Angel and May

A01-E13 - A Partridge in a Pear Tree

Barry Haworth / Cecilia Girard / David Cannon / Helen Ekundayo / Joanne Oliver / Parker Burke / Melanie Blizard / Robert Gettons / Steven Cameron / Vivien Broadbent / Vivien Braybrook/ Dayna Ekundayo Season 1 Episode 13

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Angel and May with the help of the Cherries have to capture antler clad Xenomorphs whilst dressed as Elves.  Neither party is entirely happy.

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                                A PARTRIDGE IN A PEAR TREE

               INT. RETROGRADE C&C

                         Now that is actually an interesting
                         idea, We could enter several
                         electro cyber trucks each under the
                         Retrograde and other business
                         names, and go in all legit and well
                         have XMAS sparkle! Yes  that is
                         actually a very good suggestion
                         SHARROW. OK folks, lets work the
                         angles on that and any other idea's
                         and see if We can bring some
                         Christmas cheer to the parade.

               Some hours later.

                         I'm thirsty any drinks around here?

                         Thats a great idea, I'll get the
                         Chef to knock up some sandwiches
                         and drinks and get them delivered
                         to C&C.

                         Thanks GANDER!

                                                        SOUND OF GANDER
                                                            ON COMMS TO

                         So lets summarise the operation.
                         Sergeant if you could outline your
                         best idea please.

                         Yes Marm, well We think that
                         SHARROWs idea is the best because
                         it allow a considerable amount of
                         equipment to be brought in and
                         taken out without any suspicion.
                         The general chaos during the
                         Christmas parade plus the number of
                         people will provide good cover. We
                         hire two cyber trucks with half
                         length containers, We decorate them
                         with the normal Christmas
                         accoutrements. One of the
                         containers will have pneumatically
                         operated doors.
                         They flick open and inside are four
                         flight wing eagle hawks. We have
                         modify some ejector seat mechanisms
                         to shoot them out to a few hundred
                         feet. The other truck contains an
                         XMAS sleigh to be used for
                         collection after intercept. The
                         container on the second truck, will
                         house local command. Exfiltration
                         strategy is that both trucks
                         continue on in the parade
                         eventually ending with the period
                         and returning via normal channels.
                         Front line operations land on the
                         roof of a safe house, several
                         kilometres away from the parade.

                         Very good Sergeant. Thank you.
                         Major can you run through the air
                         wing deployment and collection

                         Yes of course Marm. We plan to
                         significantly down grade the
                         PAPERet boosters used on ejector
                         seat mechanism so that they have a
                         longer but slower burn. The Eagle
                         Hawk wing set will deploy using
                         poles which swivel to the upright
                         position. They are stored
                         horizontally but rotate as soon as
                         the top doors open. Chen will work
                         with the Cherries engineering team
                         to construct the mechanism. We see
                         this as being on the critical path
                         as there is considerable work to be
                         done in this area. Fireworks will
                         be deployed at the exact moment of
                         the wing deployment to make the
                         whole think look like a fantastical
                         XMAS display. BANGER disguised as a
                         sleigh, launches at the same time
                         using similar Rockets but once
                         airborne micro jets take over.
                         Serge, CALVIN has kindly offered to
                         play the part of father XMAS. Eagle
                         Hawks will get baring, range and
                         position using the Hawkeye RADAR
                         with support from BANGER.

                         Oh I see, well done Sargent. Thank
                         you major. Now Jacinta can you
                         report on interception please.

                         Yes Marm. Well the big issue is the
                         micro bleves and the nets or ropes,
                         they would have to be fireproof, We
                         can't use steel wire as its too
                         heavy, and carbon fibre or long
                         chain poly are both out as they are
                         affected by flame. Given the
                         potential speed and aggression of
                         'the Bandits', We have decided on a
                         flechette, which could be set to
                         knockout, or lethal, depending on
                         the Tactical Action Officers
                         decision. The plan is that 'One
                         Flight' paints the targets, 'Two
                         Flight' operates the gun, whilst
                         Three and 'Four Flight' deploy
                         'Thaleen' nets. 'One Flight' and
                         'Two Flight' can assist lift
                         operations once catchment is
                         achieved. We deliver to the roof
                         top where clean up is waiting.

                         Well Its a high risk operation but
                         We don't have time to mess around.
                         So I say We assess Go/No/Go status.
                         Deployment for T+24 lets go around
                         the room. Flight.

                         Go Marm.


                         Its a Go Marm


                         Go, Marm.

                         Technology and RADAR

                         Go Marm

                         Very well We are go on operation,
                         so now lets configure personnel.

