Recovering Lost Grounds, Seizing New Opportunities

Rev. Dr. Olusegun Adeleke

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The God of heaven has been so good to the house of IBC. By His grace, IBC turned 53 three days ago - Thursday, May 28.

Thank God for our founding fathers. Thank God for those men, women, youths and children who took the step of faith to come and break a new ground by starting this church 53 years ago. Thank God for the succeeding generations who built on their labors. Thank God for giving great increase to the labours of our fathers over the years and for the many great legacies they left behind. It is my prayer that God will use our generation to move His purpose forward in IBC. We pray this local church will begin, not just to recover her lost opportunities, but to also seize other new opportunities the Lord brings our way in Jesus' Name. Amen.

A.     Some Lost Grounds IBC Needs to Recover, and New Opportunities.

  • In the area of education. It is time to put into action the thoughts we have cherished over the years, to have a Crèche, Nursery, Primary and Secondary Schools. We can do all of these by the grace of God on our lives. We can conquer many nations (Children) through education. This is the time to arise and shine in this area. May the Lord give us success in Jesus' Name.
  • Hospital Ministries: We also need to trust God to build hospitals. This would not just help to complement government efforts, but help to fulfil our purpose as Salt and Light in reaching out to many lives with the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Welfare Ministries: It will be good also to plan to have orphanages, shelter for the homeless, etc. These are avenues to take care of the needy, most of whom are often neglected by Government. We can recover this ground and do exploits for the kingdom in this area.
  • Church Planting: The Lord has no doubt helped us to do greatly in the area of church planting over the years. We can however do more. We should in fact do more. May the Lord help us to do more in Jesus' Name.
  • Studio: Our need for a standard studio has become apparent with the coming of Covid - 19. We need to urgently recover this lost ground as soon as possible.
  • Investments in farming and other laudable projects.
  • In our relationships: Especially with Our Cooperate bodies - Association, Conference and Convention. The same goes with our mother church and daughter churches.

B.     The Urgency of Our Assignment

The truth is that we don’t have all the time on our hands again! One of the things Corona Virus Pandemic has taught us is to "make hay while the sun shines." Whatever we need to do must be done NOW! Night is already gradually closing in on us. We must not delay in doing all of the foregoing.

If the Lord is laying on your heart to give towards any of the aforementioned, please kindly contact us.