Bethlehem Community Church

Are You Great ?

Bethlehem Community Church

Sunday, March 10, 2019 -- Sermon Questions



  1. What does the world think is greatness?  What is greatness to you? What do you think God thinks is greatness?



  1. Read Acts 11:24.  What stands out to you about Barnabas?  What does it mean to be spirit-filled?




  1. Read Acts 4:32-37.  What does this tell us about Barnabas and a spirit-filled person?




  1. Why were the early believers afraid of Paul (see Acts 9:26 and 9:1-2)?  Would you have been afraid or concerned about Paul?




  1. Read Acts 9:27.  What does this tell you about Barnabas?  When have you stood up for someone (i.e., a Christian who was being ostracized or rejected)? Who are you befriending right now and encouraging?




  1. Read Acts 15:36-41.  Who do you think was right – Paul or Barnabas?  Now read 2 Timothy 4:11.  How did John Mark become profitable?



  1.  Do you understand the ministry of multiplication?  Where are your disciples (see Matthew 28:18-20)?  What is a successful life to God?