May 27, 2020 Dr. Tein.George Season 1 Episode 6

Say Hi

I have been pondering the issues of the changes the world will likely see when we emerge from the corona virus pandemic for these past few weeks.  And then I received the note from our Pastor Dr. Segun Adeleke requesting me to minster in the conversations on a post Covid19 recovery. I immediately knew the Lord is at work. I accepted and I am honoured and privileged to stand before you all to talk about the promises of the Lord to restore us and provide recovery for His servants and His people.

 Let us pray: O Lord God who keeps his covenant of love with those who love and obey His commands, we ask O Lord that you hear our prayers and see our conditions, and that you will not harbor your anger at us forever and that you will not treat us as our sins deserve.  We pray O Lord that you remember your great and precious promises of restoration and in your unfailing kindness and mercy help us rebuild our broken walls and ruins.  Strengthen our feeble limbs and weak hands and enable us recover all we have lost and transform us to become your true servants purposed to worship and serve you all the days of our lives.  Father grant us this in the name of your only Son Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

 Brethren, we will recover our lost grounds. I am confident of this because the Lord has promised this to us.  These promises are the foundation for King David recovering his lost possessions as recorded in 1 Sam 30:18.  This verse tells us that “David recovered everything the Amalekites had taken including his two wives”.

In this conversation, we will:

 1.   Examine our reality today.  What is the state of the world regarding this pandemic?

2.  We will examine what are the likely losses we may have suffered as a result of this pandemic

3.  We will make observations of some general trends that are emerging from the pandemic

4.   We will examine the implication of the emerging trends from the pandemic on our nation, businesses and on us as individuals

5.  We will examine some of the promises of recovery in scripture and brief examples of a few of God’s people who have recovered possessions in scripture

6. We will briefly examine David’s character to discover some of the attributes of God’s people who recover their lost possessions

7. We will finish this conversation with a few principles God’s people must abide in to recover their possessions.