The Gifts of The Holy Spirit


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The Bible is replete with insights on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. However, probably due to faithlessness and/or laziness in searching the scripture, most of God’s people are ignorant about these gifts. This ignorance, especially in our denomination, has not made us better as conservatives; rather it has made us ineffective in the fulfillment of our mandate as a people of God.

It is my prayer that this study will not only open our eyes of understanding, but provoke us to desire and trust God for the manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

1.     What is a gift?

2.     What is a spiritual gifts?

3.     What is the difference between talents and spiritual gifts?
4.     What did Apostle Paul say should be the believers’ disposition on spiritual gifts? V.1; cf. Lk. 11:11-13.
5.     Read 1 Cor. 12:4-6 and explain what you understand from these verses

6.     Why should a believer have the gift(s) of the Holy Spirit? - V.7; 1 Cor. 14:1-4.

7.     From 1 Cor. 12:8-10, list the various gifts mentioned by Apostle Paul and explain what you understand about each of them.

8.     How many of these are currently manifesting in your life?

9.     Is it possible for a believer to manifest all these spiritual gifts?

10. How to activate the gifts of the Holy Spirit in your life. Lk. 11:9-10.

a. You must be born again - Jn. 3:3,5.

b. Have the right disposition (Not of fear, doubt, criticism, etc) - Lk.11:9-13; 1 Cor. 12:7.

c. Baptism of the Holy Spirit - Acts 19:1-7.

d. Praying in the Holy Ghost - Jude 20.

e.     The right atmosphere (where all believe what you believe; liberty,) - Acts 2:12-13.

f.      Active involvement in kingdom service (not mere activities) - Acts 14:8-13.

g. Stay little in your eyes - 1 Sam. 15:7; James 4:6.

h. E.t.c 

The gifts of the Holy Spirit are still available today for the good of the church. A major reason for our ineffectiveness as people of God is because we have despised these gifts. We would accomplish much for the kingdom of our God and wreck havoc to Satan and his kingdom once we allow God to begin to manifest these gifts through us. May the Lord help you and I to allow God flow through us in this regard in Jesus’ Name. Amen.