Living Proof with Bishop Joseph Castillo

Blood Covenant 4A

Bishop Joseph Castillo Season 3 Episode 16

This is the fourth week into the series on Blood Covenant

As we listen to this message their is a deep conviction that this teaching is among one of the most important studies you can embark on as a believer. 

The understanding of our covenant with God is the most important cornerstone for your faith in the days ahead. 

This series was recorded at All Nations main campus in Beijing, China. Stay tuned next week for part 4B of is this message next week. 

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to living proof the teaching ministry of Joseph Castillo. We encourage you to listen to today's message over and over again so that the word of God will be in your spirit, be a blessing, share it with your friends and we pray that you'll be transformed by the renewing of your mind. We also invite you to visit us

Speaker 2:

hey man, we are talking a bout covenant over the last several weeks and it has been a very, very great and rich subject and we are finally today going to get into an example that God gave us in the earth. I'm covenant concerning the marriage, the marriage covenant, how, but I do want to just kind of recap and review and continue where we left off last week with the Covenant Provisions and as the PowerPoint running this have that running so I don't have to turn around and look while we're on TV. Amen. A covenant provisions. Hallelujah. One of the Covenant Provisions that we learned about over the last few weeks was not only the redemption of man, but the redemption of earth. So I'm going to go in reverse a little bit and I want to look first at the redemption of men at Galatians chapter three verses 13 and 14 and all my foundation class graduates, you know this one by heart, right? Amen. Galatians chapter three verse 13 and 14 says, this, Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law. Say, I am redeemed. He been made the curse for us, for it is written, cursed is everyone that hangeth on the tree that the blessing of Abraham might come on the gentiles through Jesus Christ, that we might receive the promise of the spirit through faith. Faith is the key and the doorway for everything that you have in this life in Christ. Amen. And everything you have on this life comes from God. Amen. So faith is the key, and the redemption of man was purchased for us through the blood of Jesus Christ. But that redemption was the redemption of God's restorative agents. In other words, the God redeem people and God was now in turn going to give those people that he redeemed the Ministry of Reconciliation. So the people that God that Jesus had, the first thing that Jesus reconciled was man. And that what you reconcile would then be given the Ministry of reconciliation. Do you understand that? So God reconciled you and me, and then he gave us the job or the task. I'll reconciliation. The Bible says the Ministry of Reconciliation. Now the word ministry in the Greek means through the dirt. Amen. How do you say ministry in Greek dot. Dolos the Erchonia. It means that these are Greek specter. Amen. Hey Ma, it means through the dirt working in through the dirt. So you have to understand that all the glory belongs to God because you're just dirt. Amen. Somebody says, oh, you saved me. Praise Lord, you saved me. You know? Well, no, I didn't save you. That was God working through my dirt. I in my flesh am nothing but dirt. Amen. But as God that is working in me, he do with the works. Didn't Jesus say that? Amen. So the word to minister means the Holy Spirit to operate through your dirt. So to give a ministry means allowing the Holy Spirit to operate through your dirt. Hallelujah. And I don't mean your dirty sin, even though he does operate past that. Hallelujah. Hey ma'am. But I mean through your flesh and blood were made from the dirt. Amen. And as a matter of fact, on that point, I've had some of the greatest miracles I've ever seen on my worst character days. The day is where I really, I mean, one of the lady we prayed first, she got totally healed of a final stage cancer. She only had three months to live and she was totally healed, say, baptized, delivered cancer free. And that particular day that I administered her, I was, I was, I was just coming out of sin the same day. And I wasn't planning to go minister. If I was going to go minister to her, I would have known that either been fasting and praying, right? But I was actually having a day full of sin. Then I get a call. Oh, Joey, I was only 17 years old. Joey, you're the only man of God. We know I was 17 I guess they thought I was a man of God because he used to carry a Bible everywhere. Hey man, you're the only man of God. When you know, and this sister, our neighbor is dying of cancer. She has three months to live and she's dying of cancer. Can you go and pray for her? I said, not today.

Speaker 3:

You see, the reason why we don't see the miracle power of God is because our belief system is not lined up with the word of God's belief system, but when we begin to line up our belief system with the word of God, then we begin to see the miraculous amen.

