Sincerely Yours

Challenging Belief- Risk, Value, Worth Style

• Cece Denno

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We are diving deep into some thoughts around risk, value, and worth since I took on a big project the last two weeks and I share all about it! In my other life (my non-podcasting life) I do insurance and decided to take an exam with lots of course prep to prepare for it. I have been literally thinking a lot about risk. I want to extend our perspective about value, when it is more than money, and worth, specifically self-worth. Includes "Les mĂ©tamorphoses du vide" 613 Album by Chapelier Fou 

Always on the look out for some quotables đź‘€ send them in! A favorite quote, song, group of words will totally work!

Email them in: 

You can find me on Facebook and Instagram @ceceknowsitall 
also Twitter @sincerelyceced 

Produced by CAD Signature Audio LLC