Bethlehem Community Church

Worry or Pray ?

Bethlehem Community Church
Series: The Book of Philippians -- Sunday, May 21, 2017 -- Sermon Questions“WORRY OR PRAY?”1.Do you agree with the statement that stress is a part of everyday life? How do you handle your stress? 2.Read Philippians 4:6. What do you think about Paul’s statement that we (believers) are not to worry? (Point out Jesus agrees with Paul. See Matthew 6:25-32.) 3.Oswald Chambers (i.e., My Utmost for His Highest) says that “worry is a sin.” Do you agree? If you do, why is it a sin? What does worry signify? 4.Read Matthew 13:22. What does Jesus say that worry does here? 5.In what way does worry reflect a dark or wicked heart? 6.What do most Americans really want out of life? Why is it a recipe for worry/anxiety? 7.Why did Jesus never worry? Why do we worry? 8.In Philippians 4:6, what does Paul say is the solution to worry? What does praying do? 9.Why is it important to “thank” God after you make your prayer request? 10. Read Philippians 4:7. What is the peace that Paul is promising the believer? Do you have that peace? Why or why not?