Supernatural Encounter: Divine Commission-3

January 15, 2020 Rev. Dr. Olusegun Adeleke Season 1 Episode 3

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Having been enlightened, cleansed and called, Isaiah was then commissioned to go and minister to the people of God.

It is evident in scripture that despite the difficult and dangerous nature of his commission, Isaiah fulfilled his ministry. It is my prayer that we all shall fulfill our ministry this year in Jesus Name.

It is interesting to note that even Isaiah did arise and shine for the Lord in his own generation. You also will arise and shine this year, this decade and the rest of your life in Jesus’ Name. We would not take the grace of our God in vain.

  1. It is God’s way of giving us another opportunity to step up in His agenda for our lives - V.8a.

Isaiah had actually been doing ministry for some time.

At least, we see him prophesying from Chapter 1 - 5, before this uncommon encounter with God in Chapter 6.

This encounter was perhaps not Isaiah’s first encounter with God.

This encounter was an opportunity from God to help Isaiah step up in his calling.

We all need divine encounters to help us experience progress in life and ministry.

2.           It requires that we maximally utilize every “God moment” - V.6, 8b.???

It is not enough for God to encounter us.

Such encounters should be maximized, otherwise their benefits would be lost - Gen.28:16-22

3.           It provides opportunity for the freshness required for continuous relevance in life and Ministry - V.8bff.

Supernatural encounters (SE) offers us divine freshness.

If you don’t know how to position yourself for Supernatural Encounter, you may just be going about with stale bread from previous experiences that may be of no current relevance.

People would still be addressing you by your title(s), not knowing that you have been long discarded by God. 

4.           It helps to understand the nature, the scope, the difficulty or the danger our    

mandate presents –   V.9-13.

     5.     It provides us with the rare privilege of divine - human interaction –     


God has always desired to interact with His children.

We see Him doing this severally with Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden – Gen. 3:8

Abraham had several of such interactions with God. The Trinity even came to eat in His house - Gen. 18:1-15.

May the Lord stir your heart up towards this kind of relationship with God this year.

May you come to a point in your walk with God where you are enjoying God and not enduring Him.

6.           It helps to set one’s life on the right path - Chapter 7ff.

Many of us were heading in the wrong direction in life until God helped us and brought us to the right path.

Some of us are in the wrong career path. May the Lord send His help to such in Jesus’ Name.

Some of us have found ourselves in wrong marriages and relationships. There is not much to do in such situations than to trust God for His Supernatural Help.

The encounter Isaiah had, set his life on the right path.

His prophetic ministry took a new dimension from this point.

May your life and mine take a new dimension from this fasting period in Jesus’ Name.

7.           It opens you to a life of global and eternal impact – Chapter 7-66.

Till date, though Isaiah is dead, we are still reading and studying his book.

His life and ministry is of  global and eternal relevance.

The content of Isaiah’s book would continue to be of great blessing to future generations.

Oh God, make my life have  global and eternal relevance in Jesus Name. May my life, by