Supernatural Encounter: Divine Commission-1

Rev. Dr. Olusegun Adeleke

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The Almighty God has brought to another divine moment in our walk with Him as a church. It is my prayer that none of us would be left out of this great divine and defining moment in Jesus Name.

A. Definitions

  • Supernatural has to do with “a manifestation or an event attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or laws of nature.”
  • Encounter has to do with an- “unexpected experience, or to be faced with something difficult or hostile.”


-        “A meeting, particularly a sudden or accidental meeting of two or more persons.”

-        “A meeting in contest; a single combat, or a sudden meeting of parties; sometimes less properly a duel.”

-        “A fight; a conflict; a skirmish; a battle; but more generally, a fight between a small number of men, or an accidental meeting and fighting of detachments, rather than a set battle or general engagement.”

-        “A sudden or unexpected address or accosting.”

B. Features of Supernatural Encounters.

  1. It is always God initiated - V.1.

Supernatural encounters are always initiated by God.

Even when we desire and tirelessly pray for it, it is still God that puts the desire in us.

Having initiated the process of an encounter with God in this fasting and prayer, it is my prayer that all of us would truly encounter Him in Jesus’ Name.

2.     It sometimes comes in our reflective - sober moments or periods we least expect- V.1

Our difficult moments in life offers God the opportunity of revealing Himself to us.

The death of King Uzziah was the precursor to Isaiah’s encounter with God.

While Isaiah was mourning the death of this great king due to their relationship, God had a different agenda.

The death of Uzziah was perhaps what was required to serve as a bait to arrest Isaiah’s attention.

May the Lord reveal Himself to us during this fasting and prayer period.



3.     It leaves us with a deep, unforgettable, lasting and memorable impact - V.1-4.

There is no way you will have an encounter with God and remain the same.

An encounter with God would leave on you a deep, unforgettable, lasting and memorable impact.

When God gives you one encounter with Him, you will never be the same again.

4.     It is always a “contra” - V.5.

What is a contra?

“It is a coming against or coming to counteract someone on his path.”

It is like two vehicles having a head-on-collision.

It could sometime be obtrusive - that is, not welcoming.

This is to suggest that a supernatural encounter with God is not usually friendly - Isa. 55:8-9.

Consider Isaiah’s experience - 6:5.

Consider Abraham’s experience - Gen. 12:1

Consider Jacob’s experience - Gen. 28:10-15

Consider Moses’ experience - Exod. 3:1f

Consider Nehemiah’s experience - Neh. 1:1-11

Consider Saul’s experience - Acts 9:1-19


5.     It is always meant to help us become better vessels in God’s hand - V.6-7.

Though encounters with God could be a contra and obtrusive, they are not usually meant to injure us once we cooperate easily. However, they can lead to injury or death if we ignorantly resist Him.

Encounters with God are part of God’s way of demonstrating His great love to us. God often uses them to deliver us from a wasted life/ existence, re-direct our lives, and help us become our best for the Lord.

Once Isaiah acknowledged his sinful state, God sent help to him through the angel. God forgave his sin and also cleansed him.

Sin, no matter how small, would disqualify you from divine usage.

God is pe