Bethlehem Community Church

The Most Important Thing

Bethlehem Community Church
Sunday, April 22, 2018 -- Sermon Questions -- Series: Real Christianity “THE MOST IMPORTANT THING” 1. Why would Satan attack the doctrine of the necessity of being born again?2. What is humanity’s greatest problem? (See Romans 3:23 and 6:23.)3. Why is it foolish to put so much emphasis on this life? (See James 4:13-14.)4.What is the Good News? (See 2 Peter 3:9 and John 3:16.)5.What is God’s reality verses Satan’s reality? Why is Satan’s reality so powerful? (See 2 Corinthians 4:4.)6.Why, in your opinion, do many preachers and Christians not use or like the term born-again?7.Why is being born-again so important? (See John 3:1-9.)8.What does it mean to be born of water? (See John 3:5.) Why is it most likely a reference to John’s baptism? (Connect it to Jesus’ message; i.e., Mark 1:15.)9.What is repentance? Is repentance optional?10.What is the cost of true repentance? (See Luke 14:25-33.) When is the last time you heard anyone preach or teach that salvation/true repentance will cost you?11.What did you think of Ayan’s story?