Westport Road Baptist Church (WRBC) - Louisville, KY

11.12.2017 - Bringing Heaven Down to Earth (Chip Pendleton)

Westport Road Baptist Church - Louisville, KY
This is the SERMON only audio of the worship service. The video stream of the entire Contemporary and Traditional services is available at www.mywrbc.org/sermons. If you have any questions or comments, you can reach Westport Road Baptist Church through our Facebook page, our website, direct email to mike@mywrbc.org, or by contacting the church office at 502.425.2350.What is the kingdom of God? The Kingdom of God is the rule or REIGN of God, both in the present and in its future. (Matthew 9:35). What causes the kingdom of God to come near in the present? (Matthew 4;17). When we do KINGDOM things! (Isaiah 61:1-3, Galatians 5:19-23, Matthew 5:13-16), Matthew 12:28). AND When we are SAVED and enter into a relationship with God (Luke 17:20-21). What are the main things we need to know about the kingdom? The kingdom of God is PROGRESSIVE and grows steadily (Luke 13-18-21) AND our main mission is to bring HEAVEN down to Earth (Matthew 6:10).