fivestones church

Unlocking Favor

fivestones church

In this message, Pastor Ryan Smith concludes his series of messages on the five decrees we've been making during this season. 

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Five Stones Church, thanks you for listening to this message from Pastor Ryan Smith. For more information, events and the latest news, consider connecting with us on facebook, twitter, and instagram. Together we can awaken a generation.

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I've been talking to you about decrease, right? The first decree we made was what I see. We decreed a season of acceleration there. What would have taken a longer period of time because of the release of God, the manifestation of God. It's going to come quicker. I hope you believe in, forgot to do some quick things in your life. Second decree we made was simply this. We decree open doors. We established that Jesus Christ is the doorkeeper, that when he opens a door, no man can close it, and when he closes it, no man can open it. He is the doorkeeper. Then we establish the decree of supernatural wisdom. Then we didn't have to rely on logic or our own understanding, but the spirit of the living God would give us insight, strategies, concepts, so that we wouldn't know what to do. Some of you right now don't understand the power of wisdom that comes through the supernatural impartation of God because he will show you what to do. He'll tell you to turn left when you want to go right. He'll, he'll protect you and take care of you in ways you didn't even imagine just through the deposit of supernatural wisdom. Last Sunday I talked to you about the decree number four, which was the decree of restoration, or if second chances and that we were not just redeemed, but we were restored. We're not just redeemed what we are being restored and that God is gonna restore to us and I know the enemy thought he won on some of us, but he didn't. Tonight or today, this afternoon, I guess we're going to finish this thing and I know it may not mean anything to you, but today maybe the most powerful one because it was our fifth decree. The decree of favor. Yeah. We'll see how happy you are about it. Lord, add your blessings over the next few moments of time, open our ears to hear what you would say expressly by your spirit. Let our hearts be attentive to the word we're about to receive. Cultivate something stirs something within each one of our lives. Lord, we decrease safer, unmeasured, and unmerited favor, a favor that puts us in the place to make a difference in others. So we ask your blessings over the next few moments and we'll give you glory in Jesus' name. Amen. All right, you can be seated this morning in his presence. I'm going to ask you to turn with me to the book of Esther. You say, why did you not have a stand for, for the reading of the word? Because it's going to take you about halfway through the message to find the book of Esther. If you can find the middle of your Bible where the songs are recorded, if you'll go to the left, you will find a unique narrative. The narrative of esther. Do you find job? You're almost there. Keep going left. Turn to the second chapter. If you don't have a Bible, that's all right. They're going to put it on the screen. I'm not going right to the word. You're going to have to give me some time to walk this out a little bit because decrees are important parts of a Christian's life. So much so I think that we have not understood the significance of it because job 22, 28 says, as a man decrease, it shall be established for him. Mark Eleven, 22 and 23, he says, whosoever say it's under that mountain, be thou removed out not in his heart, but believe he shall have whatsoever he sayeth. The Lord says that power of life and death are in the. Oh, so you know that one. Power of life and death are in the tongue. Mark Eleven, 22 says, whoever says to the mountain, be thou removed. So if I decree to the mountain, it's got to move. If I believe in my heart and doubt not what I believe in and what I say, I shall have what I say why? Job Twenty two says, decree a thing. He'll establish it. Decreased create motion movement. They begin to put things in alignment. Now, I don't think you understand the power of your decree because your decree begins to set things in motion that otherwise were not. Your words will rule your life. You want to see your future. Listen to how you speak. Your words will rule your life. See a lot of us speak and then expect different results. Oh dear. Oh dear. What? God didn't take it serious, pastor. I just, I didn't really mean it then. Why'd you say it? You get what you say. In fact, your words fuel your expectation. Your words either draw God to you or your adversary to you. Did you hear me? Your words will draw one of two. I need the favor of God and I need to grow him into my life in order to draw God into my life. I have to refuse to settle for less. I gotta help you quick because so many of us, uh, except less than what God has. I believe there's more in this kingdom than we've been preaching. I believe there's more in this lifestyle of a Christian than what I presently have.

