The L3 Leadership Podcast with Doug Smith

The Courage to Lead with Shawn Lovejoy

L3 Leadership | Shawn Lovejoy | Leadership | Entrepreneurship | Business | Doug Smith Season 1 Episode 179
In this episode of the L3 Leadership podcast, you'll hear our interview with Shawn Lovejoy, CEO & Founder of Courage to Lead, a company that coaches leaders through what keeps them up at night. In the interview, you'll hear us talk about the importance of coaching and mentoring, succession, what he believes is the vital attribute of the leaders God uses most, his advice to young leaders, and more!To see the notes and ways to connect with Shawn go to the show notes at can also listen to our lightning round interview with Shawn in episode #180. Shawn Lovejoy's Bio: Shawn is the Founder & CEO of His heart beats for coaching leaders through what keeps them up at night. Shawn has been a real estate developer, church planter, megachurch pastor, and successful entrepreneur and leadership coach. Shawn also speaks and trains leaders and their teams about all things leadership all around the country. Shawn now leads a team of coaches through CourageToLead who coach leaders through what keep them up at night! Shawn's newest book, Be Mean About the Vision: Preserving and Protecting What Matters, released with Thomas Nelson Publishers in 2016. Shawn has been married (for a quarter of a century!) to his partner and best friend Tricia Lovejoy, and they have three children: Hannah, Madison, & Paul. They all live in Trussville, Alabama, a suburb of Birmingham. Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes: Subscribe to our podcast on Stitcher: Subscribe on Google Play: L3 Leadership exists to build and develop a community of leaders that grow to their maximum potential, develop the courage to pursue their dreams, and to become great leaders in their families, communities, cities, nations, and their world. Learn more at Connect with L3 Leadership: Website: LinkedIn: Facebook: Twitter: @L3leader Instagram: @l3leadership How You Can Help this Podcast: To listen to past interviews, go to my podcast page. Subscribe to this podcast Rate and leave a review of the podcast Share the content on Social Media Sign-up for my L3 Leadership Newsletter If you have an idea for a future podcast you would like to hear or a leader you would like me to interview, e-mail me at If you enjoyed the podcast, please rate it on iTunes and write a review.
Shawn Lovejoy:

And I think it's one of the major attack strategies of the evil one is to just try to get us to pack up and go home and be quiet. Go Away, settle for something less. Stop dreaming. Stop believing in yourself and in what God's placed on your heart, so just don't thou have faith, not just in God, but in God through you that you can see this thing through. Just don't quit on it.

Doug Smith:

This is the l three leadership podcast, episode number one 79 what's up everybody? Welcome to another episode of the[inaudible] leadership podcast. My name is Doug Smith and I'm the founder of l three leadership. In this episode, you're going to get to your see are part one of my interview with Sean Lovejoy. Sean is the founder and CEO of courage, a company, the coaches, leaders through what keeps them up at night. I love that tagline and the interviews you're going to get to hear us talk about the importance of coaching and mentoring for leaders. You'll hear us talk about what Sean believes is the one vital attribute of all leaders that God uses most. We talked about succession. Sean actually handed off a church that he founded and we talk about the process that he used for that. We talked about his advice to young leaders and so much more. You're going to love of love this interview and I would also encourage you, you can listen to part two of our interview, which is our lightning round interview in episode number 180 I'd highly encourage you to listen to both. They're both full of wisdom for ways to connect with shine to to learn more about what he's doing and links to everything that we discussed. You can check out the show forward slash episode one 79 but before we dive into the interview, just a few announcements. First, I just want to encourage all of you to become members of l three leadership. Our vision here is very, very simple. We want to connect and develop leaders to help them maximize their potential and we believe that every leader needs a community of leaders around them, that own courage, them, challenge them and hold them accountable and that's exactly what we provide here at l three leadership. When you become a member, you'll have the ability to join one of our mastermind groups or launch your own. You'll have access to our community of over 100 liters. Andrew, I have access to the tools and resources you need to take your life and leadership to the next level. To learn more about membership, go to l three forward slash membership I also want to thank our sponsor, Alex to Landon, who is a full time realtor with Keller Williams realty. If you're looking to buy or sell a house in the Pittsburgh market, Alex is your guy. He's a member and a supporter of l three leadership and he loved the opportunity to connect with you. You can find out more about Alex and connect with and last. I want to thank our other sponsor, Henny jewelers. They're a jeweler, owned by my friend and mentor, John Henne, my wife Laura. And I got her engagement and wedding rings through Henny Jewelers. And we just think they're an incredible company. Not only do they have great jewelry, but they also invest in people. John gave Lara and I a book to help us prepare for our marriage and he's been investing in me as a father, a husband and a leader now for years. So if you're in need of a good jeweler, checkout Henny And with that being said, let's dive right into my interview with Sean. Love, joy, enjoy it. And I'll be back at the end with a few announcements. Thank you so much John, for taking the time to do this interview. And why don't we just start off with you just telling us a little bit about and what you do.