                         Marm, since We are going
                         I think its time We give our
                         consultants Ms Angel and Ms May
                         formal code names as per normal op

                         About time too I think, but if they
                         are being brought into the fold
                         more completely, I move that after
                         this operation We need to
                         understand more about what they did
                         before coming to New London

                         Yes We have promised to tell our
                         story but its not what you think I
                         can assure you of that. However, if
                         you don't trust us then perhaps We
                         should not be involved!

                         No its not that, strangely I do
                         trust you. You have demonstrated
                         your loyalty up until now. I would
                         however, point out to the team that
                         the best spies are those that gain
                         the trust of any team. Girls, its
                         just that the back story doesn't
                         add up, sorry but We will have the
                         truth, its just your decision as to
                         wether you volunteer it or We find
                         out be other means 

                         Yes well I can understand that
                         CANDER, I think I would feel the
                         same. All I can say is that We are
                         not the bad guys OK. 

                         Look thats enough, lets get on with
                         this operation We can sort other
                         things out later. Now code names.
                         Chen can you use the one time pad
                         selector please.

                         Well I vote for ATTRACTIVE as my
                         code name.

                         Yes and I vote for INTELLIGENT as

                         Marm, here are the next names on
                         the list.

                         Thank you Sargent. Oh these are
                         good, very appropriate.

                         Oh here We go.

                         So SHARROW you're code name will be

                         Hmm, actually I like it, like
                         mayfly after SHARROW MAY

                         ALEX you get PHOENIX-ASH.

                         PHOENIX-ASH, thats concerning,
                         especially given the nature of the
                         targets. Does that mean I keep
                         coming back after flaming out?

                         Yep that'd be right!

               (GANDER, MAURICE)

                                                       SOUNDS OF QUEENS
                                                       ARGUING, HANGERS
                                                          MOVING SEWING

                         So GANDER let me understand this
                         you need pixie and elf Christmas
                         costumes in red and green for 20
                         members of the Cherries. Lyrica for
                         easy movement with mock leatherette
                         holders to conceal weapons and
                         other utility items.

                         Thats about it MAURICE, tassels and
                         tinsel make them look good, throw
                         in an element of circus cabaret.
                         The good news is I have a budget,
                         RUDI's released some Regimental

                         GANDER have you lost leave of your
                         senses, I'm in the middle of the
                         Christmas show, the busiest time of
                         the year and you want 40 plus size
                         elf costumes plus a father
                         Christmas by tomorrow.

                         Well you were saying that the show
                         was a little drab this year. Now
                         this is your chance to excel, get
                         in front of a larger audience, make
                         a big impact.

                         Yeah sure, get arrested, for aiding
                         and assisting an illegal operation,

                         There is going to be glitter and
                         glamour a large cast and large
                         budget, We even have pyro technics.

                         Glitter, and fireworks you say.
                         Ohhh! When do you need these
                         costumes by?

                         Tomorrow, 12 Spin-ward.

                         Oh my god you really have gone
                         nuts. Have you been at those liquor
                         chocolates like last year.

                         Now I told you not to bring up that
                         momentary laps. So this is serious
                         call in the girls and JUDE, even
                         BRANDY, We really do need all hands
                         on deck, I'll get RUDI to send up a
                         few of the Cherries to assist with
                         the weapons holders and anything
                         else they can do. This is no joke
                         MAURICE it threatens the Inn and
                         everything We hold dear.

                         GANDER, why do you always ask the

                                                        SOUND OF HOOTER
                         JUDE, JUDE where are you.
                         Girls, girls,  come down from the
                         stage, We are going to have to
                         switch to stitching, We need to get
                         to the wardrobe room and get out
                         the laser cutters and glue bonders.
                         I mean chop, chop, now girls.

                                                        MUMBLING OF THE
                                                         PERFORMERS AND
                                                           CLIP CLOP OF
                                                           SHOES ON THE
                                                          WOODEN STAGE.

               Maurice exits followed by the performers and is already
               discussing materials, colours and designs.

                         JUDE, come over here please We  are
                         going to need your help, now Candy
                         I think We need to look at those
                         old catalogues, oh and grab the
                         lycra and carbon mono bonded
                         swatches, oh and call in Sophie.
                         JUDE can you go down to general
                         supplies and pick up at lease 50
                         pairs of red and green tights,
                         equal numbers of each. Oh my, its
                         going to be a green XMAS this year.

                                                              FADE OUT.

               (BOY, CALVIN)

                                                              SOUNDS OF
                                                          BANGING METAL
                                                       AND SOME WELDING

                         Private, re-enforce those doors We
                         need to open them really fast and
                         We don't want any jams, get some
                         damping shocks so they don't slam
                         shut again. Oh and fix those mortar
                         launches along the sides, together
                         with the glitter and compressed
                         air. We will use the same
                         compressed air for the Pneumatics
                         on the doors. 
                             (Switches to comms and is
                              talking to sergeant major
                         Calvin, how did you make out in the
                         armoury, did We have the mini para
                         flares and space flashes.