Speaker 1:

Call now and get Joseph Casteo's supernatural healing CD series, which includes almost six hours of inductive Bible teaching, inspirational preaching on how to fight for your healing when it's God's timing for a miracle, is it God's will to heal everyone? This is an exclusive offer for our living proof audience. Yours for a donation of only$49 shipping and handling are included in addition order. And we will throw in a free Usb, some drives for your computer along with your CD site.

Speaker 2:

I said, today is not going to be a good day. Let me go and fast and pray and come back next week after I sanctify myself. See if what you have done to stand that's old testament theology after you sanctify yourself New Testament is you've been sanctified by the, by, by one offering. Amen. You've been sanctified by Jesus Christ. Say I'm sanctify. Amen. Hallelujah. And you become more sanctified in the flesh as you get a greater revelation that you've already been sanctified. Amen. So I, I know this. So I went into the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror and I said, you're a man of God. You're washed by the blood of Jesus. You're the righteousness of God in Christ. You are sanctify, you are perfect before him. And I had to encourage myself to get in the faith zone to minister to her because we can't minister to people when we're conscious of our dirt. So ministry is through the dirt. So I just, I, I, I've washed my face with cold water. I just declared on the righteous of God in Christ. I put that in my spirit and then I walked out of that bathroom like I was Smith. Wigglesworth Hallelujah. Some of you guys don't know who that is, so let me just say like I was superman. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. That bathroom did for me. What Clark Kent when a phone booth did for Clark Kent. Hallelujah. Amen. I walked out of that bathroom when there pray for her power of God hit the lady. She fell on the ground and I didn't even pray for her to get the gift of tongues. I just pray for the demon of cancer to come out. She fell on the ground, passed out. I went and then pray for a husband and while I was praying for her husband, I heard in the other room. All of a sudden she just, she just got baptized in the Holy Spirit, didn't ask for it and I didn't pray for it. She just got baptized in the Holy Spirit when that it was Saturday night, Sunday morning came, the church got water baptized, and on Monday went back to the doctor had zero cancer in her body. God reconciles us because he wants us to be the agents of reconciliation. And that wreck is sill agents of reconciliation as, as not just having to do with reconciling people. But as we discussed briefly in Romans chapter eight and we'll look at that now, Romans eight 18 that the earth has also been cursed and that we see the god had made a with a call, those teleric covenant, even with the Stars and the moon and the orbit, that there was that, that all of these things were infected. The very first Sunday that we taught on this subject, we even saw the all the way up to the, all the way up to heaven, up to but not including, not including the throne of God, was defiled by the sin of Adam. All of this was defiled. And when Jesus died to shed his blood, we understand that he had to go and he had the cleanse, the heavenly temple cleanse the utensils and heaven. Amen. So we are reconciled to be Aiden's of reconciliation. And there was still a world out there to be reconciled. X amount of billion people, two, 3 billion people in this world on saved unreconciled with God. But we see here in Romans chapter eight verses 18 not only are there people waiting to beat reconcile, but there is much more than that waiting to be reconciled. And you are the agents of reconciliation. Say, I am an agent, a reconciliation. Hallelujah. My son said, my son says, what's an agent? I said, what's an angel? What do you mean? He said, what's an agent? So I had explained him, FBI agent, CIA agent.

Speaker 3:

You see, the reason why we don't see the miracle power of God is because our belief system is not lined up with the word of God's belief system. But when we begin to line up our belief system with the word of God, then we begin to see the miraculous. Amen.

Speaker 1:

Call now and get Joseph Casteo's supernatural healing CD series, which includes almost six hours of in depth Bible teaching, inspirational preaching on how to fight for your healing. When is God's timing for a miracle? Is it God's will to heal everyone? This is an exclusive offer for our living proof audience. Yours for a donation of only$49 shipping and handling are included in addition order and we will throw in a free USB thumb drives for your computer along with your CD side.