Shawn Lovejoy:

Yeah. So it's great to be on the call first of all today and um, I appreciate what you do. And, uh, I think we go way back with John Maxwell. I go all the way back to cassette tapes were cassette tapes, but I do. So I was listed as John Maxwell when he did cassette tapes. Do you ever listen to John on a cassette tape? Uh, maybe one. I did get the cds for my thing. I actually still have in my car, I still have CD binders on my shelves and in my closet I don't have anything to play them on, but I have the so, so I refer to myself as a spiritual entrepreneur. But I'm a leadership geek and you know, it was a real estate developer, you know, God in revival in our church called me to the minute vocational ministry. Out of that planted a church, you know, became a Mega Church, started coaching pastors, sort of backed into like Maxwell coaching marketplace leaders, you know. So today I lead a coaching ministry from both ministry marketplace leaders called courage to We coach leaders through what keeps them up at night. That's what we talk about. That's our mission and kind of taught. Got Guys and Gals, you know, off the ledge every day and provide permission and perspective for them. I love that. And I'm just curious and that's what you're doing today, but what do you wish people knew about your journey and what it took to get to where you are today that they may not know? I think most big same, you know that because you've been successful in the business world in know, you know how to grow a church and lead a church. But that's not always true. There's a difference between being an entrepreneur and a leader. You know, I think even our president right now is learning all of that. You know, he's a brilliant entrepreneur, but he's learning that you just can't force your way, you know, through everything, regardless of political persuasion. We've seen him struggle through all of that and understand the nuances of people in politics and leadership is influence, you know, so there's, you know, so learning how to do that. I think a lot of people understand that pastors, because they went to seminary, you know, know how to build and lead, you know, an organization which is, they don't taste that at all. It's seminary. They teach you how to exposit scripture, you know, which is, you know, 20% of your week, you know, so 80% of your week as a pastor, you're ill prepared and equipped to face. And I found the same is true with entrepreneurs and leaders in the market place. You know, they don't teach us how to do the things that we end up having to do every day, like, like a conflict resolution. I think conflict, one o one ought to be the first class in college and any, you know, graduate study, but they don't teach us this stuff and people will always be the greatest tension, you know, as a leader. So I learned this the hard way by reaching out to mentors and coaches and had some amazing coaches in my life. And that's one of the reasons I believe in it so much. That's amazing. Were there any key lessons along your journey that were four wow moments for you to change everything through those metro and relationships? Or is it just been consistent chiseling away at you? Well, I think it was the executor who first said it, you know, it is, it is the books you read and the people that you hang out with, you know, determine, you know, what you become. And I, you know, I would have considered myself, I non-reader going back to college and before and developing that discipline and even passion for it, you know, now my life. And then, you know, the only reason I think I've been successful is I was too dumb to quit, number one. Number two, you know, I saw out great, you know, mentors. I walked up to Andy Stanley, pastor at north point community church when the church was running 1200 people one Sunday after it after a service. And I was just arrogant enough to ask him if I could take him to a cup of coffee. And he said yes. You know, he ended up being just one of my mentors, coaches, you know, for almost a decade. And I, you know, I've had a dozen I can, you know, that would, that would, you know, compete as far as platform is concerned, honestly. You know, and I had all my leadership, you know, two great people. Either I've read and studied from afar or I, I, I, with this many of those awful a fault to get in a relationship with so that I can learn from the best, you know? And that's, that's why we do what we do. Yeah. So can you talk about, I was going to ask this later, but you've obviously developed a fantastic network. Anyone who's willing to go to Andy Stanley asked them for a cup of coffee's amazing. Can you just, what are your top networking tips for people who want to build those kinds of relationships or get in the door? I know you said you kind of had to fight your way through, um, what advice do you have for those looking to build their network? Yeah. It's funny you asked that. I get asked that, you know, fairly regularly, you know, by, by young leaders, like how do you know all these people that, you know? And the answer is really, really simple. I've worked at it, I've been intentional about it. In fact, in most of those relationships, you know, they've been, you know, largely one sided and I'm comfortable with that. Okay. I've invested more to the relationship, you know, then I've then I've received out of it. But I don't, I, I've received so much, you know, of the intangible and the truths and the leadership nuggets, you know, over time. But I've fought, you know, to, to be outside of my own organization, be outside my own tribe, my network, you know, not to have people that just agree with me or come out of my own tribe or network. But I've, I have fought to reach across the aisle and get to know leaders all over North America. And so I do, I have, it's put me in some amazing places in some amazing offices and some amazing relationships. So it just requires intentionality. Most of us get so busy, you know, managing our thing. And managing our, we don't take time, you know, as part of our personal growth plan to work at intentional relationships with mentors and coaches and I'm done that and I've paid, you