Westport Road Baptist Church (WRBC) - Louisville, KY

08.07.2016 - Living Free - Justified By Faith Alone (Chip Pendleton)

Westport Road Baptist Church - Louisville, KY
Continuing the series on Galatians, we are on the third chapter. Our personal experience argues for justification by FAITH alone (Gal 3:1-5). Abraham's call argues for justification by faith along (Gal 3:6-9). The purpose of the law and the purpose of grace (Gal 3:10-25). The law places us under a curse, and Jesus removes the curse. The law cannot make us JUST, but Jesus' sacrifice does! The law shows us what is right and wrong, Jesus makes it right. The law was our GUARDIAN, Jesus sets us free. Now, in Christ, we are all CHILDREN of God through faith in Christ Jesus.