Angel and May

A01-E12 - Two Turtle Doves

Barry Haworth / Cecilia Girard / David Cannon / Helen Ekundayo / Joanne Oliver / Parker Burke / Melanie Blizard / Robert Gettons / Steven Cameron / Vivien Broadbent / Vivien Braybrook Season 1 Episode 12

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Angel and May finally receive some customers, but naturally, they bring a biological problem. 

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                                     TWO TURTLE DOVES

               INT. A&M OFFICE
               (ALEX, SHARROW, ZED)

                                                            BOXES BEING
                                                              MOVED AND
                                                       SCRAPING LADDERS
                                                          ETC. COUGHING
                                                          WITH THE DUST

               Angel and May are in the back room tidying and sorting the

                         Ohhh, its dusty back here, pass the
                         mini vac will you!

                         I cannot get my head around how
                         Drag Queens need so many of these
                         wigs, oh, ugh these are all
                         rubbery, oh no sorry, I mean fake

                         So unless these boobs have bullet
                         stopping properties, what the hell
                         do we do with them. May by we are
                         going to use them to sugar
                         potential interrogation candidates,


                         I really don't think we need those.
                         Lets take them to MAURICE, I am
                         sure he will have a use for them.
                         They may be useful for this
                         Christmas show that they keep
                         yakking on about.

                         What about JUDE, perhaps we could
                         get him in to go through this stuff
                         first and sort it out. Its his
                         speciality after all, and he knows
                         the artists back at the inn. If
                         anyone will know what to do with
                         drag accoutrements, its going to be
                         You know SHARROW I've been

                         Thats a first!

                         Hay less of that, I have some of
                         the best idea's and I could set A
                         Ray on you, because you're too
                         wimpy to give the poor plant a
                         So anyway we could really do with a
                         receptionist I was thinking that
                         Sophie would be a good choice with
                         her bubbly personality, and if it
                         doesn't creep us out too much, she
                         even looks a bit like old Kris.
                         Much better for front of house than
                         Zed, bless him, he doesn't have the
                         looks are the bedside manner. I
                         also think it might be smart to
                         have someone else around when were
                         not here to make sure ZED isn't up
                         to any tricks, and having someone
                         to keep ZED company might calm him
                         down a bit and make for a better
                         office environment.

                         Actually ALEX, thats a great idea,
                         I think she said she was looking
                         for a few more hours to help pay
                         for her dance classes. 
                             (raising voice to carry
                              out to office)
                         Hay ZED, do you know JUDE &
                         SOPHIE's numbers.

                         Of course, I just look it up on the
                         Cherries contact list. Geese you
                         need to get with the modernisation
                         program SHARROW, say even get up to
                         early twenty first century. I can't
                         keep acting as your address
                         secretary on the computer, you need
                         to use those sub-dermal compu-wrist
                         implants I got for you, they
                         weren't cheap. You need to get with
                         the didactic that come with the

                         Yes but we don't all have the
                         affinity with implants that you
                         have ZED.

                         Yes I agree with SHARROW, the whole
                         nano wire in brain thing gives me
                         the creeps. The calibration routine
                         makes me feel queasy. 

                         Oh my god both of you, its like I'm
                         dealing with GANDER, she doesn't
                         like tech either, all the other
                         twenty year olds mastered this
                         stuff at Junior school, you need to
                         get used to this stuff if you want
                         to be taken seriously, I mean, you
                         two are just plain weird, like
                         you're 60 years old or something.

                         Yes we are definitely left of
                         centre I freely admit, but we have
                         one important thing you need to
                         bare in mind.

                         Whats that?

                         We pay your wages buddy, and give
                         you a home away from the wrath of
                         RUDI, so soak up the tedious nature
                         of our backwards leaning souls and
                         just put up!

                         Well I can't argue with that, you
                         have a point, but my point is I'm
                         trying to help with getting this
                         business off the ground.

                         Yep we know ZED, were just kidding.

                         Yep, but you can understand my
                         frustrations I hope. So, I need to
                         ask a few things, especially if you
                         want to get the most out of my IT

                         So what's up. What do you need?

                         Well firstly we need to clean out
                         the small room within all the left
                         over junk, because I need it to put
                         the servers in somewhere, and its
                         has its own aircon ducting and a
                         decent power socket.

