Bethlehem Community Church

Where do You Get Life?

Bethlehem Community Church

Series: 1 John  -- Sunday, October 7, 2018 -- Sermon Questions 

“WHERE DO YOU GET LIFE"  Where do you try to get life, really?


  1. What is the difference between real life and pseudo life?  (See Hebrews 11:24-25; John 4:4-18; Jeremiah 2:13-14.)



  1. Read 1 John 1:1-4.  Where does John say real life is found?



  1. What does John mean when he says Jesus is “The Word of Life”?  (See 1 John 1:1.)



  1. What does John mean when he says Jesus is “Eternal Life”?  (See John 1:2; John 6:32-38.)



  1. Have you really “tasted” the true Jesus who gives life?



  1. Read 1 John 1:3-4.  What does fellowship mean?  What is John asking you and I as believers to do?  What brings the believer real joy?