Navigating Triumphantly Through The Storms of Life

Rev. Olufemi Babalola Season 1

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INTRODUCTION: It is no strange thing anymore that evil, difficult times, tribulations or dark moments are existential realities in this world. Storms of life are common experience to all mankind whether high or low, rich or poor, saints or sinners, committed Christians or lackadaisical Christians, Pastors or Church members. In short, storms of life or difficult times are no respecter of persons, families, congregations, nations and the entire world at large as we are currently witnessing. 

Just as there are different categories of storms of life as God’s servant made us to understand on Sunday, there are also different causes for the storms.

1.          Satanic presence and his mission in the world. Revelation 12:7-12; Job 1:6-7; John 10:10; Genesis 1:1-2; 2 Chronicles 21:1; Luke 13:16; 1 Peter 5:8-9

2.        Sins - Genesis 3:16-19; 6:1, 5-8; 18:20-21, 4-8, 24-25

3.        The fallen condition of the earth - Genesis 3:17-19; Romans 8:21

4.       Ignorance - Isaiah 5:13

5.        Commitment to God and His will. Genesis 37:3-5; 39:6-20; Job 5:7; 14:1; 1 Samuel 18:7-9; 19:1-2; Esther 3:1-6; Daniel 3:8-25; 6:1-8, 10-17, 19-23; Acts 4:1-3, 5-22; 7:8-15; 26:19-22; 2 Timothy 3:12. 

However, there is no storms of life no matter its category or cause that will last forever (1 Peter 1:6; 2 Corinthians 4:17; Revelation 2:10). Every difficult time in itself is time bound, only our God reigns from everlasting to everlasting and His mercy endures forever. God has destined His children to pass through and walk through their storms notwithstanding it’s fierceness. You will also pass through triumphantly in Jesus name. We shall together navigate through the present plague of Coronavirus in Jesus name. According to the word of God in Job 5:24, we shall come to know at the end of the storm of Coronavirus that our tent is in peace and intact; we shall altogether visit our dwelling place and find nothing amiss or nothing missing in Jesus name.


From our text, Job 23:1-12, it is obvious that certain experiences make the life during the storm very complicated, terrific, terrifying and terrible. These experiences include:

l  Bitter complaint and groaning, v. 2

l  Strong desire to see God in order to prove one’s innocence before Him, vv. 3-7

l  Absence of correct and true comforters

l  The seemingly absence of God, vv. 8-9

Despite all these, the hope of victory over the storm is very certain, real and possible. However, the possibility of your triumphant navigation will be determined by the following:

1.          The conviction that God has the perfect knowledge of your present situation, v, 10; Psalm 1:6; 139:1-3; 103:14; Deuteronomy 2:7; Joshua 22:22. Because He knows all about your struggles He will not abandon you here, He will surely guide you till the storms is over and you come out it triumphantly in Jesus name.

2.         The conviction that the storm is for a limited time and it will result in your glorious manifestation at the end, v. 10b; 1 Peter 1:6; 2 Corinthians 4:17; Revelation 2:10. Every test that is successfully contested produces outstanding testimonies to show the worth of it at the end. When this storm is over, you are coming out shining brighter than gold in Jesus name. Jesus Himself said in John 16:21-22 “A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world. So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.” Now you are...SEE MORE @ https://bit.ly/IBCAp2220