know, reap the rewards of that over time. Yeah, no, I'm just curious. Do you think there's anything that you do that makes you stand out to make them want to give you an hour, 15 minutes at a cup of coffee? You know, I'm sure for every hundred people that ask Andy Stanley and for a cup of coffee, maybe you, no one gets it. I mean, I could be wrong and I'm sure it's the same thing with, you know, I'm sure tons of leaders want to meet with you and you can always say yes. Any tips on how you can make yourself stand out when trying to get a meeting with someone? Yeah, I think so. I think, you know, because I'm experienced this as, you know, as young leaders have come to meet with me, you know, nothing, nothing gets under my skin faster. You know, when I have a young leader come to meet with me and pick my brain and offer them a cup of coffee and they pour their coffee and then they sit back and they cross their legs while I'm talking, I will, hopefully I'm going to say something profitable that you might want to write down because I, that's the way I live. You know, every time I approach one of these guys, I had, you know, before smart phones, I have my journal, my notebook and I'm writing furiously everything that they're saying. So they feel valued. I mean the greatest leader in the world feels valued if you're, if you're dropping your wisdom and experience and the person is actually going, you know, till links to write it down. And then secondly, if they told me two or three things to do are gave me suggestions, the first thing I did when I went back to the table next time was to say, hey, just so you know, they'd have to ask me, just so you know, I had this conversation, I read these two books, you know, I did this, I checked out this website, I call this marketing company, you know, whatever it might be, you know, you told me about this pastor. I reached out to him, we have a coffee. And they're like, wow, maybe this was a good investment of my time into this, this young leader. So I think the best silver and gold have I none. And you know what I'm talking about, you know, to pay these guys what they were worth, but it was of great value to them and was good stewardship of their time if I executed and made the conversations and made decisions based upon, you know, what we've talked about. Yeah. Oh, that's so good. Um, I want to go back to your journey for just a second. What we were talking before the interview started, you mentioned that I think three years ago you transitioned from a church that you were leading, that the grew into a mega church. Uh, can you just talk about transitions? I'm just curious what you learned from that. Was that hard? Did you find yourself, did you find a lot of identity was in your church and it was hard to leave? I'm just curious what advice you have for leaders when it comes to transitions in life. Yes. It was hard. Yes it is hard and they call it founders disease in the marketplace, but it's true of ministry leaders as well. And I think there was a time in ministry life when, you know, pastor sort of got a reputation for, you know, changing churches. There were 18 to 24 months, you know, but I actually think a leader can just as often, if not more often, hang on too long, you know? And I was there almost 20 years, 17 years, and I told our church, I said, it's hard as it is for me and you for me to hand this baton off to another leader and walk away from this great thing. Like it won't be easier for you as the church 10 more years from now. Because the tendency is, you know, every few years that I remained the leader of this organization, it tends to get graft around my personality. You know, there's a reason why a lot of these political offices have term limits. Almost wish that was true minister place. You didn't sometimes that we got, we had to roll off, you know, and some denominations like the Methodist church may not, you know, even the Catholic Church may not have this two wrong even though people hate it, but it keeps the organization from being built around a man and keeps it being formed around the mission. And that's what I sought to do. So a lot of people ask me one how I was able to transition, you know, more easily than it seems like most people do. And it's because like I started coaching, I started preparing to leave at 2003 like I, when I started coaching leaders in 2003 it was my exit strategy and I worked that exit strategy over the next 13 years. So by the time I got ready to transition, it was a small step for me. And honestly it was a pretty small step for the church. I wasn't teaching more than about 60% of the time, 55 to 60% of the time. We had a teaching team that was three or four deep been alive teaching at our campuses. So, you know, I worked hard those last seven or eight years in particular, not to build this thing around, you know, a personality or position or person, but to build it around a mission, you know, not a man and, and, and, and it's worked out. Yeah. So I'm sure some of these things you mentioned already, I'm just curious what your advice would be. Cause I know a ton of leaders right now that are getting ready to hand off to the next generation. I've seen some do it well. So I'm not doing it well. What advice do you have? I know you talks about voting at the team, did you hit it off to an individual? You know, I know bill Hybels just hand it off and there's two leaders of the organization. I'm just curious what advice you have for, for people who are thinking transition even if it's 10 years away. Yeah, so I think authorities, you know, an authority structure is important. I think accountability is important. You know, at the end of the day there's no perfect way to do it. I think the great tension that everybody feels that my staff felt the church, you know Phil, great young leader to go free, but he's different from me. He doesn't process information, make decisions the way I do. So there's always, there's always going to base some speed bumps along the way and there haven't been with us. But to God be the glory of the church is still going strong and you know, thank, thank God for that. I think the main thing a leader needs to