Bethlehem Community Church

What Are You Thinking?

Bethlehem Community Church
Series: The Book of Philippians Pastor Frank Wray“WHAT ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT?” 1.Read Philippians 4:8. What is Paul’s main point? 2.Why is what we are thinking so important? 3.What is Satan’s goal when it comes to humans? (See John 8:42-44.) 4.Lie #10 of Satan is: “he does not exist.” Why is this such a powerful lie? How do we know that Satan can plant thoughts in our minds? (See Matthew 16:16-21.) 5.Read 2 Corinthians 10:5. Why is this verse so important? What question should every believer ask about a thought they are having? 6.Lie #9 of Satan is: All truth is relative. Why is this statement self-defeating? Why does the truth matter? (See John 8:32, 18:37, 14-6.) 7.Lie #8 of Satan is: The Bible is a man-made book. What are the implications of this lie? What are generally the vast majority of “errors” in the Bible? 8.What is the real problem most people have with the Bible? (See Psalm 2:1-12.) 9.What is one major proof that the Bible is inspired? (See 2 Peter 1:20.) 10. Read Luke 24:25-27. What is Jesus saying here about the inspiration of Scripture?