Bethlehem Community Church

Running From Grace

Pastor Andrew Watkins
This Sunday, we’re kicking off our new series through the book of Jonah, entitled “Jonah: A Story of God’s Grace.” We’ll be looking at Jonah 1 and find Jonah “Running from Grace” as we see that God graciously and relentlessly pursues us even when our hearts are far from Him. Title: “Running from Grace” 
Text: Jonah 1 
Big Idea: God graciously and relentlessly pursues us even when our hearts are far from Him. 
Outline: A heart that’s running from grace is… 
1. Disobedient to God’s Word. (1-3) 
2. Indifferent to God’s discipline. (4-10) 
3. Unrepentant for sin. (11-17) 
We all know the story - God said “go” and Jonah said “no.” We know about the fish and the boat and the storm too. But what’s the book of Jonah really about? Hint: It’s not about the fish. The book of Jonah is so much more than just a good Sunday School lesson. It's really an incredible story of God’s grace that has implications for every single one of us.