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I'm just getting started in this thing and I believe there's more in this book and that book that you're holding than you ever imagined because if he told us that there's abundance, I didn't say it, he did. Jesus said in John Ten, 10, he said, I come to give you life and life more. Oh, so you know the word then shoot, your not sure. July's not exemplify abundance. I'm not waiting to get to heaven for abundance. I should be flowing in abundance. Now, the problem with Cultural Christianity is we have distorted abundance. The problem with Cultural Christianity is what we have done is we've made favor about your economics in what we have done is we have distorted and perverted the gospel of favor and turned it into where you live and what you drive. I'm going to tear that down this morning because I'm not one of those kind of guys that that says, well, prosperity is all about me. Neighbors not all about you. You may be decreeing flavor for your life saying, well, I want favorite because you think it's all about your prosperity. I'm probably going to make you mad if that's what you're looking for because God's deeper than your own residence. He's more consumed with the planet than he is about your bank account. Oh dear. So when I'm not even sure I believe in a god of abundance, then why do you quote the 23rd psalm at every funeral? The first verse of the Twenty Third or 23rd psalm is simply walk. The Lord is my, Oh, so you know what? The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not. If the Lord is your shepherd, then I don't want. If I am sheep in the fold of the shepherd, then I have no want. Why? Because I'm connected to the shepherd. The shepherd knows my needs, so I have no wall. That's why I couldn't quote the 23rd Psalm in the sixth verse where it says, good, surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. So you'll quote the 23rd psalm, but yet you'll deny his ability to be your abundant God. Somewhere we've got a shatter. The misnomer that God's a god that doesn't bless. We live in a culture will get to estrone. The moment we live in a culture, this as if good things happen, it's luck, coincidence. The church doesn't say, we don't believe in

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luck or coincidence. We say I'm blessed and highly favored, right? When good things happen to us, I'm blessed and highly favored. When you want people to think you got it all together, you tell him I'm blessed and highly favorite. When you don't want anybody to judge you because you're going through a storm, you say, I'm blessed and highly favored. Oh dear. Oh dear. So I'm 34. Verse 10 says, those who seek the Lord, those who seek the Lord. It's important. The Bible says, those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing. So if I'm seeking the Lord, I'm not in lack. So what I've got to do in the next few moments is expand your revelation. This is not going to be a normal Sunday. You may want normal, but I don't do normal well. I never got the normal gene esther chapter to see if you can find it. Esther chapter two, Bible has a lot to say about fever. I just want to tear it down the cultural side of favor, because we've made favor about favoritism. Favor is not favoritism, by the way, Randy Brummett. That is one of the wildest shirts I've ever seen. You were in my life. Thank you, Terry, for shopping for Randy. You got to come here a little while to figure that out, but there's something behind all that that's pretty sharp right there. Now, back to my thought. Couldn't miss the moment, by the way. Welcome home. We're glad you're here. That goes for you too. Sunshine. Love you. Glad you're here. Thank God for what he's doing. Amen. Now, back to my thought. That shirt just mess me up so bad I couldn't. I lost train of thought. Favor is not favoritism. Saver is not favoritism. Favor is not God being partial to you because it's impossible for God to show partiality. You hear what I'm saying? Saver. It's not because God loves you more than he loves somebody else because he can't do that. That's contrary to his character because he has character says, I love all of us equally. Okay, so he says, I'm no respecter of person, so what I do for the costs then we have to do for the Smith family because I don't want to be misjudged what God says. Sow favor is not favoritism. Partiality favor is when God says, I'm gonna. Release something

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in your behalf because I want to be a benevolent God to you. What God's saying is, I want to bless you and release something in you so that I can establish something that will outlive you. Oh, you didn't hear that because see a favor. It's all about your temporal than it doesn't mean anything. What God wants to do is he wants to put a favor in your life that our lives you because your favorite was prosperity. Prosperity usually has an expiration to it course. You run out of money or you'll get tired of your residents or your trade. Your car, so favor is not temporal. It has a connection to the benevolence of God that our live shoot. If you're looking for a favor just for you, you are already limiting God. You did not hear me. If you're looking for God's favor in your life just to bless you in yourself, you'll limiting God because he has favor, wants to extend beyond your generation. I'm going to prove that in a few moments, but I have to establish this in your hearing or you're going to limit it because see, the Hebrew word for prosperity is the same word of Shalom.

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the Hebrew translation for prosperity is the same word where we got Shalom, which means peace, so prosperity is really to produce peace, didn't have anything to do with your bank account, and that's why I'm so frustrated with today's culture because we preach a prosperity Gospel that is cheapened the Gospel.

