Bethlehem Community Church

Making a Statement

April 09, 2017 Bethlehem Community Church
Series: The Book of Philippians -- Sunday, April 9, 2017 -- Sermon Questions“MAKING A STATEMENT” 1. It has been said, “Life is a journey.” Where will your journey end up? 2.In Philippians 3:18, Paul talks about people “who are enemies of the cross.” Who are these people? 3.Why must a true Christian go through the cross? (See Luke 9:23-24.) 4.What does Paul mean in Philippians 3:19 when he says “their stomach is their god”? 5.What does Paul mean in Philippians 3:19 when he says “their glory is their shame”? 6.What does Paul mean in Philippians 3:19 when he says “their mind is set on earthly things”. (See also Colossians 3:1-4.) 7.Read Philippians 3:20-21. What should be the reality, hope and motivation ofthe true Christian? Is this really true of you? Why or why not?If you would like to not receive any more emails from Bethlehem Community Church, then click here to unsubscribe.