Marks of The Glory Carrier

Rev. Michael Onyegbu Season 1 Episode 7

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The issue of glory is beyond story. You don’t merely tell glory stories, they announce themselves. Through the ages, God has always manifested Himself by the display of His glory. One of such men, privileged to carry and display the glory of the LORD was Daniel. He interpreted dreams and received apocalyptic visions. He was taken from Judah during the Babylonian captivity led by king Nebuchadnezzar. Interestingly, even in such lockdown, the glory he carried shone even brighter.


  1. Influential Across Different Kings- Daniel 1:18-21

It is difficult to look beyond those who carry the glory of God. When a glory carrier is involved in a matter to go against him is to pitch tent with failure. Kings don’t go for battle until the prophets have consulted God and received clearance, nations don’t lift a finger until the one with the mandate has declared the road free. Such was the glory that was on Daniel that made him to exert influence across four different kings. In a world where leaders emerge with the necessary overhaul of their cabinet, that practice did not shake the position of Daniel. He practically had a permanent seat in power because of the glory he carried. From Nebuchadnezzar to Belshazzar, to Darius and to the 1st year of Cyrus’ reign.

  1. Men With Prophetic Eyes- Daniel 2:1-45

They see! They foretell and they forth tell. Nothing is hidden from their eyes- what is discussed in secret is made bare before them. Hidden matters are unravelled by them. They give interpretation of a dream not disclosed. Clear cut prophecies with accurate result.

  • It is the glory of God to conceal a matter but the glory of kings to search out the matter- Proverbs 25:2

  1. Filled With Unusual Wisdom & Carriers of God’s Spirit- Daniel 5:11-14

They are endowed with an incredible gift of wisdom that cannot be equated to what the world offers. A carrier of God's glory is gifted with unusual application of knowledge, such a man is never considered as a pushover.


  1. Determined Never To Defile Himself- Daniel 1:8

In the face of general acceptance Daniel chose to be different. It was a tough call to say ‘No’ to the offer of the King. He didn’t only refuse the King’s request, he denied himself of the opportunity of feeding fat and enjoying the sumptuous meal that was to be presented from the kitchen of the king. He won’t defile himself no matter what was up for offer.