Sparkle and Thrive

Bonus 1: We talk about the importance of community with Ilaria, one of our beautiful Italian Superstars

November 18, 2019 Joy Foster

Today we are chatting to TechPixies alumni, Ilaria! We’ll find out all about her story.

She started out in publishing and then moved to freelancing to be able to help with her family. After being made redundant, she found TechPixies. What happened next?... You’ll have to listen to the podcast!

What is Illaria's favourite thing about TechPixies? “What I really liked about TechPixies is the sense of community, working in the corporate world was quite a different thing!”

What advice would she give you if you're considering joining the course? "Go for it! You learn lots of things and there’s a team of people behind you who’ll always be there!"

This episode was brought to you by TechPixies Social Media Magic Course. For more information visit

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