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Because now we treat God like he's a lottery ticket or a slot machine where if I put an appraiser and then he'll bless me, I don't to say something in here. If it makes you mad, that's fine. You can take your Bible and go find you somebody who will say what you want to hear. I'm going to tell you what you need so that you can be empowered to be the vessel that carries the anointing of the most high God so that causes you to not like me. I'm all right with that. Didn't come here ashamed of this Gospel, but I've come to the understanding of this. The favor of God is unmerited merits and that means I can deserve it. I can't turn it. I can't manufacture something to to receive it. It's God being God, which is sovereign. However, there are a few attributes that I can put into my heart called righteousness and purity of heart. They will release a favor in my behalf, not prosperity because everybody wants prosperity. I liked prosperity is better than poverty. Amen. I've been broke. Hello, broke. Thankful for Beanie weenies. I'm thankful. There's been some times where I had to make potato chips in, which is because there was no baloney in the refrigerator and all you had was chips and bread. You said pass. I didn't ever think he was at broke. I've been broke. There have been times when I'm thankful somebody showed up on the doorstep with a box of groceries. I understand prosperity, I understand provision. I understand that, but I should never say that favor is all about my prosperity because we have so twisted favor of God and made it all about banking and economics and status and popularity, and we forgot the purpose of God because when the Bible says in Genesis chapter six, God favored Noah. Genesis six says, God finds no incest to Noah found favor in my eyes. Now I don't know about you, but that's not the kind of favor I want because that required perspiration. You are not in here because God says to Noah, because of your righteousness, because of the purity of your heart, I have found favor with you. So here's the blueprints to build what you've never conceived so favor for Noah required perspiration, not prosperity. Because see, God doesn't release prosperity. He released his purpose. Purpose may provide prosperity, but you better start with perspiration because what God says to Noah, he has. I've found that you're a good righteous man, so I find favor in you. So here's the blueprints to build an Ark. Why? Because God wasn't trying to prosper noah. He was trying to preserve a people. Hello. Somebody say God sees beyond. We saw favor wrongly because we've not rightly divided the word.

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See, I won't get an amen today. If I told you that your decree of favor was going to fill your backend, y'all didn't whoop and Holler and spin and shout and dance. Even the most conservative would spin around like a top. Oh, praise the Lord. I got some coming my way. Appraisal and I've been in those services. I've been in no services where they say, if you'll bring a thousand dollar offering,

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what am I only got$999. Ninety nine cents. You gotta bring a thousand dollars and they'll beg you, beat you and manipulate you to you rob. Everything you got to run down there with your thousand dollars, like you're going to buy something from dawn. I don't mind being led to give a thousand dollars, but I don't need no icicle with a pulpit and saying to me, if you do this, you can have that.

Speaker 2:

Oh sorry, sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. Sorry. I've seen him get mad because they walk out and this. I believe there are seven people today that's going to give a thousand dollars. I've been in the service. Three people go down front with the thousand dollars and they stand up here for the next 25 minutes trying to get the rest of the people to show up down here so they can do it. Y'all been in that service. Is there anything wrong with the three people wanting to give a thousand dollars? Not if their motives right.

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The problem I have is we've not rightly divided the word and we believe that if we release, I believe in sowing and reaping, don't get me wrong, but my sewing in my ripping should never be generated in the flash.

Speaker 2:

Oh, where's your head pastor? I wish y'all had a pastor. You need somebody that will make you feel good. The ocean state in Denver.

Speaker 3:

Well, I'm all about firing you up to receive, but here's the point. Even in genesis 39 when it talks about Joseph, he's in the pit and the Bible says in Genesis 39, the word of the Lord is moving in Joseph's heart, and the Bible says in the 13th chapter, then he finds favor with the keeper of the prison.

Speaker 2:

No, I don't think that necessarily quantifies promotion. When the keeper of the prison I have favor with.

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We'll see. What we

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do know is we might diminish that favor wins. God's going to use that favor for a higher purpose

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because he was the keeper of the prison that talks about Joseph's gift that gets him from a pit to a palace so he can become a prime minister. And see, sometimes you think favor that finds you in your lowest place. It's never going to get you to the right place, but what God knows, if you'll remain pure in heart, he'll take you from your pin to a place where the palace.

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I know what I'm supposed to go somewhere. And Esther. What about Mary?

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You've heard of her, right? And the angel of the Lord comes to Mary. You know you're in trouble when the angel says, greetings, greetings. You have found favor,

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you found favor. The cost to your reputation. Oh, you're not in here. This is gonna Cause your fiance to question your integrity because you're going to be on parole. You're going to becoming pregnant. Oh, but see, y'all won't favor but you don't want favor. That requires you to build something you've never built or to be patient and waiting on your palace or a promise from God that says he's going to use you and everybody else ridicules you. I'm preaching whether y'all liked me or not because see, we have got you. So based on you, fuck God. God will still favor for somebody else. That's what we've done. We've made this all about you.

Speaker 5:

Well, I just need my bank account all about us, all about us. So most of us started decree in favor because we want promotions

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and we want prosperity and we want blessing. That's why the Holy Ghost wrecked me and said, you got to go back and teach people what you talked to them about decreasing because they don't understand it. It may not be the popular thing to do, but I'm will tell you this, if we start decreeing biblically, then he's going to start releasing

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according to our decree. Alright, you're still with me. Good. Because it's impossible to live beyond your revelation at this moment.

