Pipeline.Church - the podcast

Roar: Living out the message

Jeff Atherton
ROAR: Truth in a world of opinionsText: Acts 9:1-19Topic: The importance of “being there”Big idea of the message: We are called to be the carriers of the TRUTH but also the strength and support for those who are new to Christ.What are we supposed to do?- Ananias was LISTENING- Ananias was SURRENDERED- Abraham (Gen 22:1)- Jacob (Gen 31:11; 46:2)- Moses (Ex 3:11)- Samuel (1Sam 3:4-8)- Isaiah (Isa 6:8)- Ananias was OBEDIENT- He was doubtful- He was scared- ***May have been decided when God told Him he needed to show Saul how much he was going to suffer- Ananias was PRESENT