Benefits of Singing Praise to God through the Lock-down Period

April 24, 2020 Rev. Adekunle Oyeniyi Season 1 Episode 1

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INTRODUCTION: The passage before us is a perfect example of individuals who refused to lose hope, depressed, give in or give up in their ‘lockdown’ period. Paul and Silas suddenly found themselves in a period of ‘lock in’ and ‘lockdown’ after faithfully doing the work of ministry (Acts 16:16-18). They were severely flogged and thrown into prison (v.23). The jailer kept them in the inner cell and clamped their feet in the stocks (v.24). Instead of complaining, weeping, crying or being afraid, Paul and Silas engaged the supernatural. About midnight, Paul and Silas decided to allow God into their ‘lockdown’ period by praying and singing hymns to God.  One of the Greek words for singing, humneo from where we get the word Hymn: is an expression for singing the praise of God, singing paschal hymns (Psalms 113-118) or songs of praise directed to God and not to humans or any other object.


Some motivational speakers have suggested many brilliant ways to maximize this lockdown period and make things to work for our advantage. One of the Biblical ways I want to suggest to every believer is to spend quality time in God-focused Worship. A lifestyle of praise significantly made David to survive his ‘lockdown’ period in the wilderness, when king Saul was after his life (as recorded in many chapters in the book of Psalms).  Study the Word, give thanks, praise, and exalt God in the midst of this lockdown and Covid-19. And as we continue to do these, the supernatural will begin to happen. 




1. Atmosphere Shift (v.26). When we praise God, suddenly things begin to happen both in the spiritual and physical realms. The devil can’t dwell in the atmosphere of praise offered by genuine children of God (Psalm 22:3; 2 Chronicles 20:20-22; Psalm 43:5).


2. Foundational Issues Are Addressed (v.26)


3. Open Doors (v.26)


4. Deliverance and Breakthrough (v.26)


5. Divine Honour (v.27-29). A moment for divine exchange (Isaiah 61:3).


6. Divine Freedom (v.30)


7. Undeniable Testimonies (v.30-34). After this lockdown period, there will be undeniable testimonies of deliverance, breakthrough, healings, salvation of souls…….


CONCLUSION: Yes, we have been going through the lockdown period. In the wisdom of the health professionals, the State and the Federal Government, this is to curtail the spread of COVID-19. But we thank God, it is ‘lockdown’ and not ‘lock out’, for thousands have died as a result of this pandemic. We have to thank and praise God in line with 2 Corinthians 4: 8-9 [The Message]  “We’ve been surrounded and battered by troubles, but we’re not demoralized; we’re not sure what to do, but we know that God knows what to do; we’ve been spiritually terrorized, but God hasn’t left our side; we’ve been thrown down, but we haven’t broken.LET HIS PRAISE BEGIN!