Jesus Is Forever the Answer

July 02, 2017 Rev. Dr. Abayomi Lawal

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BE PROFITABLEDo you know that today, Sunday July 2, 2017 is exactly the beginning of the 2nd half of the year 2017? What can you pinpoint as your achievements from January till now? Can you call it time of usefulness and fulfillment or you just merely existed marking the time? Perhaps you achieved a lot personally for yourself but the question is what did you achieve for the Lord?I got this tip and I felt encouraged by it as to how to avoid distractions that will not make you hit your goals in 2017.1)Stop spending time with people who do not add value to your life. Same can be said for attending meetings that add no value to your life.2)Stop making excuses for not wanting to press on in tackling what you think is impossible.3)Try to write down your goals for each day and evaluate yourself after the day is over.4)Spend less time on social media when you should be getting work done.5)Believe that God is taking you somewhere. When the thought of “I CAN’T” comes in, say “I can do all things through Christ Jesus, who strengthens me.” You will then see that affirmative words like “I am worthy,” “I am capable,” “I deserve a better life,” “I have what it takes to make it happen,” will occupy your mind.At the end of the year, I pray that you will testify that “I made it, I am better than I was when I started.”July to December will be profitable months for you in Jesus’ name. Amen.