                         We have quite a surprising number,
                         I must have a word with armaments
                         procurement, there appears to be to
                         much entertainment oriented bangs
                         and flashes for my liking. 

                         I think they may have been left
                         over from that exercise We were
                         supposed to do three years ago,
                         with Falker Legion.

                         Well that would explain that then.
                         Anyway, I found some thunder
                         flashes too, so the whole lot is
                         coming up to you, I think were
                         going to make some impact! I have
                         the two soldiers going around
                         Chinatown firework stores scoping
                         up the biggest and brightest, and a
                         whole lot of firecrackers, they
                         should be back shortly.

                         Very Good Sergeant, carry on, can
                         I'll get someone out with the small
                         combo-truck, We are going to need

                         Roger that!

                             (Turning back to the prep
                              work on  the first truck)
                         Sergeant be sure to check the
                         deployment arms are well greased We
                         don't want a jam. No were is
                         Sargent CHEN.

                         I think she is in bay alpha working
                         on the deployment sequencers.

                         Very Good Sargent.

                                                         MARCHING BOOTS
                                                        RECEEDING, THEN
                                                              DOOR INTO
                                                            ANOTHER BAY

               (BOY, CHEN, JACINTA, ZED)

                         Oh Hello Sir, is everything OK?

                         As you were Sargent, just checking

                         Progress is good sir, We are just
                         making final adjustments.

                         Good, I'll just stand over here and
                         not get in you way.

                         OK lets run through the sequence
                         timing again.

                                                               SOUND OF
                         OK, OK, ZED whats the time on the
                         phase three sequence?

                         550 milliseconds.

                         Hmm, thats at 30m/sec so that gives
                         us about point six of a meter. I
                         think We need to go up by another
                         200 milli-secs please.

                         OK adjustments made.

                         OK re-run please

                                                               SOUND OF

                         Very good Sargent its looking good.

                         Yes Sir, just making the final

                         JACINTA how are the deployment
                         charges going?

                         Sir, We have had to significantly
                         downgrade the charges.
                         I have the 3D printers going flat
                         out to make support brackets. We
                         hold a brace of Rockets and fire
                         one, then as that dies fire the
                         next and so on, it gives a much
                         more gentle deployment, and one
                         which lasts for longer.

                         Hmm, yes that looks a bit tricky do
                         the different Rockets cause
                         unwanted torque vectoring.

                         Well yes, but thats whats the
                         bracket is for Sir, the Rockets all
                         go through the centre of mass.
                         There might be a little bit of
                         kicking to and fro, but the average
                         line will be straight. 

                         Great thats good Sargent, will it
                         be ready in time?

                         We have no choice on that one do We

                         Yes absolutely.

                         If I could make a suggestion Major

                         Yes of course.

                         We have compressed air, could We
                         not use some of it to fire up
                         streamers they will further
                         camouflage the action Sir.

                         Yes thats a good idea, I'll get
                         COSTA's on that. Good thinking
                         Sergeant, just make sure they don't
                         tangle with the Eagle wings, but
                         well done, keep up the good work.
                         Ah, has any one been down from
                         Maurice's crew to do the
                         decorations on the trucks. 

                         No I don't think so, but the young
                         Cherries are on to that, they have
                         got the Mess decorations out, their
                         all really excited at the thought
                         of some action and you know how
                         they love Christmas. This is the
                         perfect storm for them! Once The
                         welding is over they will swarm
                         like insects!

                         OK I'm going up stairs to the
                         devils den to see those bitchy

                         You sure you going to be OK, you
                         lost you're beret last time Sir!

                         Yes and when I find out who nicked
                         it, there going to be trouble.

                         I think I might have seen it on
                         RITA when she does her cabaret act,
                         it's in the Parisian scene I
                         believe. Its dam sexy as well.

                         Ahem. Well I don't care, its
                         regimental property and I want it

                         Well good luck with that mission
                         Sir. I really think you need back
                         up on this one, I'll get SLIM to
                         meet you, he is in the bar anyway.
                         If you don't return in five mins
                         I'll send for reinforcements Sir.

               (BOY, CANDY, MAURICE, RITA, SLIM)

                                                          BITCHY QUEENS
                                                         THROWING SHADE
                                                            AND GENERAL

                         Good morning Major We don't see in
                         the bar enough, Jacinta phoned and
                         warned me you might need a wingman.

                         Yes, ah-well, grateful for any
                         support I can get. How you going
                         SLIM not seen you around as much
                         these days.