recognize, and I say this in my book, be about the vision. Every leader is as an interim leader. Every leader is an internal leader. So it's not if we're going to leave, it's how and when we're going to leave. We're going to leave either when everybody wants us to leave or nobody wants us to leave. I chose to leave with no one wanted me to leave, you know, and then we've got to leave. So what are we, what does that going to look like? Do we have an exit strategy? And I think that's years and years and years before we leave beginning to put that in place. You know, I've leaders now call me all the time. If we were thinking about transitioning out of the churches, you know, hi, I'm looking at retiring next year. When should I start? Sort of thinking about my transition a decade ago, a decade ago. Um, you should, so, so if you're, if you're eight to 10 years away, start building what you're, you're going to do, start working, start experimenting. You know, you, you fail your way forward as an entrepreneur. So what does it look like for you to, you know, create value proposition out there? In the future and give it a shot. That's so good. Um, so back to, to your leadership and coaching. I love your tagline by the way you coach leaders through what keeps them up at night and you've been doing this since 2003 and I'm just curious, what patterns do you consistently see a merge of what keeps leaders up at night? Are there two or three things where it's, I know you talked about relationships and people before, but what are those top things? Thanks. It's all always three tensions or opportunities. It's always they use or the irreducible minimums if you will. You know, the things that keep us awake at night, it's either team, you know, which is almost always number one. It's the people while element. You know that one of the biggest lies from hell ever believe, you know this Doug, is that one more staff person would solve our problem. And then you realize every staff person is a problem, you know, because they're sinners and there have personalities and you know, just it's, it's, it's, it's more complex. The more people you add and the more sleep you'll tend to lose and the more fires you have to put out, you know, all of that, the more organizational structure, a structure, tweaks you'll have to make. So it's team, you know, that's number one tension and opportunity as a reason why a lot of organizations in a stag night, cause they don't go to take him around them, you know, and then call its culture. You know, how do I, you know, craft out my vision, my values? Then how do I close the gap between my beliefs and behaviors? You know, how do I get everyone pulling in the same direction? Um, how do I protect the vision from what I call vision hijackers? You know, all of that along the way. It's all that, all those culture nuances. Um, how, how do we make this the best day, you know, people's week or how do we make eight to five the work day, the best part of People's Day? You know, how do we create raving fans? How do we create a life giving culture, you know, all those things. And then it's systems. You know, my definition of a system is just, it's just a bridge that moves things and people from where they are to where they need to be or from where they are to where God wants them to be. So it's budgets, it's meetings, it's, it's, it's communication, it's assimilation, it's all of those things. We, we've got to constantly build the simple steps. The hills allows people to cross across the bridge. So it is those three irreducible minimum tensions that as a leader of records, you know, and of course I've got to be the culture I want to build. So, so, so if I'm not healthy, you know, I only had to fire three people. You know, I had some that fire themselves and I was thankful for God. They took care of it. But I had to fire three people in a 20 years of leadership up to now all three of those had to do with emotional intelligence. They had leadership, health and relational, you know, Iq and all, all of that and integrity, character stuff, you know, had nothing to do with their competence, had everything to do with their character. You know, and so, you know, we ended up backing into a lot of personal life coaching with both ministry and marketplace leaders and you know, you know that well that's good. So can you talk to leaders out there on why it's important for them to get coaching? Uh, I'm sure there's a lot of people has been saying, I don't mean I don't have, I don't need a coach. I don't have time for a coach. I'm swamped and everything else I'm doing. Why is it important to get coaching? And then maybe follow that up with, you know, the services that you provide and maybe if someone was seeing this could use your services, how can they get connected? Yeah. So I just, you know, if this is not in the Bible, probably should be. I do think coaching is biblical. Proverbs 1920 says, get all the advice and instruction you can so you'll be wise the rest of your life over his 2018 plan, succeed through good counsel. Do not go to war without wise advice. So what we're really talking about is not just talking to a buddy or a friend or even a mentor, we're done having a coach, having somebody who, you know, we can call, it's a doll, a friend. But frankly we have skin in the game and that relationship that can help us become and do, I think coaching protects us. We all have blind spots. You know, in my live events and coaching networks and cohorts, I'll often ask for a show of hands, how many of you guys know what your blind spots are? And they'll rise. A few will inevitably raise their hands. Then I'll finish by saying, no, you don't. Very idea that their blind spots that your major blind to them, you don't know what they are. Once you've discovered them, they're just sins in your life. So, so I think, I think coaching protects us, you know, because it helps us sort of reveal our blind rear view mirrors, help protect us from backing into things and running over things and people, you know, and, and a coach can provide that for us. I think coaching gets permission. You know, a lot of intuitive leaders that we work with, they