The L3 Leadership Podcast with Doug Smith

Our Vision & Values

L3 Leadership | Doug Smith Season 1 Episode 156

In this episode, you'll hear Doug Smith share the Vision and Values of L3 Leadership. 

Episode Summary: 

  • Our Vision at L3 Leadership: 
    • We Gather, Connect, and Develop Leaders - We are obsessed with helping leaders develop to their maximum potential and to maximize the impact of their leadership.It’s how we believe we’ll make our dent in the universe. 
    • 1,000 Leader Mandate - We have the vision to reach 1,000 leaders. If we’ll do this and teach them values, we could change our world. 1,000 members!
  • Our DNA/Core Values
    • Leadership
    • Community
    • Character
    • Growth
    • Intentionality
  • What does a leader look like after being a part of L3 Leadership?
    • Fully known, fully loved, fully challenged.
    • Transformed - They can tell a story
    • Living Intentionally
  • The 5 things we do:
    • L3 Leadership Podcast
    • Membership
    • Mastermind Groups
    • ELP/LP Leadership Collaboratives
    • L3 One Day

Speaker 1:

So many leaders fall out and don't make it to the finish line because they lack the character development necessary to get there. And so we're going to do everything we can to be build leaders of value leaders of character and leaders whose character will sustain them and get them to their finish line. This is the L three leadership podcast, episode number 256