                         Yes I've been out riding my new
                         horse in the Dickson. Its expensive
                         but really good for the soul. Mind
                         you my arse doesn't always agree.

                         Yes indeed and can appreciate that.
                         I grew up on a farm you know.

                         No I didn't know that.

                         Yes, Earth-side, mixed farm, I had
                         a great time growing up, but (sigh)
                         once I joined the CIS it was off
                         Earth to the moon for the first few
                         years. In fact I never went back.

                         Well We really must catch up.

                         Yes We must, but for now duty

                         OK lets get this over. I suppose We
                         really must enter the viper cage.

                         Unto the breach and all that!

                         You go first, if it gets bad, I'll
                         make a running entry, but what ever
                         you do don't let them tempt you off
                         the path to Maurice's door.

                         OK eyes straight, and don't react
                         other than pleasantries, right.

                         Right, partner, oh hold on I'll get
                         my chaps, that'll provide a

                                                         WALKING ACROSS
                                                         STAGE AND DOOR

                         You ready SLIM?

                         As I'll ever be!

                         Ahh, Oh, Hello girls, is Maurice

                         Girls, how you going?

                             (Lets out a little sob of
                         My goodness, its chief soldier man,
                         and that lonesome Cowboy, don't
                         they look so handsome. You've come
                         all this way to see me. Oh I do
                         love a man in a uniform and a big
                         strong cowboy too.

                         Ahem!Yes Well!

                         Girls, I've I can't fit my chaps,
                         these straps are tricky, can you

                         Ohhh, leather, So manly and strong.
                         I'll help let me.

                         You slum bitch, hands off my man,
                         he only has eyes for this Hally
                         Berry fish!

                         Keep your rough werk hands off him
                         you booger! He needs my gentile
                         realness and after that last Diana
                         Ross routine you pulled, you ain't
                         never gona, gona deserve him. Their
                         be no pulling pull his car into
                         your garage doors gurl, and you
                         know it!

                         Throw all the shade you want you
                         tired old Queen, but the truth is
                         they both only have eyes for me.
                         Come here darlings. Oh my those
                         Chaps smell so horsey, I'd pull a
                         Helen-Zille at a District Attorney
                         rally for either of you.
                         Look at what is on offer
                             (Considers his own
                          Just consider this god-en-za
                         realness, you know thats what you
                         desire deep down. 

                                                        SOUND OF A BOAT

                         Back off girls, leave the major and
                         SLIM alone.

                         Oh, you always ruin our fun, my
                         Cher goodness was starting to work.

                         No messing with the military, I've
                         told you before, he is on duty,
                         besides you need to focus on your
                         seams, just look at that work, its
                         just plain disgraceful.

                         Just like her flabby lips and
                         boobs, there fake too.

                                                          SOUND OF DRAG
                                                        QUEENS SLAPPING
                                                         EACH OTHER AND

                         Stop, stop this at once. Thats
                         enough shade, both of you. Now
                         major will you please come this way
                         into my office. Can I offer either
                         of you a Cup of tea. Perhaps
                         something stronger.

                         Ahem. Yes well. We need to discuss
                         the costumes and potential

               INT. RETROGRADE C&C

                         OK settle down, settle down


                         Now this is a big operation with
                         lots of pieces, lets run through
                         the deployments. BOY you're
                         Tactical Action Officer on this one
                         CHEN you're on the collaborative
                         information suite in truck one, and
                         general troubleshooting any systems
                         issues arising. 
                         JACINTA you're on point with ALEX
                         and SHARROW and JUDE who has
                         offered to stand in for DOILY who
                         is still in recovery with that
                         hand. CODE Names,  
                         CALVIN you're piloting the recovery
                         sleigh disguised as father XMAS,
                         code name JINGLE BELL.  
                         COSTAS your piloting the radar
                         support platform designated code
                         name BANGER, which We have will
                         maintain at the CAP station.
                         ZED is in Truck 2 and will act as
                         Air Intercept Controller using the
                         designation AIC. Now some of you
                         may have heard that ZED and myself
                         have had a few 'difficulties' over
                         the past few weeks, but this issue
                         surpasses that so he has been
                         returned to active status, with
                         immediate commencement.
                         DOILY is unfortunately sitting this
                         one out due to her broken hand, but
                         she will be acting as Cooperative
                         Engagement Control, designation CEC
                         for this op, she will be back in
                         Command and Control. Thanks to JUDE
                         for stepping up to the plate. 