have, they have a good sense of what needs to be done. The conversations need to be had, whatever. They just need to hear someone say, you're not crazy. You can do that. You're right. They're not going to make it. You, you, you need to hear that today. I think, you know, coaching provides, um, encouragement and inspiration. You know, there were many, many days and my life in ministry, we're up just about, been ready to quit, jump off of something, you know, maybe kill somebody and it's my coach. It's, you know, quote taught me off the ledge and I came away from every single coaching conversation I ever had encouraged. I can't say that about a conference. I mean, there've been times when I came away inspired their towns, like come awake and deemed, you know, because I can't possibly do what they do or whatever. But every coaching conversation where I had, I came away encouraged, you know, and I think coach coaching challenges us. I think we all need to be challenged. I think we need accountability. I think all of us, whether admitted or not, we are naturally lazy. We will always want to do the easy thing. You know, we want a microwave, the oatmeal if at all possible. So you want, if you want to crisis at our house. My microwave went out a few months ago and it was quite as for all five members of my faith crisis. Okay. And we had to go back to putting things on the stove, God. And then we're reminded that people live this way. Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years. So they were fine. So we want to microwave everything and the truth is like we need someone to help us not be so lazy and holding us accountable, you know, along the way. And then I think just isolation and loneliness. I think coaching confronts, you know, both of those. I think most leaders are lonely. Most of us don't have close friends and just debate and be able to have a safe person to talk things through with helps us fill out, we're not alone and have somebody else say, yeah, I've been there, done that. Got The tee shirt, got the scars to prove it. And let me tell you how I, how I got through that. And that's what has done for me. And it's what we try to provide for leaders. I know that. So as soon as, as soon as, can you talk about the services you provide or how to get connected with your network? Your courage to lead? Yeah, so the lion's share of what we do is one on one coaching. I mean that's what we love to do. We have some other offerings, but our goal always is to be a one on one relationship with, you know, the people we work with. You know, at the time of this recording, we have almost 20 coaches all over North America. And a lot of these guys and gals are people that I've coached or spent time with, invested into an equipped as coaches. We have a model, the personal years of growth and the organizational gears of growth. But as much as anything, we're talking about wisdom and we're talking about health, you know, so when you get a coach with us, you get somebody's cell phone number and you can call and text email and you're going to get to talk to them that day. You know, we're going to sit down with you every month, you know, whether it's virtual or onsite or some combination there between, and then we want to be with you, you know, six, 12 months. We want to spend some time with you. We're not consultants. You know what some are calling. Coaching is really training what some are calling. Coaching is really content delivery and I'm not against that. I just don't think that's coaching. I think coaching requires a relationship over time. I'll watch you practice in play and I give you that feedback, you know? And that's what we try to provide, you know, to the people that that you know, that we're working with. I love that when they can check all this out and I think, did I see if they can get a free consult to start? Absolutely. First calls on us. Great. I'll include links to all of them on the show notes if you're listening to this and want to get connected. So that's phenomenal. Um, I want to talk a little bit about the church leadership. Obviously you've been involved with the church world forever. Um, I'm just curious, what trends are you seeing in the church world today and what advice do you have for church leaders? Well, you know, Larry Osborne, it was another one of my mentors. He's become a friend who wrote a sticky church, sticky teams. You know, he wrote a book years ago about just working with church boards and leadership. He was the first one I ever heard say probably 15 years now. You know, be aware of the shiny new thing. And, and even though, you know, everybody wants to say we've got the silver bullet, you know, I, I don't believe there is such a thing, you know, if curriculum was going to solve the world's problems, you know, lifeway would have done that by now, you know, it would, would've saved the world. So everybody's looking for like the new structure, the new system, you know, we need to be organic. It would need to be missional, you know, we need to be this or that or the other. The truth is it rises and falls on leadership. I mean we'll only, we'll only go as far and, and grow as expansive as the leadership base. This was true in the book of acts, you know, there were rumblings of discontent until they got new leaders in the right seats at the right time in act six. And the church, you know, could multiply rapidly again. And I think that's always going to be our great enterprise and gas. Sort of forget that. They think it's about, you know, what songs they do, our preaching style or how many followers they can get on social media, how many books I can write. I mean, I know all I know guys that are doing all the right things and those are the ministers. You're not growing, you know, because they've not developed a leadership culture and they don't have a healthy ministry, cultural team systems. So if we get, I get asked all the time, can you guarantee we're going to grow? You know, if we work with you guys? Well, no, but yes, because if I get your, if I help you get your culture, if you get healthier and I get your culture healthier and your team in the right seats on the right and then we