Speaker 2:

Here's the Osages our police. I said, well, yeah, unless you're an insurance agent is all no, I'm really lost. That was an insurance agent. Amen. But you aren't agents say, ma'am, Romans eight 18 for I reckon that the suffering of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us for the earnest expectation of the creature. Wait, if for the manifestations of the sons of god, why is creation waiting for the sons of God? Because the sons of God, we're reconciled so they can reconcile. So creation is waiting for that which has been reconciled to reconcile itself for the creature. Verse 20 was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reasonable him say Adam, who has subjected the same and hope, but the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God is an interesting that when the churches got together and unified in Guatemala and when they had revival in Guatemala and has been documented by the transformations video, that these, that these villagers, these farmers that got saved, that were poor, struggling after they got saved, their vegetables quadrupled in size and as documented. Yeah. It'll give the lord a handclap for that. Amen. They were, they have a, I'm, I'm Guatemalan and sometimes I'm shy to say it because Guatemala is a really short, dark people, you know, and uh, like Cubans are very, you know, or the Colombians are very beautiful like Shakira, you know, and the Guatemalans are really short mountain people, you know, but I'm Guatemalan. Hallelujah. I sometimes, I wish I was Puerto Rican or something. I can sell us a dance or something. You know, but I'm Guatemalan. We're just kind of short farmers. That's all we are. Hallelujah. And these, my, my kinfolk, my Guatemalan farmers, they were all poor and I'm this transformation's video. You'll see these little short dark guys and then, and they had these huge vegetables. They have carrots, the size of their forearm, cucumbers, the size of their forearm, like about this round and this big, and then I'm like[inaudible] and they're showing their giant vegetables and giant tomatoes. It looks like Canaan land. Has Anybody seen this documentary transformations? Now? All of those farmers in the city that converted to Christianity, they're all driving Mercedes Benz now. Amen. Hallelujah. What happened when those who were reconciled began to appropriate the covenant of Reconciliation of the land. The land began to be restored. Hallelujah. Not only is this, God wants to restore mad, but God wants to restore land and there are villages, there are cities or towns, there are nations that God wants to restore. Not only the people, but even bring fruitfulness and abundance and plentiful in this back to the land. Amen. We saw him to curse. One of the things that was cursed in the fall was the ground was cursed and the agents of a redemption of the ground are the children of God. That's why our church is going to be going and we've been trained in the last six months going into poor villages in South East Asia, Mongolia, Butan, Vietnam, Cambodia, going into port villages, teaching them how to make their land prosper yield, because as part of the assignment of the reconcile was to reconcile the land. Amen. Not just get more blessings for myself, Hallelujah, but to records,

Speaker 3:

you see, the reason why we don't see the miracle power of God is because our belief system is not lined up with the word of God's belief system, but when we begin to line up our belief system with the word of God, then we begin to see the miraculous amen.

Speaker 1:

Call now and get Joseph Castillo's supernatural healing CD series, which includes almost six hours of inductive Bible teaching, inspirational preaching on how to fight for your healing. When is God's timing for a miracle? Is it God's will to heal everyone? This is an exclusive offer for our living proof audience. Yours for a donation of only$49 shipping and handling are included in addition order. And we will throw in a free USB thumb drives for your computer along with your CD side

Speaker 2:

south people and record the earth. Bring it under God's blessing and authority. Amen. We've been given the Ministry of Reconciliation. Hallelujah. Now let's take a look at God's example of a covenant, the marriage ceremony as an example of God's covenant in the Earth. In a marriage ceremony, you have a few things. One, you have the announcement of the change and this change is I'm, I come in as a single person, but I leave as a United couple. Once you are married to a spouse, you are no longer two but you are now one. But you're too, but you're one. Wait a minute. Jesus, son, Holy Spirit. There's three, no, yeah, there's three, but they're one s and that's the same mystery of a marriage relationship. There's the husband and the wife there too, but they're one. Amen. We can't understand necessarily all spiritual things with the carnal mind, but we do understand that these two now become one flesh. Amen. Now you got two people with different ideas, different opinions, different likes, different tastes. So for these two, to assimilate and become one is very difficult. Mary people say Amen. Hallelujah. I like pizza. My wife likes radishes. It my house for dinner, we have three different meals. We have my western meal, my wife's Chinese meal, and then my kids kids meal. You know, they like grilled cheese sandwiches and stuff like that, so we'll have a grilled cheese sandwich. The other one, I have a peanut butter and jelly. I have a little pizza and my wife would have a bowl of noodles and every meal we have three, four different meals at one table. Amen. Hallelujah. Because it's very hard to assimilate and become one. Hallelujah. My wife said one of the favorite things that she likes to do with me is forced me to eat her foods. I just love it when you eat my stinky Tofu. Hallelujah. I don't know who. Amen. I said, Amen. Amen. Well, I like it when she watches movies with me. That's what I like to do. Amen. So this is, simulation is difficult. Somebody has to yield, and usually it's the man. Amen. Amen. Say Amen. This is how my family operates. I yield on the small things, which is almost everything all day long, but she yields on the big things. Amen. So where are we live? Where we go to school, these big things, seals. But on the small things like you know, every day I yield. Amen. That's kind of how we run our family. But we have to have some kind of agreement because we're one now we're no longer too. Amen. I'm sure Nico's your house till you have also two meals. Every meal you eat, one salad and one salad with cheese. Hallelujah. Amen. And when he goes, says are our resident vegetarian, amen. Oh, we are to here. Amen. Vegan, Vegan, Vegan, Amen. Amen. How do you say Vegan and Greek? That's what I want to know. Amen. No, I'm just joking to become what? That's also a picture of our union with the Lord God. And you also become one. Jesus said, me and the father are one, and I pray that you would also be one. Amen. So this marriage covenant gives us, is given us by God to give us a physical three dimensional. Uh, you know, this realm example of Covenant in Union. The marriage covenant is death to our single nature as a new creation. We come out as a couple before God. Now let me go over some parts of a marriage covenant. We have six parts to a marriage covenant. The first one is agreement on the terms. Let's read this together. Let's say it together. One, two, three, one, two, three, four, five, and six. Somebody say covenant. That's the making of the covenants. The consummation. Now let's take a look here. Number one, the on the Bauhaus, you know, every wedding ceremony you seen, there's usually an,

