Bethlehem Community Church

Who's Plan?

April 08, 2018 Bethlehem Community Church
Good morning BCC Church family;As I have been preparing Sunday’s message, I wanted to try something a bit different. As you know, each Sunday we end the sermon with a challenge. Some of us take the challenge seriously, some use it to reflect on the message and some of us forget the challenge by the time we hit the car. So, I wanted to shake it up a little and I wanted to give you a “pre-challenge.” We will be looking at the life of Gideon in Judges 6 and 7. I want to get practical with how we plan out our lives for Christian service. The “pre-challenge” is this: take 1 of the remaining days this week and write down your plan for that whole day. Try to be as specific as possible. When you write down “wake up” write down what time you plan to wake up. If you plan on reading the bible, plan what time you will read and for how long. Do you commute to work? How long will that take? When will you have lunch? With whom? What will you eat? Try to be as specific as possible. The next step is to review the plan you had for that day at the end of the day. If you chose to plan out Thursday for example, then Thursday evening check your plan for the day and see how much you accomplished. What was different between the plan you had written down and what actually happened? Note the differences. Bring that plan with you to church on Sunday. I trust that this exercise will help prepare us for Sundays message.In Him,Geoff