                         Hang on we don't have any servers,
                         all we have is one dilapidated PC.

                         Well thats not quite true.

                         What! You've not gone and spent any
                         money have you?

                         No, you don't have any money to

                         Well what are we going to put in
                         this 'server room'

                         Well, its complicated. 
                         I don't know if you heard about the
                         fuss last week.

                         Yes I did notice you were away a
                         lot, and one of our hidden camera's
                         caught a chick with crazy hair come
                         into the store and then you
                         leaving, in a wig clearly hiding
                         from RUDI. Looked kinda crazy by
                         the way.

                         What camera's!

                         Ah, the camera's I forgot to
                         mention. For extra security

                         Ohh, perhaps I have underestimated
                         you guys!

                         Yes you probably have!

                         Anyway, the 'fuss', was a Cherries
                         operation to rescue that Chick you
                         saw and her robot friend from a
                         location in Electric City. I was
                         asked to help out by GANDER. So as
                         part of the reparations and clear
                         up, a decent amount of gear was
                         recovered. I managed to nab four
                         servers and a rack.

                         Ohhh, Maybe we have also
                         underestimated you ZED!

                         Good work ZED, not sure what they
                         will be useful for, but good work
                         anyway! You should DRAG up more

                         I wasn't in drag! Anyway, these
                         servers, they are high end
                         processors with a quantum side
                         chain, top flight gear. I want to
                         put in the back room and load up a
                         neural swarm, which will act as our
                         intelligent data mining operation.

                         Well, that sounds interesting, its
                         not going to be massively expensive
                         is it.

                         Well not really, I already have the
                         nets, which I have been training as
                         a side hobby, we just need to feed
                         them as much investigation
                         knowledge as we can and they will
                         learn to be a useful adjunct to
                         your business. They are labelled
                         'einy', 'meany', 'miney mo'.

                         Oh I like it already. What do you
                         think ALEX?

                         Yes, it definitely sounds
                         intriguing, I say yes. We have
                         nothing to loose and a lot to gain.

                         I agree, sounds like a plan. 
                         Good work ZED, round of applause I
                         say. (Pause) Well I have also made
                         an acquisition!


                         What does every good investigation
                         office require?

                         Computers, and security?

                         Yes, but what else?

                         Oh, Oh, I know! Can I answer

                         If you must.

                         SHARROW, its a coffee machine isn't

                         Dam you, how did you find out.  

                         I used the power of deduction
                         Holmes, plus I saw the box hidden
                         behind those wigs! Lets get it out
                         and fire it up, I'm thirsty!

               INT. A&M OFFICE

                                                         COFFEE MACHINE
                                                           BUBBLING AND

                         Well it looks about ready to go.
                         SHAS, I think its your honour to
                         draw the first cup.

                         Thank you

                                                        SOUND OF COFFEE
                                                             BEING MADE

                         Ohh, now that is good.

                         Look on the monitor, there's two
                         guys outside the shop looking in.

                         Well maybe its that rare commodity,

                         Hmmm! OK there coming in! ZED can
                         you pop out front and great them,
                         makes us look like a more
                         professional agency if we have a

                         Great, shall I put on one of the

                         That would be fabulous please!

                         You guys, I'm not dressing up!

               Zed moves out of the back rooms and into the front section of
               the unit.

                                                         MUFFLED SOUNDS
                                                           OF GREATING.

                         Guys thats strange, look at that, A
                         Ray really likes the guys who have
                         just walked through the door, Oh
                         thats kinda worrying, the guy on
                         the left just stroked her and she
                         didn't strike. Now she is purring!

                                                       AND A-RAY PURRS.

                         Hello gentlemen, how can we help

                         Ah, yes is this where a miss Angel

                         I thought as much, ALEX its for

                             (Slightly muffled)
                         Yes, just I minute I'm up the

                         Well we have two 'gentlemen' out
                         front who want to see you.

                         Oh, argh, the dust up there, so,

                                                            STEP LADDER

                         Yes, how can I.. Oh, hang on I
                         recognise you, weren't you the guys
                         who sold me the A-RAY?

                         A-RAY, who's that..oh, you mean the
                         'Dionaea Muscipula Gigantica'. Yes.
                         Hows is she working out? She looks
                         very healthy, quite perky actually,
                         you must be feeding her well. Has
                         she started singing yet?

