The Secret Place of the Most High

Rev. Dr. Olusegun Adeleke

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This is one of the Psalms that does not have any name to it as author. Some scholars however assume Moses’ authorship since the previous Psalm 90 carries his name. Nevertheless, this Psalm has been a great blessing to God’s people over the years. 
 Noteworthy though, is that for the timeless and many benefits of this Psalm, there are just two (2) requirements that the Lord has for whoever desires to be blessed by it. The beneficiaries are to:  To dwell in the Secret place of the Most High - V.1.          The secret place = shelter; cave; the place of prayer; God’s presence . To love the Lord - V.14; Mk. 12: 29 - 31.  
 Benefits of Dwelling in the Secret Place. Divine rest - V.1; 1 Kings 5:3 - 5. Divine testimony - V.2. Divine deliverance - V.3. Divine covering - V.4; Psa. 125:2; Zech. 2:5; Lk. 21:18. Divine security - V.5 - 7 Divine exemption - V.7-8 Divine protection - V.9 - 13. Divine response - V.14-15. Divine presence - V. 15. “I will be with him to deliver him and honor him” - V.1.    10. Divine longevity - V.16. 
 It is my prayer that the God of heaven will fulfill His word in your life, the rest of this year. May these 10 benefits come true in each of our lives in Jesus' name.