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I said it just a few months ago during worship because it's impossible to live at a higher level than what's your revelation is you can't believe God for favor. If you'll. Revelation of favor is all about you because God won't favor what is going to be selfish in here. Oh dear. What do you do with property? I kind of walk this out. What do you do with psalms five? 12. You never read it. Psalm five, 12 says something like this. This is the Lord blesses the righteous and puts favor on them. Not just favor but favor like a shield. That's psalm five. 12. You might want to put that on your refrigerator because there's a requirement for the release. Since when did we get releases without requirements. Blessed are the righteous. Righteous means right standing means not perfect, but I'm striving to all the thing of God in my daily life are not trying to. I'm trying to be on the kingdom and still exist in the world. So righteousness brings blessing and favor and five process that favors like a shield. So there is a release, but the release doesn't come without a requirement. That's why the Bible says the pure in heart shall well. So you heard that one too. The pure in heart shall see what you said. Well, I want to see God when you can't see God and live in the world. Oh, help me. What do you do with proverbs 12 too? So we'll quote it and we'll know what it means. Proverbs 12 to it's in this little book right here, and it says, a good man, a good man. How many? It's not talking about just good. He's talking about your moral conduct. Your righteous pursuit of good man obtains favor from God. So I'm just going to tear down the doctrine that says you can have what you want without requirement. It's not the God we serve. There is a requirement on his release.

Speaker 5:

I can see I can get a lot at eight minutes today. It's good thing. I'm not scared of you. You ready to get to esther? You're like, I didn't think he was ever going to go there. What have I bored? You go home. I am Sassy today. I am because I'm sick of church full

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at church who have no revelation of the depth of a sovereign God and we treat God was such casually because we're more concerned about the pageantry of our performance. Then we are the powerful interaction with God Almighty, so if I offend you, you won't be the first time my shirt says empowering people, empowering people, invading the culture. If we're not going to empower you because you don't want to be taught to meet, then you will never invade the culture. You'd be surprised how many people are content with milk. No. They will seek out a church that puts the gospel in the milk and the milk in the Gospel and they'll hand you the nipple and you'll be content not knowing the meat or the depth of the revelation of God, so you'll live limited most of your life. All the while thinking God wants to use you. I don't want to say he wants to use me. I want him to use me and I want to be yelled at so he can

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esther, to esther, to esther two, verse 15. How many of you ever read the story of Esther? Somebody you just now found that there was a book called Esther. Have thought about it. When they asked me the text, I said, they ain't never gonna. Find Aster.

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Chapter two, verse 14, verse 15, excuse me, verse 15. Now when the turn head com for astor, how many know what's going on? The King of Persia in a drunken rage got frustrated because the Queen Vashti refused to come in so he could make sport of her

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and because she wouldn't come in and let him make sport of her in front of all of his friends, he banished her from the kingdom, so he's a king without a queen all because he wanted to impress his buddies. He wanted to impress his buddies with how good looking that's ty was and vast says, I'm sick and tired of you treat me like this.

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Uh Huh. Girl power vast says I ain't playing that buddy. You ain't making sport of me. You're not going to do that to me. I refused to go in and allow you to show me off like I'm a trophy. And so she gets banished, kicked out.

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So now he's in the market for a new queen.

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Esther is an orphan, a peasant, but she has

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something unique about her. She's a Jewish girl. She's a woman that understands covenant, but she's living in the incarceration of a Persian empire. Follow me now. She has been an orphan up until her, her uncle, Mordecai, because she'd take her in and teacher and trainer. Now see, Morticai wasn't just any kind of dude. He was one of those guys that had standards about him. Now he worked in the courts of the king, but yet he had values that were above those that were of the empire. Because see, when Haman the newly appointed prime minister, one wanted everybody to honor him. He made this decree. He said, when I come in a room, you've got to bow down and worship me more to Casa. That ain't happening. Mordecai says, there's no way I'm going to bow down and worship because if I do that, I'll be given honor to you instead of the God and I'm not about ready to give honor to man when I should give it to God. So see, esther had grown up under the tools and the education of Mordecai. I'm telling you, when God wants to do something, he's not going to release favor and those who cannot manage it. When God wants to release favor in the earth and through a person who's going to look for somebody who's a pure heart, have been training, who understands right from wrong righteousness and unrighteousness. So the Bible says that here is the king and he hadn't made a a decree in the earth that there was going to be a beauty pageant. You didn't think that was in the Bible. It's there,

