Intimacy With The Holy Spirit (Part 2)

October 16, 2019 Pastor Emmanuel Jarikre

Say Hi

The Lord made it clear to us that the year 2019 is a year of Supernatural Power. We
were expected to trust God for the power of the Holy Spirit for our living and not rely
on our own power or might. Zech. 4:6
Most part of the year has been spent on teachings and preachings about the various
means by which the Supernatural Power of the Almighty God can be exhibited.
Thank God for what He has done already in each of our lives by His Supernatural
power in the first nine months and what He will yet do in the remaining part of this
We shall deliberately be studying about the Holy Spirit this month as we round up
with the theme for this year. It is our prayer that the Lord will further open our eyes
of understanding and give each one of us a unique, personal and glorious encounter
during and after this series in Jesus Name. We therefore welcome the Holy Spirit into
our lives, family and church for a fresh and deeper experience with Him from this
day in Jesus Name. Welcome Holy Spirit!
A. Who is the Holy Spirit (aka Holy Ghost)?
1. He is the third person of the Trinity - Matt. 28:19; Jn. 14:26; 15:26; 2Cor. 13:14;
2. The Spirit of the Living God - Joel 2:28.
3. The Spirit of truth - Jn.15:26. A true Spirit – filled believer can lie or live a liar
4. The Spirit of Jesus - Acts 16:7.
5. Parakletos - Jn. 15:26; Advocate = A person who pleads on someone’s behalf.
Champion, Upholder; Spokes Person, etc- 1John 2:1. One called to the side
of another for help or counsel; Comforter; Counselor; Strengthener; Stand
By; Helper; Teacher; Revealer- Jn. 16:12-15; cf Jer. 33:3; Intercessor;
6. Dunamis - Might; Efficiency & Ability - Acts 1:8; Dan. 5:12
7. Yoke Breaker - Isa. 10:27; Judges 15:12-15
8. Enabler - Lk. 1:35 = Dunamis = Ability, Power
9. Director - Acts 8:26 - 29; 16:6-9.
10.Inspirator/Mover - Lk. 2:27; Acts 8:39;
11.Teacher - Jn. 14:26 Teach = Didasko Yoke = Slavery; Bondage;
12.Testifier - Jn. 15:26 = To bear witness Limitation; Barrier
13.Guide - Jn. 16:13-15 = To show the way
14.Protector - Isa. 59:19.
It is my prayer that the Holy Spirit would become real to you and I in this season of
our lives. May none of us by reason of ignorance, tradition, pride and a host of other
tendencies, biases and prejudices loose out on what the Lord intends to do in our
camp from this season onward. AMEN.