Response To Divine Agenda

August 23, 2020 Rev. Michael Onyegbu Season 1 Episode 1

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Our response to God’s call and His work is very important if we are going to fulfill divine agenda. From the scriptures, we see the dangers of disobedience and how it has halted the giant strides of great champions, extinguished the glory of mighty armies, ended the destinies of many, truncated great promises, stopped so many mighty men of valour, rubbished and reduced the supposed great and accomplished men who were too careless with sacred things. It therefore behoves on us to understand the gravity of what the Lord is intending for us, so that we assess our response in our pursuit of His divine agenda.


The church is the institution for enforcing God’s agenda and His Word is the instrument for executing the agenda. So our part is to discover where God is at work, find our role and assignment in the agenda and join Him in His work. It was God's agenda to bring the children of Israel out of slavery after 400 years in Egypt, but we see clearly the insistence of Pharaoh not to let the people go. Time will fail us to talk about the agenda of God in the days of the Patriarchs, the prophets of old and the days of early beginnings of the New Testament Church as recorded in Acts.


  • Divine agenda has its fulfilment in Christ- Colossians 1:16
  • Divine agenda must surely come to pass- Isaiah 14:27
  • Divine agenda is carried out by Man- Ezekiel 22:30
  • Divine agenda can never be carried out by human method- Zechariah 4:6
  • Divine agenda is executed via divine instruction- Exodus 25:40, Hebrews 8:5
  • Divine agenda must always take priority over personal ambition- John 3:30

So to stand in the way or to disobey divine agenda can be very costly!


If we are going to press on with God’s agenda, then we must avoid disobedience because:

  1. It hinders the ability to deal with the disobedience of others

2 Corinthians 10:6, Matthew 15:13-14, Luke 6:39, Romans 2:21, Jeremiah 6:14

  • Due to sin in the lives of leaders, the morality of dealing with sin has been eroded.
  • Those placed to deal with sin, no longer have the courage to speak against the sin of others
  • The reason why some people in power, government and other organizational leadership cannot boldly deal with people’s errors is because they themselves are not clean.
  • The agenda of God is facing challenge because certain men of weak character and low integrity with high level disobedience are unfortunately placed to dispense and discharge sacred assignments of the church.
  • As a result, God’s purpose is treated as though they do not matter