Seeing Beyond Now

April 30, 2020 Rev. Mrs Bosun Adegboyega Season 1 Episode 1

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INTRODUCTION - The events of the recent past has been sudden, terrible and challenging. When issues of life are getting tough, man easily give up as a result of confusion and the inability to see beyond the present situation. Only a few can forge ahead in faith and in trust that the future will be better and glorious.

 A.   David’s Situation-In Psalm 27, David expressed his trust in the Lord and also asked to be delivered from his many troubles. 

-          David faced the wicked- 2a

-          David faced enemies and foes-2b

-           David faced an army and war- verse 3

-          David faced trouble- verse 5

-           David faced adversaries and false witnesses –verse 12

-          David faced violent men- Verse 12

 B.   David’s Response- 

-          In all of these, David did not give up. 

-           David saw beyond the present

-          David saw that it did not matter what the enemy did, he was going to stay strong- verse 3. 

-          David expressed his trust in the Lord- verses 1-6. 

-          David made his petition known to God- verses 7-12

-          David reaffirmed his trust in the Lord- verses 13 to 14  

-          In verse 13 David said “I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living” KJV 

-          “I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” NKJV

 C.   Why It Is Difficult for Some to See Beyond Now

-          They have lost hope

-          They have been disappointed.

-          Age is no longer on their side.

-          They are in bondage. 

-          They have refused to push further

-          They have been praying for the same thing for so long.

 D.   Seeing Beyond Now Demands That- 

1.        You see with the eyes of faith- Ephesians 1:18-19; Hebrews 11:1

-          It demands that you see beyond problems, fear and anxiety.

-          It demands that you see yourself as one that is not hopeless.

-          It demands that you see that the challenges will melt away in the light of God’s glory.

-          It demands that you see the great God and what He can do. 

2.      You see beyond yourself- Psalm 139:13-17 

-          You are more than who you think you are.

-            God is not limited by your strength or weaknesses.

3.      You see beyond the situation- Job 14:7-9; Romans 8:18 

-          The situation has a beginning and it will end one day. 

-          The situation is not the issue but what you do with the situation.

-          There is light at the end of the tunnel.

See more @ https://bit.ly/3aHy50c