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

What's up podcast family. And welcome to another episode of the L three leadership podcast, where we're obsessed with helping you grow to your maximum potential and to maximize the impact of your leadership. And today's episode, you're going to hear one of my favorite episodes of record each year. It is our vision and values episode. So you'll get to hear who we are, what we're called to do, what we're all about, how we do it and how you can join with our mission to change the world by developing leaders. And so I hope that you'll get fired up about being a part of L three leadership after this episode. But before we dive into that, just a few announcements. This episode of the podcast is sponsored by bear tongue advisors, the financial advisors at bear tongue advisors, help educate and empower clients to help make informed financial decisions. Find out how bare tongue advisors can help you develop a customized financial plan for your financial future. Please visit their website at bear tongue advisors. That's B E R a T U N G, securities and investment products and services offered through Waddell and Reed, inc member FINRA, and SIPC bare tongue advisors, Waddell and Reed, and L three leadership are separate entities. Hey leader, we tell you all the time that you should never do life alone, but in community. And so my question to you is do you have a community of leaders that you can do life with? If you don't. I want to encourage you to become a part of our community, the L three leadership community, and there's lots of ways to connect with us. But one I specifically want you to connect with is our membership platform. We've spent the last four months revamping and relaunching our membership site. And I could not be more excited about it. When you become a member of alpha three leadership, you're going to get to jump on live webinars with nationally known leaders. And we're going to be having these every single month for our members only you'll have access to all of our three, one day talks you'll have access to every course that we ever create and so much more. And all of this is available right now for free that's right. We are offering two months of free membership. And after that, it's just$25 a month. And so leader, let me just tell you, you need to invest in yourself and we believe so much in the platform and that it will add value to you. That again, we're offering your first two months free. So you can learn more about membership and sign up, four slash membership. And with all that being said, let's dive right into the lesson. Here's our vision and values. Hey leader, Doug Smith here of[inaudible] leadership. And in today's episode, I'm going to be sharing with you the vision and values of L three leadership. This is an episode that we rerecord new every single year to give you a refresher on who we are, what we do and how you can get connected with what we do. And so whether you've been with us since the beginning, or this is your very first podcast episode, I hope that you will get fired up about our vision and who we're called to reach and how you can be a part of what we're doing. So let's just dive right in. The first thing that I want to share with you is our vision and our mission. And our mission is this. We exist to gather, connect and develop leaders. I'll say it again. We exist to gather, connect and develop leaders. I say it all the time on the podcast, but we are obsessed with helping leaders grow to their maximum potential and to maximize the impact of their leadership. It's why we exist. And within that vision, we have what I call the thousand liter mandate. I believe at this season and L three leadership. We have a vision to reach 1000 leaders and not just reach them, but actually transform their lives. And what that looks like is we want 1000 leaders that get connected with our community to go through our programming, to go through our content, uh, to be in a mastermind group, to attend our conferences. And we believe that on the other side of that, their lives will be transformed. And if we can transform a thousand liters lives, we think we can make a significant difference in changing the world and creating the world the way it ought to be. And so that's why we wake up everyday and go to work and help develop leaders. Cause that is our mission. We want to change the world by connecting, developing, and gathering leaders. The next thing I want to share with you is a little bit about our DNA and who we are. Our core values. We have five of them. The first value you won't be surprised is the leadership, right? Where leadership development company, we value leadership. Why? Because we believe everything rises and falls on leadership. And we believe that everyone wins the entire world wins when a leader gets better. And if that's true, we also believe that if a leader doesn't get better, everyone loses. And that's why we're so committed to pouring our lives into leaders. In fact, we believe if we can create a world of better leaders, then as a result, we'll have better families, we'll have better communities, better churches, better cities, better States, better nations, and a better world. And it all starts with developing leaders. And so again, that is why we as an organization exists, we want to create better leaders. So at the end of the day, we create a better world. We value leadership. Our second core value is community. This is huge. We believe that no leader should ever do life alone, but in community. However, in our culture, I would say that 90 to 95% of the leaders that I'm talking to right now, you probably don't have one person that you can go through life and leadership with and be vulnerable with and be real with. And we exist to end that trend. We want every leader on the planet to be fully known, fully loved, and fully challenged by a community of leaders. And that is what we value. And that is what we're committed to creating a community of leaders that you can do life and leadership with our third core value is character. We say it all the time, but we believe character development is the most important development. You know, in our culture, you hear a lot about personal development, personal growth, Hey, growing professionally, but you rarely hear anything about growing your character and developing your character. You know, uh, one of our goals when it comes to character development and why we focus so much on it is we believe only about 2% of leaders make it to their leadership finish line. So many leaders fall out and don't make it to the finish line because they lack the character development necessary to get there. And so we're going to do everything we can to be build leaders of value leaders of character and leaders whose character will sustain them and get them to their finish line. It's why we exist. Our fourth core value is growth growth, and here's the tagline with our growth core value. We will grow to our maximum potential regardless of the cost, regardless of the cost. Here's what I know. If you're committed to growing into your personal maximum potential, then it's going to require a lot of growth. And with growth comes great costs. Sometimes growth is painful. Sometimes it costs a lot. Sometimes it involves a lot of sacrifice, but I can say this about growth. Growth is always worth it. It's always worth. And in fact, personal growth is the only guarantee that tomorrow will be better is by you getting better today, you have to grow. And so where you are committed to doing everything we can to grow ourselves to our maximum potential and equipping you to grow two years. And then our last core value is intentionality. We want everyone to live intentional lives. And, uh, this just means in every area of your life, that you're intentional, you're intentional with your personal growth and development. You're intentional with your family life. You're intentional with your financial life. You're intentional with your health and fitness. You're intentional with your spiritual life. And so we want you to be intentional and well-rounded in every area of your life. And we help you do that by creating a life plan. And we'll talk about that in a little bit, but those are values. And so you have our mission. We feel called to connect, gather, and develop leaders. You have our values. And now I want to talk to you a little bit about what we want a leader's life to look like after they've been a part of L three leadership. What should a leader's life look like? A multiple things. When someone connects with L three leadership, when they've completed their experience with us, here's what we want their lives to look like. We want them to be fully known, fully loved and fully challenged. I mentioned this under the core value of community, but we want them to have a community that they know they can go to any time for anything that they're going through and they'll be loved. There'll be known and they'll be challenged. We want them to have their lives and their leadership transformed. And we measure this by by stories. We want them to have a story about being involved with all three leadership saying, wow, because of our three leadership, this part of my leadership has been transformed forever. I can, I can't even imagine my life again, life without a mastermind group, but without LTV leadership, we want to transform leaders lives. We want them to live intentionally. We want them to have a life plan. We want the leaders, we influenced to set goals and review them quarterly. And to plan the quarter ahead, we want them to annually do a year end review. It's one of my favorite things that I do every single year. And it's been so helpful for so many L three leaders. We want them to know their purpose and to make a difference every single day, we want them to become increasingly self-aware. We want them to prioritize family over work. We want them to become better leaders in every area of their life. We want them to become