Bethlehem Community Church

For Such A Time As This!

Bethlehem Community Church

Series:  Special Message           Sunday, March 24, 2019 -- Sermon Questions


  1. Do you believe that God has a plan for your life? 
  2. Read Esther 2:1-9.  Do you think it was chance that caused Hegai to favor Esther?  Was it chance, do you think, King Xerxes chose Esther to be his Queen (see Esther 2:16-18)? 
  3. What is the Providence of God?  How do we see it in the story of Esther (see Esther 4:13-14)?  Discuss the story of Corrie Ten Boom and her sister Betsy in Ravensbrook.  
  4. Do you see your life as a series of coincidences, or do you see your life being directed by the hand of God?  (Can you give examples?) 
  5. Why do you think God is not mentioned in the book of Esther?