Bethlehem Community Church

Entrusted with Grace

Bethlehem Community Church

“Entrusted with Grace”

Titus 2:11-15

Big Idea: God’s grace saturates the Christian life from beginning to end.



1.  God’s grace has saved us from sin’s penalty. (11)


2.  God’s grace is saving us from sin’s power. (12)


            3.  God’s grace will save us from sin’s presence. (13)


            4.  God’s grace saves us for Jesus’ possession. (14-15)


Closing Thoughts:

The word grace brings many different thoughts to our minds. Maybe you think of fond memories of a favorite old hymn. Perhaps you remember what it felt like to be far from God and then understand His grace for the first time. Many of us associate grace with salvation, but don’t really see how it plays into the Christian life. This week in Titus 2:11-15, we’re going to see that God’s grace saturates the Christian life from beginning to end.

God bless you all!