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and so for one year the women had perfume themselves. They'd been going to the spa and getting their nails done. Come on, lady. As they were getting pedicures, they were pampering themselves with the opportunity to become a part of the royal court, to have provision, to have blessing, to have Ralph and which Richard in their life and to have all this available to them. And the Bible says that in the midst of this, in Verse Fifteen, then when it came for the time of Esther, she requested nothing but that. Hey Guy, the king's unit, the Custodian of the women advised. She said, listen, I'm probably not qualified to win what the Bible says. Esther, in the sight of all who saw her, verse 17, the king loved esther more than all the other women and she obtained grace and favor in his sight more than all the virgins, so he sat the royal crown upon her hand and made her queen. Instead of Vashti, go to the fourth chapter. Hang on with me. I'm about done with the text. Go to the fourth chapter, the 14th verse. Here's the young orphan, been taught by Mordecai. She didn't. She wasn't willing to refuse the opportunity, but at the same point, she was looking for the purpose of God on this favor. Look at verse 14. Here's what Mordecai and her having a conversation. If you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place. What Mordecai says is if you choose to not use this favor, God's obligated to take care of his people. However, listen to more to customer. He said, however, yet, who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this, could it be that favor on your life and my life has nothing to do with us. Regardless of the crowns you receive, the promotions you receive, the benefit and blessing to receive. Could it be possible that God wants to allow you to have favor in the earth so that he might establish a covenant in the Earth because such a time? Because when you understand what God was beginning to do for esther, it's amazing to me because esther winds a beauty contest because of favor, because God allowed her to have favor with hoses, saw her, and savor allows her now to be promoted from a place where she's just been an orphan where she's been overlooked to the place where now she has to crown on her head. Have you ever thought that God wants to promote you so he can use you? Then maybe the crown he wants to put on your hair. It's not all about you, but about what he's about to do through you. Have you ever thought that sometimes he's got to promote you to get you in a place of those who are influential so that he can release a word through you that will spare many people because see, Haman had a plan. Hayman's plan was this. He said, here's what I'm going to do because Mordecai won't worship me. He became the Nazi Germany. He became the Hitler of that time. He says, I'm going to destroy and take care of all the Jewish people. I'm going to take them out of existence, and so he begins to build this, this operational plan to destroy the Jews, and he's going to start with Morton and he's going to wipe out the Jewish people. Now, that may not mean anything to you, but God says, I can't allow that. Why? Because God says, I've got to to to release favor in an orphan girl so that she can be in a position of influence. Why? Because God's favor is never about you. It's about bigger than you. It's never been about blessing you, so you're better. It's to bless you so you can change something. Oh, help me right here. If you take notes, write down three words for me please. Promotion, protection and Providence. I wrote them in the margin of my Bible, promotion, protection, and Providence, and then I'll finish. Favor should bring promotion. Now. Promotion means he's going to open doors for you. Now, when God opens doors for you, he's going to open doors, you

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to be in the place of the audience of those whom he's trying to change. I don't know why we got the idea that promotion is all about what you receive. Maybe he's putting you there to change them. Why have we made this so shallow and made our promotion about what we get out of it? Have you ever thought that God wants to favor you to promote you so he can put you in a new level of influence so that you can have greater influence over those that you got promoted to be with

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the heater's took you from this level to that level because he's about to extend His grace, mercy and love to somebody that didn't otherwise have the opportunity. Are you here so promotion shouldn't be about you. It shouldn't be about a new arena of influence because what happens for esther, she gets promoted the queen now she has the ear of the king and because she has the ear of the king, when the plot is revealed about how it's going to go down and destroy the Jews,

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she's able to step in now because of the promotion and she's able to bring protection because see, Haman had planned to kill Mordecai first and when all of that becomes revealed, because favor had put esther in the right place. Now asters able to say to the king king, that's probably not the best plan, cause see, promotion should release a greater level of protection. No, when I get done with this, either you'll shout or you'll be mad at me because the promotion releases a new level of protection, but what we don't see us because we

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get live so myopically, we just see it right there for what it is. We see her as queen and we see Mordecai save and we see the Jewish people not facing death and when we end the story, but promotion always releases. Protection and protection always really releases providence. Why? Because because see, God sees beyond where you are, so he favors esther. Esther has the opportunity because of her promotion to Queen, to bring protection to the Jews and Martica. That's good. We all shout Hallelujah,

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but see, God was seeing past Mordecai and that Jew, because what esther is doing now is she is releasing the providential plan of God because out of the lineage of those Jews is coming, the Messiah, the Messiah is about to come out of that lineage.

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Jesus Christ is about to flow through that same lineage. See, you're missing it because see, a lot of times the favor of God in your life is for a generational providence rather than just a temporary providence. God's gonna release something through you that promotes you. Yes, protects it at that moment, but his providential care says, I'm gonna. Release it for generations.

