Bethlehem Community Church

Questions - Clearing Up Confusion

Bethlehem Community Church
Series: Straight Answers -- Sunday, August 5, 2018 -- Sermon Questions “CLEARING UP CONFUSION” 1. What is involved in “being saved”? 2. What is justification? 3. Read Romans 3:20. What is it saying? Do you think people see themselves as basically bad or good? 4. What is the problem with the question, “Why doesn’t God get rid of the bad/evil in the world”? 5. Read Romans 3:23-2 What are these verses saying? 6. Read Romans 6:1. What bad thinking is Paul addressing here? What is Paul’s main point? 7. What is mercy? 8. What do most people think grace is? 9. What is grace? Who is grace personified? (See Luke 11:5-13.) 10. Why is the Holy Spirit really the answer to all of our problems/prayers? 11. What does 2 Corinthians 12:7-9 tell us about grace? 12. How are justification and sanctification linked? 13. Why is the question, “Can you lose salvation?” not really a good question? What is a more biblical question? (See 2 Corinthians 13:5.) 14. What does Philippians 1:6 tell us? 15. What is “the glorious chain of salvation”?