                         Now back here at the RETROGRADE,
                         I'm deploying some of our junior
                         members in strategic positions
                         around the Inn in case the
                         opposition decides to take
                         advantage. I have SOPHIE and GHOST
                         managing Bar whilst GANDER and
                         Myself are in C&C. 
                         If this plan all turns to custard,
                         plan 'B' is extraction via Cherries
                         dressed as bystanders watching the
                         parade. This option is distinctly
                         sub optimal and should be avoided
                         at any costs. Now any questions. 
                         Very good well, troops, this will
                         be an operation that requires
                         pinpoint timing with some good
                         fortune. I want you to know I am
                         proud of the way you have come
                         together in the last few hours, you
                         are the best team in this habitat
                         and its my belief that We will run
                         rings around them all. So lets
                         start this Christmas with a big
                         bang and go get us some Xeno-

                                                               SOUND OF
                                                           MUMERING AND
                                                       PEOPLE DEPLOYING
                                                           AND ELECTRIC
                                                         TRUCKS HUMMING
                                                       WITH CORNEY XMAS
                                                         MUSIC STARTING

               SHARROW, ZED)

                                                        CHRISTMAS MUSIC
                                                           PARADE STYLE

                         Time check please major?
                             (on radio link)

                         We are green to go at T minus 10
                         seconds Marm.

                         OK tell CHEN to start the sequencer
                         as soon as the first firework goes

                         Very good Marm. Chen standby, await
                         first firecracker before starting
                         sequence please!

                         Affirmative, Standing by!

                         Ok lets go around the room Status
                         for Green to Go. Deployment.


                         Flight Wing?










                         OK operation is status Green for Go

                                                               SOUND OF
                                                            FIREWORK AT
                                                        FRONT OF PARADE

                         Acknowledge, controller live,
                         sequencer running.

                                                          HUGE SOUND OF
                                                          MORTOR BOMBS,

                         PAPER status report

                         (Strained voice) PAPER, status
                         nominal, wings not yet deployed.

                         CEC, ack.

                         DOILY get them to CAP station by
                         the fastest route.

                         Roger that

                         PAPER, One flight deployed waiting
                         for smoke to clear, oh wait,
                         eyeball on 'Three Flight', and also
                         'Two Flight'. I can't see 'Four

                         PHOENIX Ash, Four flight, status,

                         Right wing has not deployed cleanly
                         and has slight damage. I'm not
                         climbing cleanly, the beat pattern
                         is wrong.

                         Roger PHOENIX ASH, I will contact
                         CHINATOWN and see what he can do.
                         CHINATOWN can you look at the
                         telemetry and see if you can assist
                         PHOENIX ASH.

                         Roger accessing telemetry! Oh dear
                         me, thats not good.

                         PHOENIX ASH are you OK.

                         Ah, GIMBLE FLY its a neg on OK ,
                         but not terminal, just ineffective.

                         ROGER got that, CHINATOWN is
                         attempting to adjust.


                         This is CEC, BANGER is now in the
                         air heading for CAP station

                         Roger on that. Do you have vector.

                         BRA, two seventy dash forty one,
                         8000 meters CAP snap.

                         Roger received. Eagle wing please
                         lock in target marked A confirmed
                         CAP station.

                         AIC HAWKEYE radar is coming up to
                         operating horizon, should be able
                         to identify Bogies shortly.

                         Roger HAWKEYE. PHOENIX ASH, status,

                         Roger, Status beating like all
                         hell, but not making much altitude.

                         Roger I'm asking SCISSOR to loiter
                         and match your position. AIC,
                         vector for Three Flight to Four

                         Roger, wait one. OK BRA zero two
                         three dash four, four, altitude
                         4500 meters, SNAP, B Vector

                         Roger confirm vector B. SCISSORS
                         snap vector B, please and send hugs
                         and kisses to 'Four Flight'. 

                         Roger, diving.

                         PHOENIX ASH expect hugs and kisses
                         from three flight, SCISSORS will
                         keep her company.

                         Roger, many thanks.

                         CHINATOWN can you assist four

                         I am adjusting the beat pattern
                         putting more power to the good wing
                         and changing some angles it might
                         help but its definitely sub-optimal
                         for the batteries.

                         CHINATOWN its Green for Go on those
                         changes, do what you can, We need
                         to get that flechette up to

                         Interrupt pleae, Status confirm
                         CALVIN launch

                         Confirmed clean I'm circling and
                         climbing to CAP station. Jets
                         nominal, systems nominal.


                         DOILY I new that having only one
                         weapons system was a weak point.

                         Yes but this whole operation was
                         put together very quick Marm. 

                         Yes of course. We have no choice,
                         OK proceed with this deployment but
                         lets keep the radio chatter down
                         until We get to CAP station. BANGER
                         can monitor progress.

