Sub Rosa Sound

13 - Gear and Livestreaming Tips with Margaret Jones and Justin Vanegas

Subrosa Sound Season 1 Episode 13

In our lucky number thirteenth episode, Ariel Wang talks to co-founder Margaret Jones and Justin Vanegas about what sound gear is good to have if you're a recording/livestreaming musician in the time of coronavirus, and our reviews and tips for livestreaming platforms. There's lots of good information for musicians, as well as a peek for the non-performer into the behind-the-scenes world of musicians.

We have a gear list below of everything that we talk about in the episode. The links would not fit in the description, so you can find links to all gear on our website

You can find more info about Margaret and Justin's bands at:

Intro music is "Moontide" by Ariel Wang. Outro music is "F**k You, Coronavirus " by M. Jones and the Melee.

This episode was engineered by Margaret Jones, Justin Vanegas, and Ariel Wang in their own living rooms, and edited by Ariel Wang. More about Sub Rosa Sound at, or follow us on social media @subrosasound

Awesome: Presonus Studio 192 ($800 new; much cheaper used) 
Also awesome but fewer inputs: Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 ($260 new) 
Best value: Behringer Uphoria UMC404HD (Under $200) 

Shure SM58
Shure SM57

ART PRO MPA II (if you need to power microphones separately and/or you’re serious about recording; most interfaces also have these built in but they don’t sound as warm): 

Other necessary gear for live-streaming (check your setup and see what you need to plug directly in to your router for a more stable connection): 
•Ethernet cable 

•Ethernet to USB adapter 

•USB splitter - you probably have about 2 on your laptop, and everything we’ve talked about uses one. If you can afford a powered one it’s worth it, because you can run ALL THE THINGS at the same time.  

Other gear that you don’t want to forget: 
•Mic stands 

•Mic clips 

•XLR cables 

•Pop filters (you can easily DIY these: - A pencil between your face and the microphone will also divert the worst of the “pop”... 

1.Don’t spend more than you need to… everything is expensive right now. Get as much mileage from the gear you already own before making purchases 

2.If you do buy stuff and can afford it, think about how you might use it after the shutdown. Can you reuse it? Resell it? Will it hold its value (this rules out cheaper mass-produced gear)? Quality/industry standard products like SM58s will pay for themselves over time. 

3.Can you borrow stuff? Gear-head friends may have surplus. Offer a skill-share/collaboration to return the favor? 

4.It’s okay for it not to be perfect. These are suggestions from gearheads to other gearheads on how to adapt to this new normal. Use what works; ignore what doesn’t. There’s no one-size-fits-all. 

5.Sometimes it’ll still crash and burn and fall to pieces and that’s okay too. We’re feeling this out along with you.