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Ah, because she is all about you. Then it dies with you. No, I don't claim to understand everything about God, but why would God want to favor this man and give him promotion and released protection without it being providential for the next generation? Why would God invest all that in one man, if it dies with one man, favor should be generational. How do I know that? We'll think about noah.

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The favor on Noah's live required perspiration to build an ark, the ark sustain humanity so that there could be providence release so that humanity wasn't destroyed. So favor outlive noah. What about the favor on Joseph from the pit to the palace? Well, it was generational. Why? Because in the time of famine, the the people that sold Joseph out, his very family were able to come back, beat, be sustained by the promotion that came in Joseph's life, protection to his own family that betrayed him and it didn't die with them

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because God was a god, a covenant God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and he had to make sure the linens carried Mary, the favorite of God, not because of partiality, because of righteousness and purity of heart. God releases through Mary's Virgin Womb. The son of the Living God, the Messiah, did it end with Maris contribution? No, because nobody could kill Jesus. It didn't because they didn't try to kill it. It didn't because I didn't plot to kill it. It wasn't because there wasn't a strategy to kill it. I'm just telling you, when he starts something through favor, he's obligated to keep it even with the enemy plots and schemes to kill it.

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Does that make sense? So when you're dealing with drug addiction, it's nothing more than your adversary trying to kill the release of favor for the next generation. When you're dealing with things in your life in the way of temptation, it's nothing more than the average. The adversary trying to cut off the release of favor in your life that's going to affect the next generation.

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So you take this all about you and it will lock. The enemy's just picking on me. No, he's after the generation, the

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next generation and the next generation. Does that make sense? To anybody? Is the war you're in right now, is a warfare videos being fought not only for you in the favor of God in your life, but for the generations that proceed. I'm fighting for you. I preach this stuff because I think it's going to make you happy. I'm preaching this so they get it. I'm preaching it so he gets it because if I don't preach it and I don't teach at night, don't proclaim it. Where does he get it? Because if you get something from, from secular Christianity, it has everything to do about your blessing and it lets it in with you. This thing's bigger than ending with you. You've got to live like the favor of God in your life is going to promote you so that you can have greater influence to bring protection for the providence of God to live past your life. I'm not living nor preaching for my children anymore. Now I have grandchildren. Hi, I'm preaching that they grow up under the power and the glory of the Holy Spirit of God, so that then see I made a commitment to him at the other day. I said, yeah man, I'm going to leave until you preach. I'm going to live to you. Preach. I'm going to live to you. Preach. I just told him, he's three. He don't get it, but I'm not dying to. He gets the favor. It's been released in my life until he gets it and understands it's not called. It's not preferential. It's not favoritism because holy pure hearted people said righteous things and said, here, receipt. I don't mean to make you upset because I know you want your bank account blessed and I believe he blessed his bank accounts and I believe he blesses relationships and I believe he blesses in life, but I'm sick and tired of the gospel of prosperity being all about people to receive for their own consumption.

Speaker 4:

I'm sorry.

Speaker 3:

Well, so you're like, well, you know, I kinda like that. Yeah, that sounds right, but if it dies with you, what would be the benefit of God blessing you if you don't do anything with it in the way of managing it for another generation. So we'll pass around decree and favor in my life. Good. Because there's probably

Speaker 5:

going to come with perspiration. Oh, but see, that's not the kind of favor we want. We want favor where we go, Lord, I decree favor. We're going to cash the lottery ticket in. Well, I didn't meet somebody. Man. I tell you. Do you understand where my heart is? See, my job today is to empower you to decree favor, but understand the responsibility that goes with it. Come on, let's stand across this room. I'm done. I'm not done because I'm done. I'm done. Because y'all just like. No, I don't think I handle more.

Speaker 4:

Think about it.

Speaker 5:

We say I decree favor in my life because favor to us, it's usually promotion and that's all it is. See, there's gotta be more to it than that dinner. Let me think. I've lost my mind today. I know we liked Gospel that doesn't have requirements. Am I right? We like, we like a gospel that doesn't have requirements in it. I'd like. I'd like to be able to tell you that there's no requirements with favor.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 5:

so. Well I won't. I won't favor to find me. It'll find you when you're righteous. It'll find you when you're pure of heart. The prerequisite for the favor is righteous purity of heart. No, because you begged not because you prayed the eloquent prayer, but because you chose to live righteous when others didn't, and when favor comes favor will come with promotion, but the promotion is to put you in a new level of influence. See, when esther gets promoted, she begins to change rules, regulations, and the requirements of an entire empire. Why? Because God promoted her. She had favor with those that saw her and even the king began to listen to her why calls? Her promotion didn't come because of her own ability. It came because God put something on her. See, we're a nation right now that doesn't understand all this going on in the political circles and there's all kinds of debates and arguments and protests and I get it. I understand, but have you ever thought that God is releasing favor today in the midst of the dysfunction of our political system