                         Roger, PAPER please go silent until



                                                       CHRISTMAS PARADE
                                                          MUSIC GROWING
                                                       FAINT, WHOOSHING
                                                          OF MECHANICAL

                         Sha.. Oh sorry GIMBLE-FLY, and
                         PAPER can you read, wings beating
                         slightly more evenly, I see
                         SCISSORSI above me I'm circling.

                         Roger PHOENIX-ASH, are you going to
                         be able to gain enough altitude?

                         I think soo, repeat wings are
                         beating hard, but at this rate the
                         batteries will get depleted in half
                         and hour, I'm probably going to
                         have to make a gliding retreat.

                         This is PAPER, We could enact a
                         loiter routine if you think that

                         No you guys keep on mission, I'll
                         follow up soonest at the rear.
                         PHOENIX- ASH out I have to as I
                         have the flechette remember.

                         Roger, PAPER Out, GIMBLE-FLY can
                         you stay on my spin-ward wing,
                         SCISSORS bring yourself and PHOENIX
                         ash on my anti spin-ward side. AIC
                         can you provide SNAP to my spin
                         ward for PHOENIX ASH.

                         Roger, BRA two, three, zero dash
                         nina, two, altitude 9500 meters,
                         SNAP C.

                         Roger SNAP C confirmed, loading.

                         All Flight please set adaptive
                         shade to light tube, its going to
                         be bright.

                                   ALL FLIGHT
                         Roger, Roger, affirmative,

                         PAPER is there a chance of burns?

                         No worries GIMBLE-FLY, the light
                         tube is really millions of high
                         intensity LEDs they don't put out
                         much infra red and the lights are
                         all water cooled, We should be
                         good. We may have to land behind
                         the lights on the gantries at some
                         stage, if power gets low. 

                         Roger on that PAPER, an sign of

                         No, I'll make the call. CEC any
                         sign of BANDITS?

                         Not as yet nothing coming up on my

                         AIC, I'm just starting to receive
                         the feeds from BANGER, wait one. Oh
                         two targets designated 1 and 2. On
                         SNAP now.

                         Roger there up. PAPER is the flight
                         at CAP Station.

                         Nearly I can see two flight and
                         four flight below me. I think We
                         are go to engage target if CEC

                         Roger Concurrence, go code 357. AIC
                         BRA call for BOGIES

                         BRA seven three dash two four zero
                         altitude 9800 SNAP, designation D,
                         two BOGIES close formation.


                         Roger, All flight, please accept
                         vector marked D proceed for

                                   ALL FLIGHT

                         Targets are slippery, fast moving. 

                         Roger as expected. I think I can
                         see their contrails.

                         Please repeat Flight.

                         I can hear something like thunder,
                         I think its the mini bleves.

                         Do not fly through their wake, any
                         gas explosion could disrupt, the
                         flight surfaces.

                         You think! SCISSORS and PHOENIX
                         ASH, status?

                         I'm OK but PHOENIX is looking

                         Yep power is near gone.

                         Shit, OK PHOENIX ASH, can you make
                         it to the light tube? Get up on the

                         Roger. What about the flechette?

                         Carry it, move along the gantry
                         keep parallel to us. SCISSORS get
                         up here and follow us. The plan is
                         to engage Bogies, try and tire them
                         out. The have to land somewhere and
                         it can only be the light tube

                         We think they must have a base at
                         kilometre thirteen from which is
                         the nearest point where We picked
                         up the trace.

                         AIC is confirm that PHOENIX ASH's
                         trace has merged with that of the
                         light tube.

                         PHOENIX ASH, Status?

                             (Out of breath and
                         Few that was a close one, I am on
                         the gantry have sustained slight
                         brusing, wing is dead, weapons

                         Alex you OK.

                         Code names only please.

                         PHOENIX ASH are you OK.

                         Yes I am fine GIMBLE FLY proceed
                         with mission, I'm good.

                         Can you move along gantry to
                         Kilometre thirteen, We think they
                         may have a base there.

                         Roger, I'll meet you there.

                         TAO, can We use darts.

                         Confirm, but sleep darts only We
                         need them to land in the light

                         Whoo, Boogies at three O'clock they
                         have engaged, they look like they
                         are 'unhappy'

                         GIMBLE FLY, what does unhappy look

                         They are shaking their antlers from
                         side to side and snorting.

                         Come here bitches, PHOENIX ASH, I'm
                         on your spin ward wing,

                         Don't get near their wake.

                         I have fired two darts, I don't
                         believe either hit targets, they
                         are more manoeuvrable than We

                                                        LARGE EXPLOSION
                                                              BANG WITH

                         Shit that was close. Ahhh, 

                                                          SOUND OF DART

                         OK I have got around behind BOOGIES
                         trying to box them in.

                         Sarg I don't think thats a good
                         idea. They can turn on a dime.