                         ALEX we need to talk


                         Singing, you mean the bloody thing
                         sings as well?

                         Will you stop going on about the
                         bloody plant, focus on the
                         potential clients. Lets find out
                         what they want.
                             (Focus on customers
                              business voice)
                         Gentlemen, this is my partner
                         Sharrow, and this is ZED our
                         computer technician and data guru.
                         So take a seat. Coffee?

                         Oh thank you no, we have just come
                         from a coffee shop.

                         So gentlemen, how can we be of

                         Well I'm not sure how to start, its
                         a very delicate matter, is this
                         office secure? Could you secure the

                         I can assure you this room is
                         secure, I scan for bugs every day
                         and the tech is locked solid.
                         Securing the door wont...

               Alex ignore ZED and locks and bolts door, A-RAY hisses

                         There, all locked tight. Now lets
                         deal with the mater of offical
                         fiduciary security, Sharrow can you
                         get form A B & C plus the NDA.

                         Already ahead of you there, now
                         gentlemen before you discuss
                         anything you need to officially
                         engage us as private investigators.
                         Once you have signed the forms, we
                         become legally obligated to
                         maintain client confidentiality,
                         unless your issue involves a crime,
                         or a terrorist activity as listed
                         in section 4A.

                         In addition I would recommend that
                         you read the addendum called
                         investigation client covenant.

                         Oh, OK OK, just give us some space
                         to discuss if you please. 

                         Are you sure we can't offer you a
                         coffee whilst you look at the
                         documentation. Look we don't want
                         to legalise you to death but if you
                         are concerned with security we have
                         to get the standard protocols out
                         the way first. Now how do you take
                         your coffee?

                         I'll have a latte please.

                         And I'll have the same please.

                                                            BETWEEN THE

                         OK we are ready tom sign.

                         OK then, Here, here and here. OK
                         then. OK were good to go.
                         So this 'delicate' matter you

                         Yes well, I understand you say you
                         specialise in difficult

                         That depends on what is being
                         collected and how difficult they

                         Do you have any experience in large

                         Well, like dogs you mean. 

                         Ahh, well may be large and slightly
                         more aggressive.

                         Shouldn't you be going to the zoo.

                         Well yes we did consider that but
                         there other considerations as well.

                         Other considerations?

                         Yes well, the animals concerned are
                         'experimental' and slightly outside
                         of  what a zoo would normally
                         handle. Then there is the question
                         of cross contamination.

                         Not to mention the issue of
                         scientific confidentiality.
                         Some of the resource is, (pause)
                         'cutting edge' and we don't want it
                         in the public domain.

                         I see, I'm not sure this falls into
                         our bailiwick (sounding

                         Oh we would very much like you to
                         consider this. Hmm, (discussion
                         whispered with colleague). We are
                         prepared to pay above market rates,
                         say an extra 10%

                         Oh, I see. Well lets here all the
                         details and then I will discuss
                         this with my colleague here and we
                         can then decided wether tom
                         proceed. Please start at the


                                                       SOUND OF DANCERS
                                                           FEET, MUSIC,
                                                       MAURICE SHOUTING

               Gander and Maurice are set up in the middle of the floor with
               table and chairs and are reviewing the show on the stage.

                         One. Two, Three, shimmy one shimmy
                         two left. No no no. Stop stop! That
                         was terrible.  Jude show them
                         again, keep up, one, two three..
                         Stop. Girls we need to tighten this
                         up its terrible, you not co
                         ordinating properly. Now back to
                         mark, and go.

                         Maurice we've only got a few days,
                         the dance sequence with the new
                         girls is not coming together, its
                         going to be a disaster, whats the
                         plan 'B'.

                         GANDER, I thought you had more
                         faith in me, how many years have I
                         been the entertainment manager at
                         the 'Retrograde'

                         More years than I care to remember
                         MAURICE, but these girls are like
                         divers with lead in their shoes,
                         its going to be an embarrassment,
                         really! What if we swap it out for
                         a stand-up comedian this year?

                         I don't believe I heard those words
                         coming out of your mouth. A 'stand
                         up' what do you think this is a
                         'straight Pub'. What about the
                         costumes, the lights, the glitter
                         and the glamour.