bigger on the inside than they are on the outside. We want them every day to wake up and go to work and make it and making the world the way it ought to be. And they're also multiplying their leadership. So they're not just growing personally as leaders, but now their leadership growth and development is pouring into other people. So they're developing people. They're mentoring people, they're raising up the next generation of leaders. That's what we want. Someone's life to look like after they've been a part of L three leadership. So now you've heard our mission. You've heard our core values, who we are. You've heard what we want your life and leadership to look like after you've connected with L three. And the obvious question next is, how do you actually do that? What do you do to enable leaders to grow and transform like that? Well, we do five things and five things only. The first thing we do is the LTU leadership podcast, which you're listening to or watching right now. And we're committed to weekly. Adding value to leaders lives through the podcast. Some episodes are interviews with high level leaders, other episodes, or me giving personal leadership talks about where I am in my growth journey and adding value to your life. And then occasionally you'll get leadership talks from our conferences and other events that we put on as well. So again, if you've not subscribed to the podcast, it would mean the world to me, if you'd sub subscribe and share this with other leaders so we can add value to even more people on a weekly basis. The second thing we do to add value to leaders as we have membership, this is the first step in joining our L three community. Our membership is giving you as a leader, access to leaders, content, and systems to build your life and leadership on. And when you become a member of all three leadership, here's just a few of the things that you'll get. One is you'll have a monthly live webinar with a nationally known leader. And so you'll not only get an opportunity to learn from them, but you'll also have an opportunity to ask nationally known leaders questions about where you are in your leadership. We also record and archive all of those live webinars on the backend of our membership website. So you'll have access to every webinar that we've ever done when you're a member. And we're also doing live monthly Q and a and hot seat sessions. This is an opportunity for our members to actually troubleshoot where they are with their goals. This is actually a teaser for what we do in our mastermind groups on a consistent basis, but you'll have an opportunity to share your goals with the L three community and actually get coaching and feedback on those goals. Once a month. There's also a member, only content we have. All of our[inaudible] day talks you'll have access to as a member, we have leadership courses to help you grow and develop and so much more. And that is for literally only$25 a month. You can join our L three community. And so right now we're offering a special deal where you get your first month for$1. So go ahead and go to L three And you can find more information on that that's membership. The third thing that we do is we do mastermind groups, mastermind groups are our bread and butter. We believe that every leader needs to be in a mastermind group. Now, I don't have time to go into everything that a mastermind group is, but a mastermind group is an intentional group of leaders that meet together on a consistent basis for us it's every two weeks. And they challenge each other. They do life together. They go after their goals together. And, uh, why I think these are so important. I've been in a mastermind group, L three mastermind group for the past five years. It's been the single greatest source of growth for me. Now. I'm not just on the professional level, but also on a personal level. Uh, when we started LTD leadership, I thought it would just be all about professional goals, but I've been shocked in my mastermind group of how personal things get when people set their goals. We've seen people, uh, obviously advanced in their professional life. We've seen people start businesses because of mastermind groups. We've seen people adopt babies because of our mastermind groups. We've seen families get better. We've seen, um, literally we've seen divorces be avoided. So many things happen as a result of doing life intentionally with people you need to be in a mastermind group. And this is where we want every leader to be fully known, fully loved and fully challenged. And the only way you'll have all three of those things in your life is if you do life consistently with a group of people leader, you need to be in a mastermind group. Now we specifically offer all three branded mastermind groups that you can be a part of, and you can also launch an L three, a leadership mastermind group. And so both of those options are available on our website. You can just go to L three And if you're interested in starting a group, there's an application there. If you're interested in joining group, there's an application there we'd love to have you join one, stop doing life alone, getting a mastermind group. The fourth thing that we do is we've partnered with a local company here in the Pittsburgh region called the Pittsburgh leadership foundation to host leadership collaboratives. And these are three month cohorts that you go through. There's one for seasoned leaders, and there's one for emerging leaders and it's a three month program. And the whole goal of the program is to elevate the effectiveness of your leadership. And so you're going to get in these cohorts world-class leadership development. You're going to get a ton of you literally like every leadership assessment you can think of. You're going to get a, as a result of going through this program, you're also going to get to connect with everyone else in your cohort. It's going to be extremely valuable. And so there's information for that on our website as well. I encourage you to check it out. And if you're in the local region of Pittsburgh, uh, you can connect with us in our leaders collaborative there. And the last thing we do is our L three, one day conference are all three, one day conferences, our annual gathering of leaders, where we help leaders grow their leadership, grow their network and grow their future. This is where the entire L three tribe and the L three community come together once a year to connect with each other, learn from world-class leaders on the stage and, and just connect and develop again. That's what our mission is. We can gather, we connect and we develop leaders. And so it's so important for us to get together as a family of leaders once a year. And that happens at L three one day. Now, if you're watching this and I'm currently recording this in June of 2020, we just rescheduled our 2020 conference that got delayed in March, uh, due to COVID-19. And on September 25th, 2020, we're going to be having our L three one day conference at victory family church here in cranberry township. We cannot wait. And so if you're registered, we'll be sending you information on that. And if you're interested in the conference, we're going to be promoting this like crazy. So get ready for that. But again, be a part of our annual conference. And those are the five things we do. And so now I've shared with you, our mission, I've shared with you, our values I've shared with us, what your life and leadership will look like after being a part of L three leadership. And I've shared with you the five things that we do to help you get there. So in closing, my question is, will you join us? Will you join us? And there are several next steps. The first next step I would encourage you to do is become a member. If you're listening to this, stop waiting to take the leap and just take it, just go to LP, join our membership, and you will join a community of leaders that will help transform your life. What are you waiting for? The second thing I'd encourage you to do is join your launch. A mastermind group. I talked about this a minute ago, but don't wait five years to join her launch. A mastermind group start today, five years is going to pass. Anyway, you might as well have five years past being in a group versus just thinking about it. What are you waiting for? And the last thing I want to challenge you to do is maybe you're listening to this and you're saying, wow, Doug, I love your vision. I love your mission. I love your values. I love everything you're doing. I want to be a part I want to help support you. This is where sponsorship comes into play. Maybe you're an organization. Maybe you have a service. Maybe you have a product you can help support us financially through your sponsorship. And in return, we'll promote your service, your organization, or your company to our L three community of leaders. And I'm sure your organization can add a ton of value to the leaders in our tribe. So if you want to partner with us through sponsorship, it would mean the world to me. And, uh, and again, you can just email me And I'd love to talk to you about that. So that's who we are. That's what we do. That's what we're going to continue to do. Uh, as far as I could see into the future, we will not stop developing and connecting leaders. So I hope that you'll join us. I hope this fired you up. I'm fired up just recording it. And it's an honor to be able to come into your lives. Thanks so much for allowing LT leadership, to be a part of your leadership journey. And we will talk to you next episode. I'd like to thank our sponsor Henny jewelers. They're jeweler owned by my friend and mentor John Henney, my wife, Laura, and I both got our engagement and our wedding rings at Henny jewelers. And we absolutely love them. Not only do they have great jewelry, but they also invest in people. In fact, they give every engaged couple of books to help them prepare for their marriage. And we just love that. And so if you're in need of a good jeweler, check out Henny

