Bethlehem Community Church

Dealing with Jerks

Bethlehem Community Church
Sermon Questions1. What are the different kinds of jerks? What kind of jerk are you? 2. Read Philippians1:15-18. Who were the jerks that Paul had to deal with? What were they saying about him? 3. What was the lie of those “jerk” preachers that Paul was dealing with? How old is this lie? (I.e., talk about Job and look at Job 4:7, 8:3, 11:16.) Are we still dealing with this lie today? 4. Read 2 Timothy 3:10-13. What truth are these verses giving us? 5. Why will the true followers of Jesus suffer? (See Ephesians 6:10-12.) 6. Why does Satan go after the Spirit-filled believer? 7. What is one of the main ways Satan attacks the Spirit-filled believer? 8. Do you see Satan attacking you? 9. What is the best way to deal with jerks? Talk about the 3 ways of disarming jerks. (See Philippians 1:17-18 and Psalm 26:4.)