                         Shit, whoo that was close, they
                         nipped the end off my wings. I let
                         off two darts, no idea if they hit
                         their targets.

                         I'll guess well find out shortly.

                         PAPER your not going to believe
                         this, but they have made some sort
                         of nest, its just behind the
                         lights, I'm level with it on the


                         I'm inching closer. Oh, no.


                         TAO, We can't go for the kill.

                         What, please confirm statement.

                         We can't go for the kill, they have
                         a baby fawn. Thats why they are
                         fighting so hard, they are just
                         protecting their young. Its every
                         creatures right. We can't kill


                         Well I'm not going to kill them, or
                         touch their baby, If you want to do
                         the dirty deed your going to have
                         to come down here and do it

                         Hold on, no one is talking about
                         any killing. We will adminsiter
                         sleep charges won't We TAO?

                         I have already set the flechette to
                         sleep only

                         Affirmative. We concur. Proceed.

                         Whilst you lot are chatting, We
                         have a situation out here. I've
                         lost part of one wing to Antler
                         attack. PHOENIX ASH was blown
                         sideways by a mini bleve, one of
                         her wings is badly singed. SCISSOR
                         looks distinct ropy too. Permission
                         to land on light gantry. 

                                                              SOUNDS AS
                                                       BATSTAGS ATTACK.

                         GIMBLE FLY, get to the gantry now.

                         I'm not picking up C&C control
                         channel is dead.
                         Already ahead of you on that one
                         PAPER but they keep doing close
                         passes when I get close to the

                         Its because they have young, repeat
                         there is a nest just behind the
                         lights. I repeat they think you are
                         attacking their nest. Move along
                         the tube and land some way away,
                         they will leave you alone.

                         Roger, did you say they have young.

                         Roger move away.

                         Roger landing.

                         SCISSORS follow sharrow act as rear
                         guard I'll draw them away.

                         No sarg. It will be two on one you
                         have no chance.

                         SOLDER, get to it, thats an order!
                         Arghh, Oh, shit. Keep calm 
                         GOSPONDIN their just big nasty
                         batstags. OK I'm moving away from
                         your babies now, leave me alone.

                         GIMBLE FLY and myself have landed
                         on gantry, proceeding to. We will
                         try and dart them We have taken up
                         position between the light stalks
                         can you draw them along the tube. 

                         CALVIN new orders, get to the light
                         tube land at position  marked 12800
                         on gantry team is waiting for


                         OK I'm making my run, try and dart
                         as they pass please, I'm near
                         buggered here.

                         Roger I see you! Can you get


                                                               SOUND OF
                                                         WHOOSHING THEN
                                                       DARTS THEN CRIES
                                                          FROM BATSTAGS

                         Got one, the male I think.

                         I got the smaller one, the female.
                         What happens now.

                         Its slow acting. Hopefully they'll
                         go back to the nest, not fall out
                         of the sky, gravity is only 0.2G At
                         this hight so We should be good. I
                         think that was what saved us, they
                         were brought up in higher gravity,
                         every time they dived at us the
                         Coriolis effect twisted them off
                         course. PAPER are you OK.

                         Yes, but only just, batteries
                         spent, I had to land upstream of
                         you on the other side of their nest
                         point. I'm folding up wings and
                         moving back towards your position.

                         Roger, that was closer Sarg.

                         Yes closer than I like. See you

                         Look the two batstags are heading
                         to their nest. Lets move along to
                         and see whats up.


                         Hi guys, hold stay back and be
                         quiet, the mum and dad have just
                         come home, I think their get really
                         sleepy from the darts.

                         Can We crawl out and take a look
                         over the edge of the nest.

                         Lets rope up first, if We slip its
                         a one hell of a long way down. Just
                         pop another couple of darts to make
                         sure they are completely out.

                         OK, I'm nearly at the edge of the
                         nest, I'm just going to pop my head
                         up quickly to see whats going on.

                         Be careful you may startle them.

                         OK, OK Ohhh, look they have a
                         little baby fawn its so gorgeous.

                         Let me have a look, oh, look there
                         cuddling on each side to protect
                         their baby.

                         Look We have an operation here.

                         Well were not going to do anything
                         to jeopardise their new family now.
                         Its just so wrong.

                         Yep absolutely SHAS with you 100%
                         on that one.

                         I'm not suggesting We hurt them,
                         but We need to dart the fawn so
                         that it doesn't panic and hurt
                         itself. I'll just squeeze out most
                         of the sleeping drug for a baby
                         dose. Here let me up I'll dart it.

                         Make sure you don't hurt it, its
                         only a few hours old.