make your systems healthier and more effective. Yes. Sooner or later you're going to grow. We can't presume on growth, but we can get prepared for growth. Too many of us, like we want the girl, I'm all for the great commission, just not at the expense of the great commandment. The great commandment comes first, it's health, then growth. And sometimes I see ministry leaders give get the cart before. So there's really nothing new under the sun. You know what, what, what worked, you know, small groups. That's the new, that's acts chapter one, you know, to Pentecost came in a small group meeting, you know what I'm saying? There's nothing new under the sun. So it's about the, it's about being, you know, focused on what I call the blocking and tackling of leadership, the blocking and tackling a ministry and working whatever your plan is, working your plan. That's good up. I had a pastor say this once I loved and he said, whenever you see God using someone in a significant way, you should always just ask God God, what is it about them that allows them to be used in such a such a way that they're being used? And I know you're around some of the world's greatest leaders. Are there any attributes or things or patterns that you see in them, you know, the Chris Hodges, yourself, etc. That would position people to be used by God in a significant way. I know you talked about getting healthy systems, culture, et Cetera, but I'm just curious as you spend time with the superstars, so to speak, what have you seen HeartWise that we should be aware of? I would say one thing above all others and it drives everything we've been talking about. Intent to now with the, you know, the, all the leaders that I know that are knocking it out of the park, they are extremely intentional. They are focused. They live their lives based upon priorities. They are extremely disciplined. They say no to just about everything and everyone except the few things that they feel is allowing them to accomplish the vision that God's placed on their hearts. I got, you know, as a time of this recording, I've got to have a cool little discussion with Craig Rochelle last year. I ended up seeing him different places, you know, two or three times a year. It's weird. He's mentored me from a distance. I haven't hung out with Craig a lot, but I've hung out with him in small, very small circles and on several occasions over the years, and he said to me something last year, he said, Sean, my number one goal for 2017 this is right for 2017 he said, my number one goal for this year is to initiate way more so than I respond to things people. And I thought, and I already viewed Craig as one of the most disciplined people, you know, his, his arms are bigger than his head these days, you know, and he starts work every day. He told me this the last time I saw him this past November, he starts work every day at 7:00 AM, starts work after his time alone with the Lord, helping out with this 27 children and all of that. He starts work at seven, then he stops at four and goes to the gym, you know, so that he can be home and help out in the afternoon has thought, you know, that that's an extremely, extremely disciplined focused person. Once again. I love that. That's fantastic answer. I'm glad I asked that. It wasn't in the questions. Um, I would just leave this open ended before we jump into the lightning round. But young leaders, I know you talked a little bit about networking, but if you could sit down with a room full of 20 somethings, early 30 somethings, what would you tell them? Yeah, talk about what's going to give one piece of advice for young leaders. I would say have what I call a wit attitude. It wit attitude. You're probably familiar with this, but it's a whatever it takes attitude. Like I tell young leaders all the time, don't decide like what you want to do for a living. This side of the type of people you want to do it with, decided the type of culture you want to operate in because it fits a fast car with an organization and you plug into it and you're young, you're probably going to be asked to do 27 different things over 10 years if you stay there. So be willing to do anything. Everything. I'm not a big fan of spiritual gift inventory tests. I'll tip my hat there in my hand because that's me assessing myself and my giftedness. You know, I don't know if you've watched the early episodes of American idol is coming back this year, but we are not good assessors of ourselves without some outside perspective. So I think more often we jump in somehow. They survived in the early church without spiritual gift inventory. You know, how did they do it? That they jumped in and they did whatever it takes. They picked up a towel and they washed feet and they mop floors and they served the bread, whatever it took. They lead the Bible study and then when they spoke up in that meeting and they said, Doug Smith, when you share your spiritual story, the room sits on the edge of their seats and you begin to realize, maybe I'm gifted at communication, you know, versus taking some abstract test that says you have the gift of prophecy. You know what I'm saying? So I would say roll up your sleeves, be willing to do everything your spiritual authority asks with great passion and the ones as a, as a leader, the ones I'm always eyeing for executive leadership are the ones who are willing to do whatever it takes to pay the high price of the calling to be part of our organization that are willing to give up, to go up you that are, that are willing to demonstrate. But now I love God and love the vision, but they love me enough to do whatever. Asked him to do. And if I believe they loved God, loved the vision of love me with all their hearts, I'm going to ask them to go with me for a long time. And so it ends up benefiting them, benefiting them. But I see a lot of leaders, you know, young sort of disdain being asked to do the load, the Lolita, thanks. You know, which is just not, doesn't even reflect the heart and character of Jesus who made himself a servant and made himself nothing and therefore God exalted him. And I think if we humble ourselves, will lift us up in do you time in due time.

