Bethlehem Community Church

Defusing Disharmony

Bethlehem Community Church
Bethlehem Community Church Share this podcast on Facebook The Book of Philippians Pastor Frank Wray “DEFUSING DISHARMONY”Sermon Questions1. When you think of conflict, what comes to mind? 2.Does conflict always have to be bad? 3.Is comparing humans to porcupines a good comparison? Why or why not? 4.Should there be a difference in the conflict two Christians have, verses two people of this world? 5.Read Phil. 4:2-3. What kind of conflict do you think Euodia and Syntyche were having? (See Luke 22:23-24.) 6.What does Paul mean by “agree” in Philippians 4:2? 7.What is necessary for two believers to agree, according to Philippians 4:2? 8.Read Phil. 4:3. Why is it sometimes necessary to have a “loyal yokefellow” to help in a conflict? What kind of “yokefellow” should you be looking for? 9.If your life was to be summed up in a single statement, what would that statement be? What would you want it to be? What do you think you will be known or remembered for at the end of your life?