                         Arn't we both, just getting too old
                         for this MAURICE. Its been a weird
                         year and I'm just tired. I just
                         want I quiet Christmas.

                         Oh my God, my dear friend are you
                         sick. You don't have a terminal
                         illness, your hiding from us all,
                         do you? I'm shocked, I really am.

                         Ohh, now you put it like that, it
                         sounds terrible, but we need to
                         lift our game, the spirits of folk
                         are a little low this year in the
                         BC. Look I don't want to say this
                         but I fear that storm clouds are
                         gathering and next year things will
                         come to a head. Its affecting my
                         mood, I'm afraid.

                         Oh, shit OK, Well leave the
                         bonhomie boost to MAURICE, I'm
                         going to cheer you up with a great
                         show, you just what this space.

                         So I have to ask, do we have a plan

                         Yes well I suppose we drop the
                         dance number, we throw in the table
                         with the light and the chair
                         burlesque number, fly the light and
                         chair down with Jude siting then
                         hit the space port doxy of New
                         London number, bla bla etc. Jude's
                         good for that, then we do 'Santa
                         baby' with the girls dressed up as
                         Santa and his Elves, that always
                         goes down well. Then the DRAG
                         performer of the year competition
                         can soak up the rest of the time.
                         By that time the punters are beyond
                         well lubricated. Are we going to do
                         the lock in?

                         Yes Maurice, of course, but its all
                         so boring, we did that last year,
                         the year before that it was 'White
                         Christmas', with the 'Candy Canes'
                         lets set our sights higher this
                         year shall we! 

                         Well, you know your always
                         squeezing my budget I have had to
                         dig out some of the old costumes

                         Yes I'm sorry but things are a
                         little tight this year. Those
                         Mirror House Bastards and their
                         backers have been slowly putting
                         down the squeeze. Looks like I'm
                         going to have to react next year to
                         sort something out. The Cherries
                         have been quiet this year, with
                         zero Campaigns, I'm sorry but needs
                         must. How's Chen doing on the
                         lights, did she sort out the
                         glitches on the controller. 

                         Yes she, had to patch the firm
                         wear, but that desk is a bust we
                         need new gear really do. 

                         Dah, I know Gospondin, but I have
                         to prioritise. Anyway I know you'll
                         do better than your best my friend,
                         you always do!
                         Oh look at them with the tree, I'm
                         feeling like the mother hen and I'm
                         carrying a real load. 
                             (Raising her voice and
                              shouting instructions
                              across the bar)
                         Hold on, hold on, not over there,
                         put it in the corner by the window
                         I want the lights to shine out.

               JACINTA and COSTAS are struggling with a huge plastic
               Christmas tree with a large red pot.

                         JACINTA, can you get some of the
                         younger Cherries up its time to put
                         up the bar decorations and you know
                         how much they love doing that.

                         Of course GANDER just let me dump
                         this tree. Where did you get one so

                         I got a deal from the Dirkson they
                         were clearing one of the tiers and
                         someone I know owes us a favour.

                         Well were going to have to chop the
                         top to get it in.

                         Thats OK, we don't need to put a
                         fairy on top, this place is just
                         full of them anyway.

               Bar door opens and Alex and Sharrow walk in.

                         Oh, wow, thats a huge tree I can't
                         wait to see it decorated, I'm
                         really looking forward to Christmas
                         day and the show. 

                         I'm getting all Christmassy just
                         looking at it.

                         Gander we have something you really
                         need to hear, I think we need to do
                         it in private! Would you mind?

                         Yes but who are these two guys?

                         Oh, these are our clients.

                         Well I want them to stay down in
                         the bar whilst we have our
                         discussion. Lets go to my office.

               (ALEX, GANDER, SHARROW)

                         Do you want a drink? Think i'm
                         going to need it.

                                                           DRINKS BEING
                                                            PREPPED AND

                         Its a little earlier in the day for
                         the hard stuff

                         You didn't have to sit through
                         those dance routines, urghh!

                         That bad ah!

                         Well lets just say I'm praying for
                         a White Christmas!

                         Well what we have to tell you is
                         going to make you wish it was
                         Easter. I'll have a small one,
                         thank you GANDER, it is Christmas
                         after all.