Doug Smith:

That's good. Um, before we jump into the lightning round again, is there anything that maybe I didn't touch on that you think would be valuable for leaders or anything else you want to leave leaders with?

Shawn Lovejoy:

Yeah, I would just say for ministry leaders in general, you know, the number one piece of advice I give is never quit on Monday. It always gets better on Tuesday. You know, and the great benefit about having a team around you is you usually don't want to quit on the same day. Hmm. And most leaders quit right before the harvest. Um, so just be too dumb to quit. I was, and it's paid off so far. I hear it. You hear it. I mean, we all here. I think the temptations of Christ have the temptation to give up and quit on the mission written all over them. I mean, it's the primary thing and I think it's one of the major attack strategies of the evil one, is to just try to get us to pack up and go home, be quiet, go away, settle for something less. Stop dreaming. Stop believing in yourself and in what God's placed on your heart. So just don't doubt have faith, not just in God, but in God through you that you can see this thing through. Just don't quit on it.

Doug Smith:

Hey everyone, thank you so much for listening to our interview with Sean. Love, joy. You can find ways to connect with Sean and links to everything that we discussed in the show forward slash episode one 79 you can also listen to our lighting round interview in episode number 180 and I'd highly encourage you to do that. It's extremely valuable. As always, if you enjoy this podcast, it would mean the world to me. If you would subscribe, leave a rating and review or share this on social media, it really does make a difference or thank you so much for being a listener. I don't take that for granted and if you want to stay up to date with everything we're doing here at l three leadership, you can simply go to our and sign up for our email list. As always, I like to end with a quote and I'll call Craig Rochelle and this one he said this, he said, it's the things that no one sees that result in the things that everyone wants. I love that. It's the things that no one sees that result in the things that everyone wants. I love that. Thanks for listening and being a part of l three leadership. My wife Laura, and I appreciate you so much and we'll talk to you next episode.

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