                         Roger on that. What do you think
                         I'm am guys, its a beautiful baby.
                         We are here for the good side

                         Team status please. Whats going on

                         Marm We have located a 'nest'
                         position about 200 yards past
                         Kilometre 13 on the nearside
                         gantry. The two bat-stag's have a
                         little baby, thats why they were so
                         aggressive. We have darted Mum &
                         Dad who are asleep and We are just
                         about to dart the baby. 

                         OK, Hmmm, just be careful. I'll get
                         CALVIN up to you a behind the
                         lights with the paddy wagon. DOILY
                         can you get CALVIN in position,
                         kilometre 13.2 On the gantry

                         AIC can you BRA Kilometre 13.2 On
                         gantry for CALVIN. Please. Marm can
                         We recall BANGER?

                         Roger recall BANGER to Position
                         Beta for dismantle and shipment.
                         Can you work the issue of how We
                         get Flight back with a missing

                         Roger, AIC can do you have vector
                         for BANGER?

                         JINGLE BELL, BRA sixty seven dash
                         twenty six altitude 9950 Bogie
                         recovery, SNAP E.

                         Roger vector received proceeding

                         PAPER, any idea's for four man
                         recovery with broken wing.

                         Roger CEC I have idea, I will cary
                         SCISSORS on a sling for a fast
                         glide return. PHOENIX ASH will swap
                         wings with SCISSORS and GIMBLE FLY
                         will accompany for slow glide
                         return to Point BETA.

                         Are you sure thats going to work

                         No, not at all. Are you ready for
                         some gliding action soldier.

                         Sarg, it'll be a walk in the park!

                         OK, lets hang around and help
                         Sargent CALVIN load these stags,
                         were going to have to rig the
                         harness with straps to lift our
                         sleeping beauties into their comfy
                         ride home.

                         Looks like you and me will be
                         partying all the way down.

                         You know I don't like heights.

                         Well We solved this case, didn't
                         We, that'l lift your spirits, the
                         dosh will keep us afloat for a
                         little longer, and you can close
                         your eyes.

                         No fear, that just makes it worse.

               INT. RETROGRADE - MAIN BAR

                         I'm really quite excited at seeing
                         this show, what with the
                         decorations and the great
                         atmosphere, it's certainly been a
                         wild ride these last couple of
                         months. I think this is the first
                         time I feel like I have a place I

                         You right, when I first step
                         through the front door of this
                         place, it felt familiar. ALEX you
                         know I'm getting to love these
                         folks, I mean they are all batshit
                         crazy, but they just fit right in

                         Look the shows about to start. Say
                         SHAS I don't want to worry you but
                         that DOILY chick , with the crazy
                         hair has really been staring at
                         both of us all evening. Do you
                         think she fancies me.

                         No chance, your far too old, oh
                         wait no your not. Jeez I keep
                         forgetting. Look after the show I'm
                         going to tackle her and find out
                         whats the hells up.


               The lights come up and GANDER is standing in full splendour

                         Ladies and Gentlemen may I present
                         the Retrograde Christmas Burlesque
                         show featuring the MAURICE BOADWAY
                         dancers please welcome to the stage
                         our very own Miss JUDE RUDESKI.
                             (Whispering and speaking
                              into a concealed mic)
                         CHEN you ready to go, is ZED ready
                         on sound and lights

                             (In capacity as stage
                         Yes, yes. OK show start House light
                         off, Cue lighting cue 1. Cue music

                                                       MUSIC SWELLS FOR
                                                             NEW LONDON

                                   PRIYA (PLAYING JUDE)
                         New London etc....

                                                        NEW LONDON SONG

                         Thank you, thank you.
                             (Looking at SHARROW and
                         This year has been a tough one for
                         me, as you know I was abducted, but
                         was rescued in no small part thanks
                         to SHARROW and ALEX, these folks at
                         the front. To THE RCBS and my mum
                         and GANDER I say thank you for
                         pulling out ever stop to get me
                         back quickly. I now feel I can say,
                         I really appreciate this special
                         place for what it is, my home.

                                                         CHEERING CROWD

                         Thank you.

                                                           CROWD MEDIUM

                         Oh, SHARROW I'm tearing up!

                         You me me both. He is so sweet and
                         he looks so fabulous. Ohhh, look at
                         that  someones presenting  him with
                         a bunch of flowers!

                         These are for you two you saved me,
                         thank you.

               The crowd turn and cheer and clap SHARROW and ALEX.

                         This is the best Christmas I've had
                         in ages.

                         Yes it is, it really is! Oh wait
                         look that DOILY chick is coming
                         over, so has a crazy look in her

                         (with a loud voice full of emotion)
                         I knew it, you two, you're the
                         chicks in the Cryo tank. GANDER,
                         GANDER get over here, these two,
                         they're CIS spies hold on to them.


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