Westport Road Baptist Church (WRBC) - Louisville, KY

10.22.2017 - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For - Happiness Busters and What to Do About Them (Chip Pendleton)

Westport Road Baptist Church - Louisville, KY Episode 5
First happiness buster, trying to do everything on your own. The cure: Trusting in GOD and His power (Jeremiah 2:12-13). The second: Whining and complaining about everything. The cure: Being an EXAMPLE and never grumbling (Jeremiah 2:14). The third: Feeling guilty and ashamed. Cure: Accepting God's LOVE and forgiveness (Jeremiah 2:15). The fourth, forgetting God's promises. The cure: Hold firmly to the WORD of God (Jeremiah 2:16). The final happiness buster: Focusing on yourself and your problems. The cure: Focusing on God and OTHERS (Jeremiah 2:17-18)This is the SERMON only audio of the worship service. The video stream of the entire Contemporary and Traditional services is available at www.mywrbc.org/sermons. If you have any questions or comments, you can reach Westport Road Baptist Church through our Facebook page, our website, direct email to mike@mywrbc.org, or by contacting the church office at 502.425.2350