Sincerely Yours

Tiny Actions - Huge Impact

Cece Denno

There’s a lot of information out there about climate change. Can you guess the most effective way to curb climate charge? I found a super fun quiz that shows how effective climate change solutions are and some of them are surprising! Take a listen as we go through some of the questions and hear about some tiny adjustments I made in my daily life to help with climate change. Includes "Les métamorphoses du vide" 613 Album by Chapelier Fou

Here is a link to the quiz:

Head on over to @starskyandquito on Instagram and meet Charlotte! She has been a fan of the show for a while and is currently my podcast ambassador! She is sharing about the podcast and some favorite episodes from the back catalog and has the most adorable puppies! 
 Send in your quotables! It is super fun to get quotable from listeners and I love to share them on future podcasts. You can email them in, the email is 
 Or you can find me on Instagram @ceceknowsitall 
 also Twitter @sincerelyceced
 If you find me on social media, send me a little note saying you listen to the podcast so it will give me the okay to accept or follow you back!
 Produced by CAD Signature Audio LLC