Speaker 4:

and and then in the

Speaker 5:

midst of that he is going to release favor which is seen as a promotion, but the promotion is never about the benefit of the individual. It's about the influence is going to be exercised once it's in the middle in order to provide protection because the protection that is going to be released. You know, I don't go political what I'm going to say a thing y'all fill in the blanks, but almost going to say it because I don't mind it. This whole Supreme Court election nomination and all has been brutally played out in the media. Right? What if God allowed that man to have to perspire through the pain and the punishment of the ridicule of others just like Mary, because on the inside there's a heart. This says God's going to favor it and release a promotion so that he can use it for influence on the inside to bring protection

Speaker 3:

so that. Yeah, so that on the other side of the protection, there is the providence of God that outlives one man's nomination.

Speaker 5:

You're like, well, pastor, I don't think God cares about politics. I care about my nation

Speaker 3:

in right now without a reformation in my nation. The doctrines of darkness are controlling the value system of our culture, so somebody needs the favor of God and the favor of God's not about the bank account. It's about shifting the landscape of the spiritual oppression so that the glorious gospel of Christ can be heard.

Speaker 5:

Oh Wow. I had no intention to go in there. See, I want to live in the fog, the favor of God. I want to live in the fall. The favor of God. I want to live in the fall. Why? Because we're the fog is there's going to be growth that follows. You said, can you prove it to me with the Gospel? I think I will. Acts Chapter two, verse 47. The Bible says what? The

Speaker 3:

testament church, they were praising God, having favor with all

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

and the Lord added under the Church daily as was,

Speaker 5:

say. See if I'd been in any other place, somebody would at least hope right there or shouted or something, because if you understand

Speaker 2:

what that scripture says, they were praising God and they had favor with all people. Why? Because favor releases, promotion and protection, and Providence.

Speaker 3:

Providence means it doesn't die. Protection means the enemy doesn't win, and promotion means a level of influence, and the Bible said there were people save. How do they get saved? They got saved because the favor of God came on the New Testament Church that gave them favor or a promotion among the people so that they can influence them into protective

Speaker 2:

Shin, which is redemption, so that it wouldn't die with one, but live for many. Oh Hallelujah. A decree say, decree. What do you mean? Decree? I decree a decree favor in my life favor that puts me in front of people that otherwise don't know my name. You know how many times I've decreased favor over my life and God opened crazy doors. You know how many times I've asked God and believe God to, to release a favor anointing in my life and put me in front of people, and then in the next thing I know you open multiple doors. Why it wasn't ever about me, so when we decree decrease saver in my life, I'm decreeing Lord promote me

Speaker 3:

so you can use me to protect those who don't even know they're in harm's way so that you can release your providence, which is generational blessing.

Speaker 2:

Does that make sense to you? Does that make sense? Makes perfect students. When we make the five decreased, we've been making in this house because when we decree a season of acceleration where we believe God does speed up the time between when it starts and when it ends, when we decree that he is the open door and he's opening doors. It's important for you to see acceleration and open doors, but if you don't have wisdom and you don't understand, we're a restoration that flows through it. Then the favor means nothing because the favor is what he's going to use to change others. That's why we're doing what we're doing in the end of this month,

Speaker 5:

why we're, that's why we're doing what we're doing with shift weekend because I'm tired of coming in here and you receiving Gospel and Gospel and Gospel and Gospel and Gospel without having an opportunity to to, to react and respond and demonstrate what you've learned. See if we're a church that sets in these four walls, we're a church that's already dead. God gave us this community right here to influence with the gospel of Jesus Christ. I'm asking and decreeing for favor over this community. Can I talk to you a minute? Yesterday while we're working, I have a guest show up. We begin to communicate and talk and share it. They lived just down the street. One of the largest developments just down the road as we talk or communications about overrun, they say to me, well, by the way, I'm on the homeowner's association down here and every one of our new families that move in down here at this large development gets a packet, a new homeowners packet from the homeowners association. She said, do you have? Oh yes, we do. So I hand her a stack about like that of cards and say, here, she said, well, we'll put those in every new homeowners packet right down the street. See? See, see. See. Someone say, well, that was lucky.

Speaker 3:

Wasn't that fortunate water coincidence that they drove in here while y'all were working. Decree favor. Open doors so that we can carry this gospel.

Speaker 5:

Whoa. I don't know how you feel about the church in America, but to me, I see a rising up. I see an uprising in the body of Christ and

Speaker 3:

it's not about pro. It's not about superficial. It's not about feelings. It's not about emotion. It's about some men and women plan their feet on the unchanging Gospel and declare, Lord, move in this land.