Speaker 3:

you see, the reason why we don't see the miracle power of God is because our belief system is not lined up with the word of God's belief system. But when we begin to line up our belief system with the word of God, then we begin to see the miraculous. Amen.

Speaker 1:

Call now and get Joseph Castillo's supernatural healing CD series, which includes almost six hours of inductive Bible teaching and inspirational preaching on how to fight for your healing. When is God's timing for a miracle? Is it God's will to heal everyone? This is an exclusive offer for our living proof audience. Yours for a donation of only$49 shipping and handling are included in addition order and we will throw in a free USB thumb drives for your computer along with your CD side

Speaker 2:

change of bows. I saw one movie with Bernie Mac and he got his loves. He got his his bowels from a love song. Hey Man, this waste of, wait a minute, I've heard that song before. Amen. Some of you guys can make your own bowels. Hallelujah. Don't take it from a love song though. Please say, man, some of those you'll repeat the bowels given to you by the priest or the pastor or whatever. But there is an exchange of vows now in the covenant with God, our exchange of vows or our terms from death do us part to sit in this do and how these are the terms of the Covenant in Christ as we come to Christ, that that, that that is like our confession of faith in Jesus Christ is the surrendering of your life and the making of him Lord. So when you confessed Christ and you make him the lord of your life, somebody say, if he's not lord of all, stay with me. If he's not lord of all, he's not Lord at all. Amen. If he's not lord of all, he's not Lord at all. Hallelujah. Jesus, or how do you call me? Master, master, Lord, Lord, but you do not what I say. So on the camps of entering covenant with God, you make him the Lord of all. You don't just accept him as your personal savior, him that forgives you, but you also make him the lord of your life. You go from Satan being the lord of your life and the whims of your flesh, the whims of your thoughts, the whims of your heart. You do because Satan is the lord of your life. But now you transfer over and make Jesus the Lord of your life. And no matter what those whims are, what those temptations are, what those desires are, what those attacks are, you still submit to Jesus and you refuse because he's Lord of all. Amen. So these are the terms of your covenant. Secondly, you have the bowels. So excuse me, the thirdly, you have the witnesses. Praise the Lord. I trust you are blessed and courage. We have more on this series coming to you next week. So tune in next week and catch the broadcast. Make sure you call and send in a donation, sending a seed, support this ministry if it's blessed you in any way, if you think it will bless and encourage others, your financial support is very important. If you go to our website and[inaudible] dot com forward slash store you could get some of our ministry products, CD's, and we'll be offering the DVDs of all these sermons coming soon. So go visit us online like us on Facebook at our youtube channel. Where are you going to get a bunch of bonus materials? Everything that you don't see on the show, you're going to get that on the youtube channel and have church at Youtube and be blessed and encouraged. We love you. We want to encourage you to read, dig the wells of our fathers, and also dig new wells from a dog. I was

Speaker 4:

going to do our generation.

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