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

I'd also like to thank our sponsor. Bab, inc. Bab is an insurance broker, a third party administrator and consulting firm led by my friend and mentor Russell Livingston Russell was extremely passionate about developing the next generation of leaders, which is why he's partnering with us on this podcast. And he's also opened up his offices here in Pittsburgh to host our monthly leadership events. And we are extremely grateful for that. The nonprofit that I work at light of life rescue mission started using Bab as our insurance broker around three years ago. And we've had an unbelievable experience with them and we highly recommend them. So if you or your organization has any insurance needs, please check out and learn more about That's BA BB

Speaker 1:

Well, Hey leader, thank you so much for listening to our vision and values episode. I hope that you're as fired up as I am. And more importantly, I hope that you'll take a next step with us and you can find links to everything that we discussed and for your next So I hope that you'll hop on the website and find your next step. And also while you're at it, it would mean the world to me. If you would share this episode with someone else, it helps us grow our audience of leaders and add and helps us add value to even more leaders. So thank you in advance for that. And as always, I like to end every episode with a quote and I'll quote, Gerald Brooks, who I pretty much just might as well just quote him every single episode now, but he said this recently, he said, people watch you long before they follow you. So if you couldn't say a word, would anyone want to follow? You love that. I love that. I love that. Thank you so much for allowing Laura and I to be a part of your lives. And we will talk to you next episode.

Speaker 2:


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