Speaker 5:

Oh, here we go. We made five decrees about six weeks ago or seven weeks ago. We will make them one more time, but we're making them with new revelations. Oh, I have talked to you for five weeks on these decrease. If you don't have any greater level of revelation, then I have failed you because I don't want these decrees to be words. I want the level of our expectation to exceed what I ever thought was possible. You may be here today and you go, you know what? I've just always been a part of church and church has always been a part of my life, but I've really not ever made church more than what it was. You're in a place today that's raising the expectation of the expression of God to where we believe in signs and wonders. Not during revival, but every surface to where we believe for the move of God to be released no matter what day or season we gather because he's moving. So while we baptized on Wednesday night chase, if you weren't here on Wednesday night, it didn't end up with just the teenagers. Churches over. We're going home, standing in the back and I get this tap says, hey, when we go and baptize again,

Speaker 3:

well you mean when are we baptizing you? Well, when are we going to do it? When we going to announce it, I said, we got water, so where did we go?

Speaker 5:

I'm ready now. We're gonna. Make these five decrease. Are you all ready? You sure? All right. Here's the first one

Speaker 3:

I decree

Speaker 5:

decreased create movement.

Speaker 3:

If you believe it's going to

Speaker 5:

move something, you ought not say it. I decree right.

Speaker 3:

I mean if you want something to move. How many parents do I got in the room when you needed your kids to move? You didn't make it lock. It was a suggestion. I'm not suggestion. You move child. I'm telling you. Get it moving. How many of those are different octave? A different pitch and a different tone, Huh? How was it then when she wants you to move? How was it?

Speaker 5:

Did you know? She meant it.

Speaker 3:

I want my adversary to know, hey, I want my salary to know I want my powers and principalities and spirits to know that I'm ready for my God, to me, the god of the Bible, and to release what happened believing for. So when I decree it, I'm releasing my faith in it. So we'll try that again. I decree

Speaker 5:

you see how much different that felt because see what happens is some of you still whispered it, but the person next to you shouted it and it made you uncomfortable. It did, and you went, man, alive there. Maybe you gotta jump over on their faith a little bit. Oh, and by the time we get to the fifth decree, you be shouting and just as loud as your neighbor, because what's going to happen in his faith is rising in this house. We're gonna. Try it. You're like, you're just dragging this out to be a dramatic. No, I'm serious. I really believe that what God established five, six weeks ago is imperative to the future. This house, this ministry in your home and your family. I believe that

Speaker 3:

I decree.

Speaker 5:

See our first decrease about acceleration.

Speaker 3:

May I took three years, going to take three months. There was an acceleration, acceleration, acceleration, the immediacy of God.

Speaker 5:

Woo. Woo. Whoa, Whoa,

Speaker 3:

Whoa, Whoa, whoa, Whoa,

Speaker 6:


Speaker 3:

Yay. Decree. A season of acceleration. I did create a season of acceleration is coming, is coming quicker than ever before. Woo. Woo. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Oh, I'm looking for, I'm looking for exceedingly and abundantly above all I can take her ask Lord. I'm looking for the acceleration of it. Number two, I decree open doors are open doors because he's the door keeper and when he opens a door, no man can shut it and if it's no man's going to open it. So I'm looking for the open door. Open doors, doors are pathways to new places. Did you hear what I just said? Doorways are pathways to new places.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 3:

thank you lord for open door number three. I decree supernatural wisdom. See, when you decrease supernatural wisdom, you say, I don't want logic, I don't want to inch annuity. I don't want education, I don't want to experience. I want the holy ghost to show me what to do. Number four, I decree restoration of all things. See Restoration of all things she says, I've been redeemed, which means I am a sign and a wonder and I should exemplify what restoration looks like. So what I lost is coming back my last season, coming back, my last family coming back.

Speaker 4:

Here's the last one.

Speaker 3:

This one, I have a different different meaning than what it did about six weeks ago, because see, when we decreed favor over our life, we all thought it was pretty shallow because it was all based on economics. Am I right? Help me understand right now. God wants to favor you so he can promote you so he can use you to bring protection in his providence

Speaker 5:

to pass beyond your generation. If there's economics involved in it, that's wonderful in it. That's a benefit. Y'All ready?

Speaker 3:

I decree favor in my life. She's in some acceleration, open doors in my life, wisdom beyond my understanding, redeeming and restoring all things that favor might be released in my behalf. Come on,

Speaker 1:

five stones church. Thanks you for listening to this message from Pastor Ryan Smith. For more information events in the latest news, consider connecting with us on facebook, twitter, and instagram. Together we can awaken a generation.