                                                        SOUND OF DRINKS
                                                          AND THEN FADE
                                                       INTERLUDE WHILST
                                                           THE STORY IS

                         Trackminua! This is bad, in the top
                         end cavern you say! Oh my Got, this
                         could really blow up, the guilds
                         are going to go crazy if they think
                         we have messed up in their space.
                         Thats not to mention the other
                         opposition. The blow back will be
                         considerable and it always comes to
                         the Bencubbin. 

                         Well strictly speaking, its from
                         the dudes at the university and
                         thats in the Hudson sector. I'm not
                         sure how we would get the blame.

                         OK I need to give you some
                         background because its almost
                         impossible to understand what is
                         going on here to relative
                         newcomers. This place is like a
                         Chinatown. There are layers of whom
                         is doing what to whom. You might
                         think you know what is going on but
                         believe me you don't. 
                         Underlying all the proxy fights and
                         local vengeance acts, are just a
                         few big operators who direct the
                         small time players like puppets. 
                         Then add history into the mix and
                         you get an incendiary mix. One of
                         the main reasons RUDI and myself
                         set up the Cherries, apart from
                         looking after the street kids, was
                         to act as our own security force.
                         If it wasn't for them, this inn
                         would have been swept away long
                         You obviously know about the mirror
                         house. Well the insect that runs
                         the place, and others, is DEREK
                         SCHAFFER, he works indirectly for
                         another guy called PICKERAL. Then
                         further up the chain, to another
                         bastard called STANK. This STANK is
                         the most powerful man on Mars, he
                         owns Inter-Asteroid Corporation.
                         Guys like that think that everyone
                         works for them.

                         Yep we know those sort of guys and
                         we need to avoid them.

                         So I expect you have heard that
                         last week there was an (pause)
                         incident, involving some dear
                         friends. This once again indicated
                         that money is being channelled into
                         New London and we think it from
                         Mars again, probably STANK. I don't
                         know how but some serious money has
                         been spread around the top end of
                         town. Anyway we guess, we are
                         effectively a small but nasty thorn
                         in their side.
                         They just need a small excuse and
                         the'll move in and take us out. 

                         I want you to know GANDER, that
                         SHARROW and myself are four square
                         behind you guys.

                         Yes I know, and I really appreciate
                         that, but for the time being I need
                         you to keep quiet about this. I
                         don't want to start rumours and
                         cause panic amongst the residents.
                         Things are starting to come to a
                         head, it can feel it.

                         Jeez GANDER thats heavy, looks like
                         we have to keep this whole
                         operation on the down low. But I'm
                         full square behind you guys.

                         Don't you think we need to get RUDI
                         and the Cherries in on this, we are
                         going to need some specialist gear,
                         not to mention their expertise.

                         Yes I think you are absolutely
                         right, we are going to need flying
                         gear, stealthy. Infiltration and
                         exfiltration cover, Hmmm, do either
                         of you have low Gravity, micro-lite
                         or eagle-ray experience?

                         No not really, ALEX didn't you have
                         some strap on wings? 

                         I did but they were glide only, the
                         problem was they needed jets to
                         climb, noisy as all hell! They
                         would be no use at all. Not like
                         Eagle Rays at all.

                         So you say we have to get up to
                         light tube in the top end cavern,
                         how in hell are we going to do
                         that. The local Cops and CIS would
                         be on us in an instant.
                         We've got to get a couple of
                         containers full of equipment and a
                         whole load of flying gear into and
                         out of the cavern with no one
                         blinking an eye, I think thats
                         impossible. Let me make the call,
                         hang on. 
                             (Bleep and comms link
                              being established)
                         RUDI are you in the inn? 
                             (Conversation muffled)
                         Ah OK, good, can I meet you down in
                         C&C we have a 'situation'. 
                             (Conversation muffled)
                         Good yes OK immediately, yes. OK
                         guys, down to the Command and
                         Control, RUDI thinks we need to
                         work the angles, oh I think we need
                         to invite your 'clients' down as

                         Well I fresh out of idea's on this
                         one, but its good to work the

                         Well, if you want my opinion I
                         think its impossible.


                         GANDER who the hell are these guys?
                         Are they cleared for C&C.

                         Oh don't worry about them, they are
                         just some bio geneticists from the
                         university. Alex and Sharrow have
                         got them on a non disclosure, and
                         probably more importantly they need
                         us, badly. When you hear their
                         story, we are going to need their
                         knowledge, believe me.
                             (Alex looks them in the
                              eye with a warning)
                         So you two stay right there and
                         don't touch anything!

