Man; God's Dwelling Place

Rev. Olufemi Babalola

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Introduction: The greatest privilege or investment God has ever made into the human life particularly His children is His indwelling presence. Our God, as great, mighty, powerful and highly exalted He is graciously and voluntarily offered Himself to live among His children in order to manifest His glory, His splendor and to display His wisdom, might and power (v. 8; Ephesians 3:8-12; Colossians 1:27). Unfortunately, many of us are ignorant or do not appreciate this divine honour. This naivety were aptly captured in the following passages of the Scriptures: Psalm 49:20; 1 John 3:9; 4:4).


However, in our pursuit of becoming the Gold Church we certainly cannot afford to ignore this special right God has bestowed on us as His people. The neglect of it will render us everything but Gold. How I pray that the Lord Jesus Himself will shine His glorious light over our hearts that we may be able to comprehend this glorious riches we have as God’s people in Jesus name.


A. The Necessity of God Dwelling in Man: Exodus 25:8

1.        It is not for want or lack of place where God could live. Psalm 103:19; Isaiah 66:1

2.       It is His wisdom or method for accomplishing all His works on earth through the mortal man, made of ordinary dust. Genesis 1:26-28; Ephesians 3:8-12; Colossians 1:27.

3.       It is the distinguishing mark of His people from everyone else. Exodus 33:15

4.       It gives or provides us divine direction in life. Exodus 40:34-38

5.       It is the unmistakable evidence of His pleasure. Exodus 33:15-16; Matthew 3:16-17

6.       It gives us unrestricted access into places and people that are difficult to penetrate. Psalm 114; Joshua 2:8-13; 6:1-5, 20-21

7.       It gives us unusual boldness and courage to confront the powers and forces sent to render us unfulfilled and unfruitful in life and ministry. Acts 13:5-12...