Bethlehem Community Church

What do You Love?

Bethlehem Community Church

Sunday, January 13, 2019 -- Sermon Questions


  1. Read 1John 2:15-17.  What does it mean “to leave this world”?


  1. Do you think you love this world (talk about the Billy Graham quote and Keith Green)?


  1. Why should we not love this world (look at 1John 5:19 and Eph. 2:1-2)?


  1. Read James 4:4 and discuss.


  1. Read John 2:16.  What is “the craving for physical pleasure”?  Is this a problem for you?


  1. Read John 2:16.  What is “the craving after all I see”?  Do you struggle with this (read and talk about 1Timothy 6:2-8)?


  1. Read John 2:16.  What is “the pride of achievement and possessions”?  Is this a problem for you?


  1.  Why is it foolish to love this world (see 1John 2:16-17 and talk about Jim Elliot)?


  1. Read 2 Timothy 4:9-10.   What happened to Demas?  Could you be Demas?