                         So lets cut to the chase. We have
                         multiple 'transgenic xeno morphs
                         loose in the owners cavern.
                         We have been employed, by these
                         folk to retrieve said animals.
                         Problem is there are potentially
                         aggressive and have migrated up to
                         the light tube.

                         Hang on did you say light tube. Are
                         you saying that these are giant

                         No not birds as such, these are
                         transgenic animals. The closest way
                         to think of them is as flying

                         Oh this is good, flying reindeer,
                         and its Christmas. Is there a large
                         man in a red costume by chance?

                         Ho Ho, look this isn't funny, these
                         creatures are aggressive and any
                         blowback may come in our direction,
                         on account of these folks coming to
                         Angel and May investigations. There
                         is one one gentic research facility
                         in New London. It doesn't take a
                         genius to follow the trail.

                         OK OK. So let me get this straight
                         because my head is spinning. We
                         have multiple, (pause as she tries
                         to find the right word) 'targets'
                         these 'Xeno-morphs' or, what did
                         you call them?

                         Cervinnae Chiropterea Wyvern.

                         Yes, anyway, lets call them
                         'Batstags' I really can't get my
                         tung around that one. They have
                         flight capability. Do they have any
                         other features we need to know

                         They do have sharp antlers.

                         Yes these should be avoided as they
                         are razor sharp with high silica

                         That sounds bad, are they sharp?

                         Oh yes they are like knives.

                         Great, anything else?

                         They have giant bat wings, they are
                         designed so they can fly easily in
                         half a gee. This means they love
                         low gee, just like that found at
                         the centre of the station. At that
                         location they are tremendously
                         powerful and manoeuvrable.

                         I see. I have only one question.


                         When did they let you two out of
                         the funny farm? What the hell were
                         you thinking.

                         Ah Yes well, it seemed like a good
                         idea at the time. Were sorry but
                         science does have to test the
                         outside limits of the envelop.

                         We created them to test some code,
                         we were confirming the veracity of
                         a new vat cloning technique. We
                         only developed them onwards to
                         established viability.
                         Unfortunately they exhibited
                         unexpected traits, mainly
                         aggression due to extra variety
                         introduced by the vats. 

                         We had every intention of
                         termination, but unfortunately they
                         were all to fascinating. We had
                         four papers in progress.

                         Well there not so fascinating now
                         are they, when will you scientists

                         It was human error really.

                         They got out after one of the
                         feeding sessions. The keeper was
                         injured. Unfortunately he had
                         become quite attached to them, he
                         left the cage door off the latch
                         because he couldn't see very
                         clearly through the retort glasses.

                         If I were you I would stop now, I
                         know that look in RUDI's eye.

                         Wait a minute did you say retort

                         Yes, you see I specialise in
                         digestive tracts of ruminants,
                         fascinating really. As you may know
                         they slowly digestive their food in
                         multiple stomachs. We further
                         improved on that with an anaerobic
                         pre digester.

                         What has this got to do with retort

                         Well, quite a lot actually, you see
                         when they fly they get quite a lot
                         of corona discharge, from the air
                         moving past their wings. Those guys
                         also produce a lot of methane due
                         to the high metabolic rate and the
                         special bacteria we introduced. We
                         found that when they fly there is
                         consider by-gassing. Of course on
                         the ground this is minimal, however
                         in flight mode, the static tends to
                         light the mixture formed in the
                         wing vortexes. Its like a series of

                         Oh this just get better and better
                         you mean these badass flying guys
                         with razor sharp antlers, can turbo
                         charge by farting gas. Their like a
                         biological aurora spaceplane.

                         I'm really starting to like these
                         bad arse dragons! We've got real
                         life crazy PAPERet propelled arse

                         Well I don't think its so funny. We
                         need to get CALVIN and BOY in here,
                         this is a flight wing combat
                         situation. Private can you please
                         call get them to C&C with some
                         urgency thank you.

                         Yes mamm!

                         Look the point is these 'things'
                         are now up by the light tube since
                         yesterday. What the hell are they
                         doing up there?

                         Yes that is a good point. Why would
                         they go up to light tube? What is
                         the motivation?

