The Glory Of GOD is Risen

June 28, 2020 Rev. Mrs. Bosun Adegboyega

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Isaiah 60:1-3 is our text today and it is indeed a prophetic declaration upon the people that survived the Assyrian captivity. This prophetic declaration came through Prophet Isaiah at the time the remnants were in disarray, confused and dejected, not knowing what to do and how to make sense of their lives. 

While many of them were certain that it was God that delivered them from the powers that took them captives they doubted themselves and possibly questioned God because of the situation they found themselves in. It was at this crucial moment that God spoke expressly through Prophet Isaiah not only to encourage His people on His sovereignty and His power but to fire them into action. It was to fire them into productivity, purpose and into their destiny based on what God Himself had done, what He was doing and was coming to do. 

Upon this threshold we stand today declaring to all and sundry, especially the children of God, irrespective of what may be your fear that you should “Arise, shine for your light has come” and understand it, not only prophetically but practically and existentially that the glory of God is “risen upon you.” It does not matter the darkness that covers the earth and the pandemic ravaging the world and the thick darkness that is over the people, the word of God for you today is to “Arise, Shine for your light has come,” 

God bless you as you enter the moment of manifestation, glorification and celebration.