isn't a show of
                         force. JACINTA, SLIM take a single
                         patrol of four individuals, we will
                         advise exact location en-route.

                                                           MUMBLED 'YES
                         You understand the primary

                         Yes Maam.

                         Look, we cannot allow sentiment to
                         place the whole of our operation at
                         risk. Do what you have to do
                         Lassiter or no Lassiter,

                         Yes Maam, I understand.

               INT. SECRET BUNKER.

                         Subject Core Temperature Reading:
                         32.01 degrees Celsius and dropping.

                         Advise decryption status

                         Decryption Status – Incomplete,
                         Data replication unviable.
                         I estimate you have less than 10
                         minutes before my internal
                         temperature reaches the Triple
                         Point of D23 Immortal, at which
                         time its particles will
                         simultaneously transition between
                         the three states of matter, thus
                         detonating and taking my data-banks
                         with it. I also suggest you consult
                         the manufacturer of this Graphene
                         lined room to ascertain whether it
                         is of mono-layer or super-lattice
                         construction. Your life may depend
                         on it.

                         Bollocks. This isn't working. I
                         should have stuck with that pixie
                         bitch, at least I could have
                         tortured it out of her.

                                                       SOUND OF RUSHING
                                                        AND PACKING BAG

                         Subject Core Temperature Reading:
                         30.2 degrees Celsius and dropping.

                         Shut up! Discontinue decryption.

                                                         SOUND OF HEAVY
                                                         DOOR OPENING –
                                                             RUNNING UP

                         Oh, isn't this nice? Just the two
                         of us.

                         Awaiting instruction.

                         Sing me a song.

                                                          SOUND OF SOME
                                                            MIDI PLAYER
                                                        MUSIC (AT LEAST
                                                          30 SEC) FADES
                                                        OUT AND BACK IN

                                                             HEAVY DOOR
                                                            CREAKING ON
                                                         HINGES – HEAVY

                         GHOST my lovely lady. 
                         *calling upstairs*
                         All Clear.

                                                         MORE FOOTSTEPS

                         *Serious / aggressive*
                         GHOST advise status. Your
                         thermostat and data-banks, advise

                         Whoa there, lady. Lower your
                         weapon. That's GHOST you're talking

                         *shit-shit* My internal thermostat
                         is of no danger anymore.
                         My data-banks are uncompromised
                         although my system is su-su
                         suffering from some minor
                         unidentifiable damage from the
                         Electro Magnetic Quarantine. *他妈的
                         Tā mā de*

                         JACINTA, I won't ask you again.
                         Lower your weapon.

                         Jesus SLIM, let me do my job will
                         you. OK GHOST lets get you out of
                         here. How much of a head start did
                         he get?

                         Close to 6 minutes, although I
                         don't believe he intends to leave
                         the colony. He referred several
                         times to the 'FARMER'.
                         SOUND OF GHOST'S WALK.

               INT. RCBS TACTICAL UNIT
               (CHEN, GANDER, GHOST, RUDI, SLIM)

                         The 'FARMER'? does this sound
                         familiar GANDER?

                         No but I think we can safely say
                         this farmer is not growing tomato's
                         for the illegal fruit market.

                         CHEN, can you take GHOST to the
                         Tech Bay for full diagnostics. We
                         need to be 100% certain that her
                         data hasn't been accessed or
                         replicated in any way.

                         Yes Maam, I will keep her offline
                         until we know exactly the extent of
                         her system damage and can remove
                         the explosive charges.

                         Mr. CHEN, please note that I do not
                         contain any explosives. *bollocks*

                         Excuse me?

                                                             WHOLE ROOM
                                                        SAYING "WHAT" –
                                                          CHEN, GANDER,
                                                          RUDI, JACINTA

                         I contain no D23 Immortal as
                         previously asserted. *他妈的 Tā mā
                         de* This was what in poker you call
                         a bluff. I used the non-existent
                         threat to free DOILY and ensure
                         that my data remained
                         uncompromised. *shit-shit*

                         *happy, but getting angry*
                         You sly dog! You wait until DOILY
                         hears this. She's been worried sick
                         about you out there full of
                         explosives and a faulty thermostat.

                                                            FOOTSTEPS –
                                                       GHOSTS FOOTSTEPS

                         RUDI, tracking MARKO and the
                         FARMER, is this something I could
                         ask our two detective friends to

                         Probably not. We need someone with
                         some understanding of New London
                         and its geography.

                         Keep it in mind. They are
                         unorthodox but somewhat effective.

               INT. RETROGRADE INN
               (DOILY, GANDER, GHOST, SLIM)

                                                       CHEN SINGING BAD
                                                         KARAOKE IN THE

                         You know DOILY, SLIM never left
                         your side when you were

                         I know, the nurse told me. Aren't
                         you just an old sweetheart SLIM.

                         I take care of my Kin, you're just
                         that m'girl. You and GHOST.
                         *shouting across the bar*
                         Red'n and a Dead'n if you please!

                         *shit-shit* Coming right up.

                                                         DRINK SOUNDS –
                                                       GHOSTS FOOTSTEPS

                         I like your idea of GHOST working
                         behind the bar until we can fix her
                         system damage GANDER.

                         I wouldn't want anything to
                         compromise your ship, or GHOST.
                         This is the best way to keep an eye
                         on her between diagnostic sessions.

                         Yeah she's pretty special our
                         GHOST, worth the effort.

                         Even if she does swear at all the

                         I seem to recall you doing that too
                         from time to time.

                         Yes but they deserved it.

               INT. NEWSFLASH

                         Good Evening and welcome to Sol
                         Media News at Night. Violent scenes
                         are continuing in all three Mars
                         colonies as Pride marchers and
                         counter protestors clash in the
                         streets. The violence marks a dark
                         day in Mars history with already 80
                         confirmed deaths.
                         Children as young as 12 have been
                         taken to the emergency rooms while
                         Mars-One security forces battle to
                         take control of the situation.


People on this episode