                         We think they like low gees as it
                         takes much less effort to stay
                         aloft. Most predators will
                         naturally retreat back to the
                         hunting grounds in which they
                         expend the least energy.

                         Preditors, this doesn't sound good!

                         So are you saying they eat meat, I
                         thought reindeer were herbivores!

                         Well, we had to make these guys
                         omnivorous, because of the energy
                         requirements. They may look like
                         reindeer but they are definitely
                         not reindeer.


                                                         SOUND OF DOORS
                                                            OPENING AND
                                                        PEOPLE ENTERING

                         Mamm, we heard that there was an
                         urgent new situation that required
                         my presence.

                         Yes Sargent, thank you for coming
                         so quickly, we have a really tricky
                         situation in which we are
                         scratching our heads. So lets just
                         wait until the major arrives.

                                                          DOORS OPENING
                                                          AND FOOTSTEPS

                         Mamm, oh we do have a large crowd

                         Well its a difficult issue Major,
                         we need some quick thinking on this
                         problem. In essence, we have
                         runaway biological contamination in
                         the owners cavern which may be
                         traced back to Ms Angel and May's
                         business and their client contacts,
                         which will be then followed back to
                         The Retrograde and the RCBS. 
                         The biological contamination
                         comprises, two large xeno-morphic
                         'bat stags' which are aggressive
                         but valuable and need to be removed
                         stealthly without waking up CIS and
                         the local cops. 

                         Sorry could you repeat that, it's a
                         lot to take in. 

                         Yes I know, look lets break into
                         teams and the others will fill you
                         in. We need to work the problem in
                         detail. First up though what is
                         your first reaction? CALVIN?

                         Well we have a number of obvious
                         components, firstly there is
                         infiltration and exfiltration,
                         secondly, there is the approach to
                         the target, kill or capture, but
                         even if its a kill scenario we have
                         to collectthe bodies.
                         On top of the front line operation
                         we need plausible deniability if we
                         are exposed. Then we need to lay
                         out our general technology approach
                         and communication. We would need a
                         Tactical Action Authority approach
                         from C&C and Air Intercept control.
                         Hmmm, these are small radar cross
                         section targets, we will need 
                         Hawkeye radar or better. Obvious a
                         air radar of Banger level, to
                         assist in vectoring of such agile
                         targets. Might be sensible to
                         implement a Cooperative Engagement
                         Control team. Its going to be a big
                         operation sir.

                         Yes my thoughts exactly. I have
                         thing to add and that is we need to
                         work the detail of the capture
                         mechanism. Its one thing to
                         intercept but we need to disable
                         and hold, in the air, we can't have
                         bodies plunging out of the sky.

                         OK agreed. All points noted. Now
                         lets break this down, with a half
                         hour session, to figure out the
                         broad tactics in key area's. CALVIN
                         you take infiltration and
                         exfiltration BOY can you lead
                         deployment technology, JACINTA can
                         you take flight with Misses ANGEL
                         and MAY, and I'll take logistics
                         with GANDER. 
                         We'll then do break ups and work
                         infiltration, deployment, capture,
                         and finally exfiltration and
                         containment, all of these have to
                         be done without alerting the
                         authorities. You need to think
                         outside the box folks.

                                                              SOUNDS OF
                                                         MURMERING THEN
                                                         INTERUPTION BY

                         Before we split up can I throw
                         something completely wild out there
                         and see how it lands. It's crazy
                         but it might work.

                         Well any and all offerings will be
                         gratefully accepted. Lets hear it.

                         GANDER can I confirm one thing

                         Yes, what's that?

                         Well, Jacinta was saying they have
                         a Christmas parade in the main
                         square and thats in the main cavern
                         isn't it? I believe its happening

                         Oh, I like that, I get it, thats a
                         good idea, we go in, hidden in
                         plain sight.

                         Yes I was thinking we might get a
                         float or floats and join the
                         Christmas parade.

                         Now that is actually an interesting
                         idea, we could enter several
                         electro cyber trucks each under the
                         Retrograde and other business
                         names, and go in all legit and well
                         have XMAS sparkle! Yes  that is
                         actually a very good suggestion
                         SHARROW. OK folks, lets work the
                         angles on that and any other idea's
                         and see if we can bring some
                         Christmas cheer to the parade.


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