Westport Road Baptist Church (WRBC) - Louisville, KY

12.17.2017 - What Are We Missing About Christmas?

Westport Road Baptist Church - Louisville, KY
Reading from Revelation 12:1-6,17. Christmas was an INVASION of hostile territory. Christmas involved some unlikely characters. Zachariah and Elizabeth were too OLD, Mary and Joseph were too poor, the shepherds lived a different LIFESTYLE, and the Magi were a different race and culture. It happened in a most unusual PLACE with little fanfare, and it changed EVERYTHING for all time.This is the SERMON only audio of the worship service. The video stream of the entire Contemporary and Traditional services is available at www.mywrbc.org/sermons. If you have any questions or comments, you can reach Westport Road Baptist Church through our Facebook page, our website, direct email to mike@mywrbc.org, or by contacting the church office at 502.425.2350